



  • TextView displays a formatted text label
  • ImageView displays an image resource
  • Button can be clicked to perform an action
  • ImageButton displays a clickable image
  • EditText is an editable text field for user input
  • ListView is a scrollable list of items containing other views

View Identifiers


View Height and Width

  android:layout_height="wrap_content" />


This can take the form of wrap_content (adjust height and width to the content size), match_parent (adjust height and width to the full size of the parent container), and a dimensions value such as 120dp. This can be changed at runtime in a number of ways:

// Change the width or height
int newInPixels = 50;
view.setLayoutParams(new LayoutParams(newInPixels, newInPixels));
// Trigger invalidation of the view to force adjustment

Or we can change just the width or height individually:

int newDimensionInPixels = 50;
view.getLayoutParams().width = newDimensionInPixels;
view.getLayoutParams().height = newDimensionInPixels;
// Trigger invalidation of the view to force adjustment

We can also set these dimensions in dp rather than pixels with:

int newDimensionInPixels = 50;
// convert to 50dp
int dimensionInDp = (int) TypedValue.applyDimension(TypedValue.COMPLEX_UNIT_DIP, newDimensionInPixels, 
view.getLayoutParams().width = newDimensionInPixels;
view.getLayoutParams().height = dimensionInDp;
// Trigger invalidation of the view to force adjustment

  • Layout Margin defines the amount of space around the outside of a view
  • Padding defines the amount of space around the contents or children of a view.

  • gravity determines the direction that the contents of a view will align (like CSS text-align).
  • layout_gravity determines the direction of the view within it's parent (like CSS float).

Attribute Description Example Value
android:background Background for the view #ffffff
android:onClick Method to invoke when clicked onButtonClicked
android:visibility Controls how view appears invisible
android:hint Hint text to display when empty @string/hint
android:text Text to display in view @string/foo
android:textColor Color of the text #000000
android:textSize Size of the text 21sp
android:textStyle Style of the text formatting bold
