in the end,at the end, at an end的用法区别

in the end,最终,after all,at last, finally, ultimately
at the end,末端; 尽头,extreme limit
at an end,结束,终结,finished

in the end 更加抽象,一件事情,一个时期的最后。
牛津例句:In the end, they decided to spend the holiday at home
牛津例句:He tried many different jobs; in the end he became a postman.

at the end 更加具体,地方的尽头,时间的尽头,电影的结束
比如: the house at the end of the street, at the end of the day, month, year
牛津例句:Turn into Hope Street and our house is right at the end

at an end,搭配be动词使用
牛津例句:The war was at an end. 战争结束了。
