

By default, omnibus-gitlab stores Git repository data under /var/opt/gitlab/git-data: repositories are stored in /var/opt/gitlab/git-data/repositories, and satellites in /var/opt/gitlab/git-data/gitlab-satellites. You can change the location of the git-data parent directory by adding the following line to /etc/gitlab/gitlab.rb.

ruby git_data_dir “/mnt/nas/git-data”

Run sudo gitlab-ctl reconfigure for the change to take effect.

If you already have existing Git repositories in /var/opt/gitlab/git-data you can move them to the new location as follows:

# Prevent users from writing to the repositories while you move them.
sudo gitlab-ctl stop

# Only move ‘repositories’; ‘gitlab-satellites’ will be recreated
# automatically. Note there is no slash behind ‘repositories’, but there is a
# slash behind ‘git-data’.
sudo rsync -av /var/opt/gitlab/git-data/repositories /mnt/nas/git-data/

# Fix permissions if necessary
sudo gitlab-ctl reconfigure

# Double-check directory layout in /mnt/nas/git-data. Expected output:
# gitlab-satellites repositories
sudo ls /mnt/nas/git-data/

# Done! Start GitLab and verify that you can browse through the repositories in
# the web interface.
sudo gitlab-ctl start
