伴随信息技术的全球化发展及应用,SAP系统作为全世界排名第一位的ERP企业资源计划系统软件(Enterprise Resource Planning),其依托系统化管理的理论与信息技术,创建信息化管理系统平台,辅助公司制定决策与经营管理。SAP系统的全球化广泛应用,使企业的财务管理水平大幅度增长,也有利于企业财务管理工作的顺利开展。
伴随信息技术的全球化发展及应用,SAP系统作为全世界排名第一位的ERP企业资源计划系统软件(Enterprise Resource Planning),其依托系统化管理的理论与信息技术,创建信息化管理系统平台,辅助公司制定决策与经营管理。SAP系统的全球化广泛应用,使企业的财务管理水平大幅度增长,也有利于企业财务管理工作的顺利开展。
FI 财务会计:集中公司有关会计的所有资料,提供完整的文献和全面的资讯,同时作为企业实行控制和规划的最新基础。
TR 财务管理:一个高效率财务管理完整解决方案,确保公司在世界范围的周转,对财务资产结构实行盈利化组合,并限制风险。
CO 管理会计:公司管理系统中规划与控制工具的完整体系,具有统一的报表系统,协调公司内部处理业务的内容和过程。
EC 企业控制:根据特制的管理资讯,连续监控公司的成功因素和业绩指标。
IM 投资管理:提供投资手段和专案,从规划到结算的综合性管理和处理,包括投资前分析和折旧模拟。
PP 生产计划:提供各种制造类型的全面处理:从重复性生产、订制生产、订装生产,加工制造、批量及订存生产直至过程生产,具有扩展MPRⅡ的功能。另外还可以选择连接PDC、制程控制系统,CAD和PDM。
MM 物料管理:以工作流程为导向的处理功能对所有采购处理最佳化,可自动评估供应商,透过精确的库存和仓储管理降低采购和仓储成本,并与发票核查相整合。
PM 工厂维护:提供对定期维护、检查、耗损维护与服务管理的规划、控制和处理,以确保各操作性系统的可用性。
QM 品质管理:监控、输入和管理整个供应链与品质保证相关的各类处理、协调检查处理、启动校正措施、以及与实验室资讯系统整合。
PS 专案管理:协调和控制专案的各个阶段,直接与采购及控制合作,从报价、设计到批准以及资源管理与结算。
SD 销售与分销:积极支援销售和分销活动,具有出色的定价、订单快速处理、按时交货,交互式多层次可变配置功能,并直接与盈利分析和生产计划模组连接。
HR 人力资源管理:采用涵盖所有人员管理任务和帮助简化与加速处理的整合式应用程式,为公司提供人力资源规划和管理解决方案。
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1. BOOTUP: Launch the Digital Transformation Journey
Identify key stakeholders in the organization.
Conduct deep dive workshop to define the vision, goals and objectives of digital transformation.
Identify a person to lead the transformation program.
Research current and future impact of digital in the relevant industry.
Define preliminary budget.
2. ROLE RESOURCES: Identify Roles and Acquire Essential Resource Required
Create a role of ‘Chief Digital Officer’ who will lead this transformation initiative.
Create a dedicated digital transformation team with clearly defines roles, responsibility and accountability. This should be a cross-functional team.
Identify external partners who will bring in the relevant consulting, professional services or technology expertise.
3. ANALYZE: Analyze the Current State of Organization Digital Maturity
Conduct comprehensive objective analysis of ‘As-Is’ state across organization. The twin parameter which is used to gauge each aspect is ‘Customer Experience Excellence’ and ‘Operation Excellence’.
Analyzing current and future state of business and IT landscape.
Analyze the business architecture for each of the business divisions and departments that have a touch point with IT.
A conceptual view of the business broken down into key functions and processes.
Map business processes and applications, discover overlapping/singleton applications, and discover redundant processes and applications.
IT landscape analysis which comprises applications, data and infrastructure to support business requirements.
4.VALUATE: Valuate and Prioritize to Chart a Transformation Roadmap
Depending on the current status, organizations will fall in one of the four quadrants.
The alternative transformation path available are:
The Outside-In-Path: Focus on new digital touch points with an idea to enhance the customer experience, improve the customer engagement and reaching customers through extended value ecosystem.
The Hybrid Path: Focus on improving efficacy, drive agility and optimize productivity at workplace by Digital enabling processes and employees, and making them available anywhere, anytime.
The Inside-Out Path: Manage parallel enhancement to both, the customer and employee experience to deliver customer experience and organizational efficiency.
Apart from the choice of transformation path, following table can also be used to prioritize the initiatives depending on business goals and objectives:
Based on the above, transformation roadmap should be laid out with time span of 12-15 months with intermediate milestones and with well-defined project timelines. One has to deliver prioritization roadmap for the application portfolio with the key indicators mapped to ROI and business.
Application portfolio will contain short-term to long-term priorities.
5. EXECUTE: Execute the Strategic Transformation Roadmap with Continuous Feedback
The key implementation tracks are as follows:
Create an organization structure with required competencies and clearly defined roles.
Organization structure should be flexible, agile and foster collaboration between different teams.
Establish ownership of programs and initiatives.
Change Management
Well defined periodic communication from senior leadership throughout the organization about the transformation.
Technology CoE (Cost of Operation)
Create CoE for relevant Digital technologies (Cloud, IoT, Big Data, Mobility, Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning etc.) that are being leveraged. As most of these technologies are still new and getting enhanced continuously, a dedicated team doing proof of concept and keeping themselves abreast of latest changes will help in faster implementation.
Digital Business Architecture
Define organization business flow architecture which comprises:
Compelling customer experience, based on previous analysis of customer journeys.
Digitizing and automation of business process.
Digital Platform Technology Architecture
Establish an Enterprise Architecture which should be Extensible for Digital Business Architecture
Break the transformation journey into logical streams and identify detailed requirements and conceptual architecture for each stream.
Compare technical options for each stream, based on identified criteria and recommend a solution.
Establish well defined UI/UX guidelines and style guides.
UI/ UX should be designed and developed for omni-channel. ( mobile, laptop, desktop)
Development Methodologies and DevOps
The wide array of digital technologies at our disposal have created a lot of opportunities, use cases which were not thinkable few years back but are possible now. You are able to simultaneously, create business capabilities: increase operation efficiency, enhance customer engagement, develop new business model, new product on and so on. To leverage the full potential of digital, organizations can rely on their endeavors to achieve the desired goals and yes, braveness backed up by well thought out plan.
Avinash Thakur
Head – Digital Business Consulting, RapidValue
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Digital Transformation Definition:
Digital transformation is a customer-centric reimagination of the future of an enterprise and subsequently rethinking the business model. Reshaping the product/service portfolio, restructuring the processes, re-platforming technologies, reskilling the workforce, and instilling a new culture to get to the end goal.
That definition of what is digital transformation packs a lot of punch. Let’s unpack as to what all that means:
Digital transformation is a business transformation first – encompassing operating model, people, culture, and process.
Digital transformation is a foundational and an invasive endeavor, and it is not just putting some lipstick on a pig.
Real digital transformation involves answering strategic questions such as, “What will my business look like at the end of this journey,” “What is our value-add and justification for existence,” “What do we make, sell, and how to make money.” These are existential questions and not always black and white. For example, what a company makes/creates and how it makes its money may be very different in the digital age.
Digital transformation is more than technology transformation. Technology is just an enabler.
Customer-centric culture, strong leadership, and ability to initiate and manage change are critical success factors to digitalization.
Of course, not every company needs to do all the things and that too all of them at once. Boiling the ocean may be one of the challenges companies face when they proclaim to the analysts and media about a billion-dollar digital transformation. Of course, ultimate it may require a massive investment, but planning, prioritization, sequencing, and phasing are as essential to get quick wins, and then accelerate momentum.
On the other hand, companies that think piecemeal focusing on the surface issues will fail irrespective of how much of a patchwork of solutions they implement. For example, if a company deems poor customer satisfaction as either a fancy portal problem, or an employee training problem, or something else, it is missing the forest for the trees.
“When digital transformation is done right, it’s like a caterpillar turning into a butterfly, but when done wrong, all you have is a really fast caterpillar.”
– George Westerman, MIT
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