#includeint pthread_join( pthread_t thread, //thread to join void **value_ptr //store value returned by thread );
这个函数将阻塞调用线程,直到目标线程thread终止。当value_ptr非空时,其中将包含着由thread线程返回的信息。在我们的文章POSIX线程参数传递 | Pthreads argument passing中看到了如何使用pthread_join()函数。被释放的内存空间仅仅是系统空间,你必须手动清除程序分配的空间,比如 malloc() 分配的空间。一个线程只能被一个线程所连接,被连接的线程必须是非分离的,否则连接会出错。所以可以看出pthread_join()有两种作用:
1.用于等待其他线程结束:当调用 pthread_join() 时,当前线程会处于阻塞状态,直到被调用的线程结束后,当前线程才会重新开始执行。
2.对线程的资源进行回收:如果一个线程是非分离的(默认情况下创建的线程都是非分离)并且没有对该线程使用 pthread_join() 的话,该线程结束后并不会释放其内存空间,这会导致该线程变成了“僵尸线程”。
一个线程在我们连接(join)它之前可能就已经终止了。结果是,当一个线程是可连接时,POSIX线程系统必须保持、维护某些信息:至少是该线程的ID和返回值(the returned value)[1]。的确,正在等待连接该线程的线程是需要这些信息的。
- 线程ID,线程属性,起始入口函数,参数及返回值;
- 线程的调度策略和优先级;
- 信号掩码,备用信号栈;
- 用于取消、清理缓存的标志;
- 用于线程私有数据的键;
- 错误编号;
- ... ...
让我们称线程的这种管理存储为线程控制块(the Thread Control Block, TCB)。一种常见的技术是一次性分配堆栈和TCB(比如使用单次mmap()调用),并把TCB放在栈的开始位置处[2]。
- 在线程的创建期间,采用detachstate线程属性
- 在任何线程处调用pthread_detach()函数
#includeint pthread_detach( pthread_t thread //thread to detach );
函数pthread_detach()可以被任何线程调用,特别是从线程内分离(即自家线程调用,通过pthread_self() API可以获得它自己的线程ID)。
#include# pthread_t tid; // thread ID pthread_attr_t attr; // thread attribute # // set thread detachstate attribute to DETACHED pthread_attr_init(&attr); pthread_attr_setdetachstate(&attr, PTHREAD_CREATE_DETACHED); # // create the thread pthread_create(&tid, &attr, start_routine, arg); ...
/*------------------------------- join_01.c --------------------------------* On Linux, compile with: cc -std=c99 -pthread join_01.c -o join_01 # Check your system documentation how to enable C99 and POSIX threads on other Un*x systems. # Copyright Loic Domaigne. Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0. *--------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ # #include// sleep() #include #include #include // EXIT_SUCCESS #include <string.h> // strerror() #include # /***************************************************************************/ /* our macro for errors checking */ /***************************************************************************/ #define COND_CHECK(func, cond, retv, errv) \ if ( (cond) ) \ { \ fprintf(stderr, "\n[CHECK FAILED at %s:%d]\n| %s(...)=%d (%s)\n\n",\ __FILE__,__LINE__,func,retv,strerror(errv)); \ exit(EXIT_FAILURE); \ } # #define ErrnoCheck(func,cond,retv) COND_CHECK(func, cond, retv, errno) #define PthreadCheck(func,rc) COND_CHECK(func,(rc!=0), rc, rc) # /*****************************************************************************/ /* thread- dummy thread */ /*****************************************************************************/ void* thread(void* ignore) { sleep(1); return NULL; } # /*****************************************************************************/ /* detach_state. Print detachstate of a thread. */ /*****************************************************************************/ /* * We find out indirectly if a thread is detached using pthread_join(). * If a thread is detached, then pthread_join() fails with EINVAL. * Otherwise the thread is joined, and hence was joinable. * */ void detach_state( pthread_t tid, // thread to check detach status const char *tname // thread name ) { int rc; // return code # rc = pthread_join(tid, NULL); if ( rc==EINVAL ) { printf("%s is detached\n", tname); } else if ( rc==0 ) { printf("%s was joinable\n", tname); } else { printf("%s: pthread_join() = %d (%s)\n", tname, rc, strerror(rc) ); } } # /*****************************************************************************/ /* main- main thread */ /*****************************************************************************/ int main() { pthread_t tid1, tid2, tid3; // thread 1,2 and 3. pthread_attr_t attr; // thread's attribute int rc; // return code # /*--------------------------------------------------------*/ /* 1st test: normal thread creation */ /*--------------------------------------------------------*/ rc = pthread_create(&tid1, NULL, thread, NULL); PthreadCheck("pthread_create", rc); detach_state(tid1, "thread1"); // expect: joinable # /*--------------------------------------------------------*/ /* 2nd test: detach thread from main thread */ /*--------------------------------------------------------*/ rc = pthread_create(&tid2, NULL, thread, NULL); PthreadCheck("pthread_create", rc); rc = pthread_detach(tid2); PthreadCheck("pthread_detach", rc); detach_state(tid2, "thread2"); // expect: detached # /*--------------------------------------------------------*/ /* 3rd test: create detached thread */ /*--------------------------------------------------------*/ # // set detachstate attribute to DETACHED // rc=pthread_attr_init(&attr); PthreadCheck("pthread_attr_init", rc); rc=pthread_attr_setdetachstate(&attr, PTHREAD_CREATE_DETACHED); PthreadCheck("pthread_attr_setdetachstate", rc); # // create thread now // rc = pthread_create(&tid3, &attr, thread, NULL); PthreadCheck("pthread_create", rc); detach_state(tid3, "thread3"); # /*--------------------------------------------------------*/ /* that's all folks! */ /*--------------------------------------------------------*/ return EXIT_SUCCESS; }
- 不要连接一个已经被连接的线程;(注:已连接的线程栈空间已被收回,再次连接将得不到可连接线程的信息)
- 不要连接一个分离线程;(注:连接操作只可用于可连接的线程,因为分离线程栈空间的收回是由系统内部来做的)
- 如果你分离一个线程,你不能“重连接”它;(注:调用pthread_detach()后,可连接线程的栈空间已被收回,无法再恢复)
Notes and further Reading
- [1] pthread & detach. A post on c.p.t. where Patrick TJ MacPhee explains that (in theory) only the thread ID and returned value should be retained.
- [2] pthread_join and thread stack. A post on c.p.t. where Paul Pluzhnikov explains why the stack is held until the thread is joined.
- The main thread. Article where we discuss the special semantic of the main thread.
- Pthreads argument passing. Article where we discuss how to pass arguments between threads.
- David R. Butenhof: Programming with POSIX Threads, Addison-Wesley, ISBN-13 978-0-201-63392-4. See in particular Section 2.1, pp 35-39 and section 5.2.3, pp 138-141.