TLA+ 术语解释及中文翻译


  • state 状态
    A state is an assignment of values to variables.

  • state function 状态函数
    A state function is an ordinary expression (one with no ′ ' or □ \square ) that can contain variables and constants.
    一个状态函数就是一个普通的表达式,包含变量和常量,但不包含 ′ ' □ \square 操作符.

  • state predicate 状态谓词
    A state predicate is a Boolean-valued state function:

  • step 步骤
    A pair of successive states, is called a step

  • action 动作
    An ordinary mathematical formula, except that it contains primed as well as unprimed variables, is called an action. An action is true or false of a step, a step that satisfies the action A is called an A step.
    一个动作是一个普通数学公式,同时包含 ′ ' 和非 ′ ' 的变量,它表征一个步骤的真假,一个满足公式A的步骤叫做A步骤.

  • behavior 行为
    A behavior is an infinite sequence of states:

  • specification 规约
    A TLA+ specification is an abstraction of the system, choosing the variables that represent the system’s state and the granularity of the steps that change those variables’values.
