【RGB与BGR转换问题】Numpy / OpenCV image BGR to RGB

本文描述了RGB / GRB /BGR之间的转换,以及使用python读/写 音/视频的实例操作


Generally, any/all image that we get can be described by @:
@ = W e i g h t ∗ H e i g h t ∗ C h a n n e l @=Weight*Height*Channel @=WeightHeightChannel
Specifically, Conversion between any/all of BGR, RGB, and GBR may be necessary when working with:

  • Matplotlib
    pyplot.imshow(): M x N x 3 image, where last dimension is RGB.
  • OpenCV
    cv2.imshow(): M x N x 3 image, where last dimension is BGR
  • Scientific Cameras
    some output M X N x 3 image, where last dimension is GBR
    Python BGR to RGB code: RGB_BGR_GBR_conv.py


  • BGR to RGB(OpenCV image to Matplotlib)
    rgb = bgr[...,::-1]
  • RGB to BGR(Matplotlib image to OpenCV)
    bgr = rgb[...,::-1]
  • RGB to GBR
    gbr = rgb[...,[2,0,1]]
  • Axis order for Python images
    3-D: W x H x 3, where the last axis is color (e.g. RGB)
    4-D: W x H x 3 x 1, where the last axis is typically an alpha channel


Python Image and Video Read/Write Examples:https://github.com/scivision/pyimagevideo/
