React-Native 常见错误及其原因

1.invariant violation:expected a component class,got[object object]


    2.Module 0 is not a registered callable module.

       将gradle升级成最新版本(cd android 进入android目录执行:sudo ./gradlew clean

        或者通过android studio工具升级.$BadTokenException: Unable to add window -- token null is not valid; is your activity running?

       该错误属于安卓Native的错误,如果引用的Activity不存在或者已经销毁,再次引用就会报该错误,如果是react native 调用原生控件的话,创建控件需要引用getCurrentActivity() cannot be cast to com.facebook.react.ReactApplication

        需要将创建的MainApplication在 AndroidManifest.xml配置好.

  5.Element type is invalid: expected a string (for built-in components) or a class/function but got: object
   发生原生一般是你引用了无效的组件,如果组件确实正确,看下引用的组件是否正常导出:(export defalut)

  6.react native  undefined is not an object (evaluating this....


    7.react native - expected a component class, got [object Object]


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