Building a Process Model-Copying an Existing Model


Building a Process Model-Copying an Existing Model_第1张图片


Building a Process Model-Copying an Existing Model_第2张图片


Building a Process Model-Copying an Existing Model_第3张图片


| 选项卡| |
| ------------- |:-------------:| :-----:|
| Manipulated(操作) | 列出了模型中所有使用的MVs。|
| Measured Disturbance(可测量扰动) | 列出了模型中所有使用的DVs。|
| Unmeasured Disturbance(不可测量扰动)| 列出了模型中所有使用的UNMs。|
| Process Output(过程输出) | 列出了模型中所有使用的POVs。|
| Modifiable Gain(可修改的增益)| 列出了模型中所有模型块的可修改增益。|
| 字段 | |
| Port(端口)| 列出了变量的端口号(GMB)。|
| Name(名称) | 列出了给定的变量名称。|
| Description(描述)| 列出了变量的描述。|
| Transform(转换)| 表示了相应变量是否具有相关联的变换。(此字段仅适用于MVs,DVs和POVs)|
| 径向按钮 | |
| Sort By(排序方式)| 这些按钮选择通过端口号或名称进行排序。如果变量是按照名称进行排序,“Up, Down, Top和Bottom” 按钮将被禁用。另一个需要注意的点是,若根据名称的排序被选中,可以通过双击来改变变量端口。|
| 按钮 |
| Up(向上)| 将选定变量上移一个位置,端口号随之改变。|
| Down(向下) | 将选定变量下移一个位置,端口号随之改变。|
| Top(顶部)| 将选定变量移至列表顶部。端口号随之改变。|
| Bottom(底部)| 将选定变量移至列表底部。端口号随之改变。|
| 按启动GMB模型编辑器| 在一个单独窗口启动图形模型构建器。|

Copying an Existing Model
You can use an existing model as a template for a new model. After highlighting the source model in the Models window and clicking the Copy button, this dialog opens:

  1. A default name is displayed for the model. Again, you can enter a different name.
  2. After clicking the OK button, the new model is created and its name appears in the model list.
    NOTE: The copied model is always a simulation model.
    Renaming an Existing Model
    You can rename an existing model by highlighting it and clicking the Rename button. The following dialog opens
  3. The current name of the model is displayed.
  4. After entering a new name and clicking the OK button, the new name of the model is recorded.
    Selecting a Model
    To edit or modify an existing model, highlight it in the list and click Select button. The model overview window opens
    Models Overview (GMB Rename & Reorder) Window Tabs, Fields and Buttons

| Tabs| |
| ------------- |:-------------:| :-----:|
| Manipulated| Lists all the MVs used in the model.
| Measured Disturbance| Lists all the DVs used in the model.
| Unmeasured Disturbance| Lists all the UNMs used in the model.
| Process Output | Lists all the POVs used in the model
| Modifiable Gain | Lists all the model blocks with modifiable gains in the model.
| Fields | |
| Port| List the port number (GMB) of the variables.
| Name | Lists the given variable names.
| Description| Lists the descriptions of the variables.
| Transform| Indicates whether the corresponding variable has a transform associated with it. (This field is only applicable for MVs, DVs and POVs)
| Radial Buttons| |
| Sort By | These buttons select to sort the variables by either port number or name. When the variables are sorted by name, the “Up, Down, Top and Bottom” buttons are disabled. Another feature is that when sorting by name is selected, the user can change a variable’s port number by double-clicking on it.
| Buttons | |
| Up| Moves the selected variable up one position and the port number changes accordingly.
| Down | Moves the selected variable down one position and the port number changes accordingly.
| Top| Move the selected variable to the top of the list. The port number changes accordingly.
| Bottom| Moves the selected variable to the bottom of the list. The port number changes accordingly.
| Press to Launch GMB Model Editor| Launches the Graphical Model Builder in a separate window.


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