
众所周知,Java 原生的序列化方法可以分为两种:

  • 实现 Serializable 接口:可以自定义 writeObject、readObject、writeReplace、readResolve 方法,会通过反射调用。
  • 实现 Externalizable 接口:需要实现 writeExternal 和 readExternal 方法。

实际上,Externalizable接口继承自Serializable接口,但他们的序列化机制是完全不同的:使用Serializable的方式,在反序列化时不会直接调用被序列化对象的构造器,而是先获取被序列化对象对应类的 【自下而上最顶层实现了Serializable的祖先类的超类】【即自上而下连续的最后一个未实现Serizable接口的类】的构造器,然后在此构造器的基础上重新创建一个新的构造器来完成实例化。这句话读起来有些拗口,我们后面分析Serializable反序列化机制时还会详细介绍。而使用Externalizable则是调用一个无参构造方法来实例化,原因如下:

对象反序列化时通过构造函数来实例化对象是很直观的容易理解的方式,而实现Serializable接口的方式在反序列化时却不会直接调用被序列化对象的构造器,JVM为什么要这么做呢?个人认为是为了让一些没有无参构造方法的类也能实现序列化和反序列化(Gson sun.misc.Unsafe.allocateInstance序列化Java对象这篇博文中就讲到,Fastjson和Jackson都无法将没有无参构造方法的类对象反序列化,而Gson底层通过调用Unsafe.allocateInstance方法来反序列化没有无参构造方法的类对象。这才是真正意义上的不使用构造器实现类对象反序列化的机制,后面还会再介绍)。下面通过分析ObjectInputStream的源码来梳理实现Serializable接口的反序列化方式。


public final Object readObject()
        throws IOException, ClassNotFoundException
        if (enableOverride) {
            return readObjectOverride();

        // if nested read, passHandle contains handle of enclosing object
        int outerHandle = passHandle;
        try {
            Object obj = readObject0(false); //实际的实现方法
            handles.markDependency(outerHandle, passHandle);
            ClassNotFoundException ex = handles.lookupException(passHandle);
            if (ex != null) {
                throw ex;
            if (depth == 0) {
            return obj;
        } finally {
            passHandle = outerHandle;
            if (closed && depth == 0) {


     * Underlying readObject implementation.
    private Object readObject0(boolean unshared) throws IOException {
        boolean oldMode = bin.getBlockDataMode();
        if (oldMode) {
            int remain = bin.currentBlockRemaining();
            if (remain > 0) {
                throw new OptionalDataException(remain);
            } else if (defaultDataEnd) {
                 * Fix for 4360508: stream is currently at the end of a field
                 * value block written via default serialization; since there
                 * is no terminating TC_ENDBLOCKDATA tag, simulate
                 * end-of-custom-data behavior explicitly.
                throw new OptionalDataException(true);

        byte tc;          //存储对象类型标志
        while ((tc = bin.peekByte()) == TC_RESET) {

        try {
            switch (tc) {        //按存储对象类型标志分case读取
                case TC_NULL:
                    return readNull();

                case TC_REFERENCE:
                    return readHandle(unshared);

                case TC_CLASS:
                    return readClass(unshared);

                case TC_CLASSDESC:
                case TC_PROXYCLASSDESC:
                    return readClassDesc(unshared);

                case TC_STRING:
                case TC_LONGSTRING:
                    return checkResolve(readString(unshared));

                case TC_ARRAY:      //数组
                    return checkResolve(readArray(unshared));

                case TC_ENUM:        //枚举
                    return checkResolve(readEnum(unshared));

                case TC_OBJECT:            //普通对象
                    return checkResolve(readOrdinaryObject(unshared));

                case TC_EXCEPTION:
                    IOException ex = readFatalException();
                    throw new WriteAbortedException("writing aborted", ex);

                case TC_BLOCKDATA:
                case TC_BLOCKDATALONG:
                    if (oldMode) {
                        bin.peek();             // force header read
                        throw new OptionalDataException(
                    } else {
                        throw new StreamCorruptedException(
                            "unexpected block data");

                case TC_ENDBLOCKDATA:
                    if (oldMode) {
                        throw new OptionalDataException(true);
                    } else {
                        throw new StreamCorruptedException(
                            "unexpected end of block data");

                    throw new StreamCorruptedException(
                        String.format("invalid type code: %02X", tc));
        } finally {


private Object readOrdinaryObject(boolean unshared)
        throws IOException
        if (bin.readByte() != TC_OBJECT) {
            throw new InternalError();

        ObjectStreamClass desc = readClassDesc(false); //1.读取类描述信息

        Class cl = desc.forClass();
        if (cl == String.class || cl == Class.class
                || cl == ObjectStreamClass.class) {
            throw new InvalidClassException("invalid class descriptor");

        Object obj;
        try {
            obj = desc.isInstantiable() ? desc.newInstance() : null;//3.实例化对象
        } catch (Exception ex) {
            throw (IOException) new InvalidClassException(
                "unable to create instance").initCause(ex);

        passHandle = handles.assign(unshared ? unsharedMarker : obj);
        ClassNotFoundException resolveEx = desc.getResolveException();
        if (resolveEx != null) {
            handles.markException(passHandle, resolveEx);

        if (desc.isExternalizable()) {
            readExternalData((Externalizable) obj, desc);  //4.对象赋值
        } else {
            readSerialData(obj, desc);  //4.对象赋值


        if (obj != null &&
            handles.lookupException(passHandle) == null &&
            Object rep = desc.invokeReadResolve(obj);
            if (unshared && rep.getClass().isArray()) {
                rep = cloneArray(rep);
            if (rep != obj) {
                // Filter the replacement object
                if (rep != null) {
                    if (rep.getClass().isArray()) {
                        filterCheck(rep.getClass(), Array.getLength(rep));
                    } else {
                        filterCheck(rep.getClass(), -1);
                handles.setObject(passHandle, obj = rep);

        return obj;


     * Creates a new instance of the represented class.  If the class is
     * externalizable, invokes its public no-arg constructor; otherwise, if the
     * class is serializable, invokes the no-arg constructor of the first
     * non-serializable superclass.  Throws UnsupportedOperationException if
     * this class descriptor is not associated with a class, if the associated
     * class is non-serializable or if the appropriate no-arg constructor is
     * inaccessible/unavailable.
Object newInstance()
        throws InstantiationException, InvocationTargetException,
        if (cons != null) {
            try {
                if (domains == null || domains.length == 0) {
                    return cons.newInstance();    //调用构造器实例化对象
                } else {
                    JavaSecurityAccess jsa = SharedSecrets.getJavaSecurityAccess();
                    PrivilegedAction pea = () -> {
                        try {
                            return cons.newInstance();
                        } catch (InstantiationException
                                 | InvocationTargetException
                                 | IllegalAccessException x) {
                            throw new UndeclaredThrowableException(x);
                    }; // Can't use PrivilegedExceptionAction with jsa
                    try {
                        return jsa.doIntersectionPrivilege(pea,
                                   new AccessControlContext(domains));
                    } catch (UndeclaredThrowableException x) {
                        Throwable cause = x.getCause();
                        if (cause instanceof InstantiationException)
                            throw (InstantiationException) cause;
                        if (cause instanceof InvocationTargetException)
                            throw (InvocationTargetException) cause;
                        if (cause instanceof IllegalAccessException)
                            throw (IllegalAccessException) cause;
                        // not supposed to happen
                        throw x;
            } catch (IllegalAccessException ex) {
                // should not occur, as access checks have been suppressed
                throw new InternalError(ex);
        } else {//构造器为空则抛异常,反序列化失败
            throw new UnsupportedOperationException();


到这里我们可以确认的是,实现Serializable接口的方式反序列化本质上同样是利用构造器来完成的实例化。而为了证实代码注释中所说的事实,我们需要回过头去看第一步中读取类描述信息的readClassDesc(boolean unshared)方法:

private ObjectStreamClass readClassDesc(boolean unshared)
        throws IOException
        byte tc = bin.peekByte();
        ObjectStreamClass descriptor;
        switch (tc) {
            case TC_NULL:
                descriptor = (ObjectStreamClass) readNull();
            case TC_REFERENCE:
                descriptor = (ObjectStreamClass) readHandle(unshared);
            case TC_PROXYCLASSDESC:
                descriptor = readProxyDesc(unshared);//读取代理类描述信息
            case TC_CLASSDESC:
                descriptor = readNonProxyDesc(unshared);//读取非代理类描述信息
                throw new StreamCorruptedException(
                    String.format("invalid type code: %02X", tc));
        if (descriptor != null) {
        return descriptor;


private ObjectStreamClass readNonProxyDesc(boolean unshared)
        throws IOException
        if (bin.readByte() != TC_CLASSDESC) {
            throw new InternalError();

        ObjectStreamClass desc = new ObjectStreamClass();
        int descHandle = handles.assign(unshared ? unsharedMarker : desc);
        passHandle = NULL_HANDLE;

        ObjectStreamClass readDesc = null;
        try {
            readDesc = readClassDescriptor();
        } catch (ClassNotFoundException ex) {
            throw (IOException) new InvalidClassException(
                "failed to read class descriptor").initCause(ex);

        Class cl = null;
        ClassNotFoundException resolveEx = null;
        final boolean checksRequired = isCustomSubclass();
        try {
            if ((cl = resolveClass(readDesc)) == null) {
                resolveEx = new ClassNotFoundException("null class");
            } else if (checksRequired) {
        } catch (ClassNotFoundException ex) {
            resolveEx = ex;

        // Call filterCheck on the class before reading anything else
        filterCheck(cl, -1);


        try {
            desc.initNonProxy(readDesc, cl, resolveEx, readClassDesc(false));//初始化非代理类描述对象
        } finally {

        passHandle = descHandle;

        return desc;

我们接着看initNonProxy(ObjectStreamClass model, Class cl, ClassNotFoundException resolveEx, ObjectStreamClass superDesc)方法:

void initNonProxy(ObjectStreamClass model,
                      Class cl,
                      ClassNotFoundException resolveEx,
                      ObjectStreamClass superDesc)
        throws InvalidClassException
        long suid = Long.valueOf(model.getSerialVersionUID());
        ObjectStreamClass osc = null;
        if (cl != null) {
            osc = lookup(cl, true);  //查找并返回非代理类描述对象
            if (osc.isProxy) {
                throw new InvalidClassException(
                        "cannot bind non-proxy descriptor to a proxy class");
            if (model.isEnum != osc.isEnum) {
                throw new InvalidClassException(model.isEnum ?
                        "cannot bind enum descriptor to a non-enum class" :
                        "cannot bind non-enum descriptor to an enum class");

            if (model.serializable == osc.serializable &&
                    !cl.isArray() &&
                    suid != osc.getSerialVersionUID()) {
                throw new InvalidClassException(,
                        "local class incompatible: " +
                                "stream classdesc serialVersionUID = " + suid +
                                ", local class serialVersionUID = " +

            if (!classNamesEqual(, {
                throw new InvalidClassException(,
                        "local class name incompatible with stream class " +
                                "name \"" + + "\"");

            if (!model.isEnum) {
                if ((model.serializable == osc.serializable) &&
                        (model.externalizable != osc.externalizable)) {//一个类不能同时实现serializable和externalizable
                    throw new InvalidClassException(,
                            "Serializable incompatible with Externalizable");

                if ((model.serializable != osc.serializable) ||
                        (model.externalizable != osc.externalizable) ||
                        !(model.serializable || model.externalizable)) {//如果一个类既没实现serializable,也没实现externalizable,则给该类的描述对象的成员变量deserializeEx赋值,该值不为空则标志该类不能反序列化
                    deserializeEx = new ExceptionInfo(
                  , "class invalid for deserialization");
        } = cl;
        this.resolveEx = resolveEx;
        this.superDesc = superDesc;
        name =;
        this.suid = suid;
        isProxy = false;
        isEnum = model.isEnum;
        serializable = model.serializable;
        externalizable = model.externalizable;
        hasBlockExternalData = model.hasBlockExternalData;
        hasWriteObjectData = model.hasWriteObjectData;
        fields = model.fields;
        primDataSize = model.primDataSize;
        numObjFields = model.numObjFields;

        if (osc != null) {
            localDesc = osc;
            writeObjectMethod = localDesc.writeObjectMethod;
            readObjectMethod = localDesc.readObjectMethod;
            readObjectNoDataMethod = localDesc.readObjectNoDataMethod;
            writeReplaceMethod = localDesc.writeReplaceMethod;
            readResolveMethod = localDesc.readResolveMethod;
            if (deserializeEx == null) {
                deserializeEx = localDesc.deserializeEx;
            domains =;
            cons = localDesc.cons;

        fieldRefl = getReflector(fields, localDesc);
        // reassign to matched fields so as to reflect local unshared settings
        fields = fieldRefl.getFields();
        initialized = true;

我们接着看lookup(Class cl, boolean all)方法:

static ObjectStreamClass lookup(Class cl, boolean all) {
        if (!(all || Serializable.class.isAssignableFrom(cl))) {
            return null;
        processQueue(Caches.localDescsQueue, Caches.localDescs);
        WeakClassKey key = new WeakClassKey(cl, Caches.localDescsQueue);
        Reference ref = Caches.localDescs.get(key);
        Object entry = null;
        if (ref != null) {
            entry = ref.get();
        EntryFuture future = null;
        if (entry == null) {
            EntryFuture newEntry = new EntryFuture();
            Reference newRef = new SoftReference<>(newEntry);
            do {
                if (ref != null) {
                    Caches.localDescs.remove(key, ref);
                ref = Caches.localDescs.putIfAbsent(key, newRef);
                if (ref != null) {
                    entry = ref.get();
            } while (ref != null && entry == null);
            if (entry == null) {
                future = newEntry;

        if (entry instanceof ObjectStreamClass) {  // check common case first
            return (ObjectStreamClass) entry;
        if (entry instanceof EntryFuture) {
            future = (EntryFuture) entry;
            if (future.getOwner() == Thread.currentThread()) {
                 * Handle nested call situation described by 4803747: waiting
                 * for future value to be set by a lookup() call further up the
                 * stack will result in deadlock, so calculate and set the
                 * future value here instead.
                entry = null;
            } else {
                entry = future.get();
        if (entry == null) {
            try {
                entry = new ObjectStreamClass(cl); //1.实例化类描述对象
            } catch (Throwable th) {
                entry = th;
            if (future.set(entry)) {
                Caches.localDescs.put(key, new SoftReference(entry));
            } else {
                // nested lookup call already set future
                entry = future.get();

        if (entry instanceof ObjectStreamClass) {
            return (ObjectStreamClass) entry;     //2.返回类描述对象
        } else if (entry instanceof RuntimeException) {
            throw (RuntimeException) entry;
        } else if (entry instanceof Error) {
            throw (Error) entry;
        } else {
            throw new InternalError("unexpected entry: " + entry);

在上述代码中,先调用构造函数实例化反序列化对象的类描述对象,并返回。我们来看类描述对象的构造函数ObjectStreamClass(final Class cl):

private ObjectStreamClass(final Class cl) { = cl;
        name = cl.getName();
        isProxy = Proxy.isProxyClass(cl);
        isEnum = Enum.class.isAssignableFrom(cl);
        serializable = Serializable.class.isAssignableFrom(cl);
        externalizable = Externalizable.class.isAssignableFrom(cl);

        Class superCl = cl.getSuperclass();
        superDesc = (superCl != null) ? lookup(superCl, false) : null;
        localDesc = this;

        if (serializable) {
            AccessController.doPrivileged(new PrivilegedAction() {
                public Void run() {
                    if (isEnum) {
                        suid = Long.valueOf(0);
                        fields = NO_FIELDS;
                        return null;
                    if (cl.isArray()) {
                        fields = NO_FIELDS;
                        return null;

                    suid = getDeclaredSUID(cl);
                    try {
                        fields = getSerialFields(cl);
                    } catch (InvalidClassException e) {
                        serializeEx = deserializeEx =
                            new ExceptionInfo(e.classname, e.getMessage());
                        fields = NO_FIELDS;

                    if (externalizable) {
                        cons = getExternalizableConstructor(cl);//获取Externalizable方式的构造器
                    } else {
                        cons = getSerializableConstructor(cl);  //获取Serilizable机制的构造器
                        writeObjectMethod = getPrivateMethod(cl, "writeObject",
                            new Class[] { ObjectOutputStream.class },
                        readObjectMethod = getPrivateMethod(cl, "readObject",
                            new Class[] { ObjectInputStream.class },
                        readObjectNoDataMethod = getPrivateMethod(
                            cl, "readObjectNoData", null, Void.TYPE);
                        hasWriteObjectData = (writeObjectMethod != null);
                    domains = getProtectionDomains(cons, cl);
                    writeReplaceMethod = getInheritableMethod(
                        cl, "writeReplace", null, Object.class);
                    readResolveMethod = getInheritableMethod(
                        cl, "readResolve", null, Object.class);
                    return null;
        } else {
            suid = Long.valueOf(0);
            fields = NO_FIELDS;

        try {
            fieldRefl = getReflector(fields, this);
        } catch (InvalidClassException ex) {
            // field mismatches impossible when matching local fields vs. self
            throw new InternalError(ex);

        if (deserializeEx == null) {
            if (isEnum) {
                deserializeEx = new ExceptionInfo(name, "enum type");
            } else if (cons == null) {
                deserializeEx = new ExceptionInfo(name, "no valid constructor");
        for (int i = 0; i < fields.length; i++) {
            if (fields[i].getField() == null) {
                defaultSerializeEx = new ExceptionInfo(
                    name, "unmatched serializable field(s) declared");
        initialized = true;

我们重点看下获取Serializable机制的构造器方法getSerializableConstructor(Class cl):

private static Constructor getSerializableConstructor(Class cl) {
        Class initCl = cl;
        while (Serializable.class.isAssignableFrom(initCl)) {//1.自底向上查找反序列化类的父类中第一个没有继承Serializable的类
            Class prev = initCl;
            if ((initCl = initCl.getSuperclass()) == null ||
                (!disableSerialConstructorChecks && !superHasAccessibleConstructor(prev))) {
                return null;
        try {
            Constructor cons = initCl.getDeclaredConstructor((Class[]) null);  //2.获取父类中第一个没有继承Serializable的类的无参构造器,如果父类没有无参构造器则抛异常
            int mods = cons.getModifiers();
            if ((mods & Modifier.PRIVATE) != 0 ||
                ((mods & (Modifier.PUBLIC | Modifier.PROTECTED)) == 0 &&
                 !packageEquals(cl, initCl)))
                return null;
            cons = reflFactory.newConstructorForSerialization(cl, cons);//3.基于父类中第一个没有继承Serializable的类的构造器产生一个新的构造器
            return cons;
        } catch (NoSuchMethodException ex) {
            return null;//父类没有无参构造器则返回null,最终会导致类实例化失败


public Constructor newConstructorForSerialization(Class var1, Constructor var2) {
        return var2.getDeclaringClass() == var1 ? var2 : this.generateConstructor(var1, var2);

实际上,上述三元表达式中var2.getDeclaringClass() == var1标志着当前类没有实现Serializable接口,不在正常情况的考虑范围,因而我们重点看generateConstructor(Class var1, Constructor var2)方法:

private final Constructor generateConstructor(Class var1, Constructor var2) {
        SerializationConstructorAccessorImpl var3 = (new MethodAccessorGenerator()).generateSerializationConstructor(var1, var2.getParameterTypes(), var2.getExceptionTypes(), var2.getModifiers(), var2.getDeclaringClass());
        Constructor var4 = this.newConstructor(var2.getDeclaringClass(), var2.getParameterTypes(), var2.getExceptionTypes(), var2.getModifiers(), langReflectAccess().getConstructorSlot(var2), langReflectAccess().getConstructorSignature(var2), langReflectAccess().getConstructorAnnotations(var2), langReflectAccess().getConstructorParameterAnnotations(var2));
        this.setConstructorAccessor(var4, var3);
        return var4;




Java 原生的序列化方法可以分为两种,即

  • 实现 Serializable 接口:可以自定义 writeObject、readObject、writeReplace、readResolve 方法,会通过反射调用。
  • 实现 Externalizable 接口:需要实现 writeExternal 和 readExternal 方法。

两者的序列化机制是完全不同的:使用Serializable的方式,在反序列化时不会直接调用被序列化对象的构造器,而是先获取被序列化对象对应类的 【自下而上最顶层实现了Serializable的祖先类的超类】【即自上而下连续的最后一个未实现Serizable接口的类】的构造器,然后在此构造器的基础上重新创建一个新的构造器来完成实例化。而使用Externalizable是通过调用一个无参构造方法来实例化。

本质上两种方式都是使用类构造器来完成实例化,相对于Externalizable必须要求类实现无参构造器,Serializable放开了这一限制,在一定程度上适用性强于Externalizable,但仍然要求其未实现Serializable接口的父类一定要实现无参构造器,否则还是无法反序列化。另一方面,实现 Externalizable 接口能带来较大的时间及空间的性能提升(相比于Serializable需要构造新的构造器等复杂逻辑,具体参见几种序列化协议的介绍),但由于实现 Externalizable 接口导致了编程复杂度的增加,所以大部分时候都是采用实现 Serializable 接口方式来实现序列化。



1、 【Java深入】序列化详解

2、  Java 学习之路 之 对象序列化(六十九)

3、   Java 序列化和反序列化(一)Serializable 使用场景

4、  java 通过Unsafe不使用构造器直接创建对象

5、  Gson sun.misc.Unsafe.allocateInstance序列化Java对象

6、  不通过构造函数也能创建对象吗?

7、  序列化和反序列化的底层实现原理是什么?

8、 JAVA对象流序列化时的readObject,writeObject,readResolve是怎么被调用的

9、  JDK中反序列化对象的过程(ObjectInputStream#readObject)

10、  深入理解sun.misc.Unsafe原理

11、 一篇看懂Java中的Unsafe类

12、  创建对像实例的5种方式

13、  不调用给定类的构造方法创建给定类的对象   包含序列化字节示例

14、 源码分析:Java对象的内存分配

15、   java构造器的深入理解

16、 Java构造器(定义,作用,原理)

17、  几种序列化协议的介绍   有各种协议的时间及空间性能对比

18、 Java序列化机制原理
