【Level 09】U1 The way I see it L3 At your service


  • Word Preparation
    • complaint: 投诉,不满
    • hand: 把某物给某人
    • customer service: 客户服务
    • take issue: 不同意,持异议
    • make every effort: 尽一切努力
    • make up for sth: 弥补(损失)
  • Grammar
    • so that引导结果状语从句

Word Preparation

complaint: 投诉,不满

a statement in which someone says that something is wrong or not satisfactory

This restaurant never gets any complaints from customers.

Lisa made a complaint to the manager of the store.

hand: 把某物给某人

to give something to someone

Please hand your homework to the person in front of you.

He handed a book to the little girl and let her read it.

customer service: 客户服务

help or assistance given by staff members

I don’t like going to stores with poor customer service.

There are many things we can do to improve the customer service.

take issue: 不同意,持异议

to disagree

James takes issue with the school’s method of teaching students.

If anyone takes issue with our plan, we can discuss with them.

make every effort: 尽一切努力

to do everything you can

We need to make every effort to make people feel welcome here.

Christina made every effort to do well in all of her homework.

make up for sth: 弥补(损失)

to compensate something bad with something good

He bought me a dinner to make up for being so late the day before.

Her husband bought her a bunch of flowers to make up for quarreling with her the day before.


so that引导结果状语从句

so that不仅可以引导目的状语从句,还可以引导结果状语从句,表示“因此,所以”,一般从句要用逗号与主句隔开,而且从句中没有表示目的的情态动词may、can、might或could。so that也不能与in order that换用。

  • Tom did not work hard enough, so that he is out of work when he is still young.
  • Yesterday morning Jack got up early, so that he caught the first bus.
  • She had not planned her time well, so that she did not finish her homework on time.
