Android O中使用FileProvider的一个小变化

在Android O中遇到一个比较有意思的bug,大概描述为:应用A中需要打开一张图片,这时候选择机器中图库或者是谷歌自带的相册都会出现黑屏现象。

10-23 17:16:58.781   812  2012 W ActivityManager: For security reasons, the system cannot issue a Uri permission grant to content:// [user 0]; use startActivityAsCaller() instead


在  (AMS) 中的checkGrantUriPermissionLocked()方 法内的如下代码块中打印的:


// Bail early if system is trying to hand out permissions directly; it

       // must always grant permissions on behalf of someone explicit.

       finalint callingAppId=UserHandle.getAppId(callingUid);

       if((callingAppId== SYSTEM_UID)||(callingAppId== ROOT_UID)){


               // Exempted authority for cropping user photos in Settings app


               Slog.w(TAG,"For security reasons, the system cannot issue a Uri permission"

                       +" grant to "+ grantUri+"; use startActivityAsCaller() instead");





从代码来看,如果APP是root用户,或者具有系统级权限(例如:设置了 android:sharedUserId="android.uid.system" 属 性),并且提供的Uri的authority不是“” 时,就会打印上述warning的log.

而应用A设置了 android:sharedUserId="android.uid.system" 属性,这样就相当于应用A的UID就是SYSTEM_UID,又它的的authority不是“”,故会返回-1,显示成黑屏。


if 的这个判断只是针对,且看其中的注释 // Exempted authority for cropping user photos in Settings app: 为了Settings app中裁剪用户photos来豁免授权  。




// Bail early if system is trying to hand out permissions directly; it
        // must always grant permissions on behalf of someone explicit.
        final int callingAppId = UserHandle.getAppId(callingUid);
        if ((callingAppId == SYSTEM_UID) || (callingAppId == ROOT_UID)) {
            if ("".equals(grantUri.uri.getAuthority())) {
                // Exempted authority for cropping user photos in Settings app
            //Add-BEGIN by mengqin.zhang
            } else if ("".equals(grantUri.uri.getAuthority())) {
                // Exempted authority for user to open photos in A app
            } else {
                Slog.w(TAG, "For security reasons, the system cannot issue a Uri permission"
                        + " grant to " + grantUri + "; use startActivityAsCaller() instead");
                return -1;

在Android N中是不存在这个问题的,虽然只是从N到O,但是还是有很多细节地方做了修改,故还是要认真分析代码。




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