
4.1 创建集群


Path to Galera library


Cluster connection URL


In order for Galera to work correctly binlog format should be ROW


MyISAM storage engine has only experimental support


This changes how |InnoDB| autoincrement locks are managed and is a requirement for Galera


Bootstrapping the cluster is a bit of a manual process. On the initial node, variable wsrep_cluster_address
should be set to the value: gcomm://. The gcomm:// tells the node it can bootstrap without any cluster to connect to. Setting that and starting up the first node should result in a cluster with a wsrep_cluster_conf_id of 1. After this single-node cluster is started, variable wsrep_cluster_address should be updated to the list of all nodes in the cluster. For example:

引导过程需要手动完成,在最初的节点上,wsrep_cluster_address应该被设置为 gcomm://,这的参数的意思是这个节点可以在启动时不链接任何节点,设置这个参数,并且启动之后,将会看到wsrep_cluster_conf_id这个参数的值为1,在一个单节点启动之后,wsrep_cluster_address这个值应该被更新为当前集群的所有节点列表,比如:

Although note that cluster membership is not defined by this setting, it is defined by the nodes that join the cluster
with the proper cluster name configured Variable wsrep_cluster_name is used for that, if not explicitly set it will
default to my_wsrep_cluster. Hence, variable wsrep_cluster_address does not need to be identical on
all nodes, it’s just a best practice because on restart the node will try all other nodes in that list and look for any that
are currently up and running the cluster.


Once the first node is configured, then each other node should be started, one at a time. In a bootstrap situation, SST is most likely, so generally multiple nodes joining at once should be avoided.
In case cluster that’s being bootstrapped has already been set up before, and to avoid editing the my.cnf twice to change the wsrep_cluster_address to gcomm:// and then to change it back to other node addresses, first
node can be started with:

/etc/init.d/mysql bootstrap-pxc

systemctl start [email protected](两种不同的启动方式吗?)
为了避免在启动一个节点时,这个节点已经被启动,并且避免第二次编辑my.cnf文件更改 wsrep_cluster_address to gcomm:// ,然后在改回其他节点的列表,所以第一个节点应该以以下命令启动,
/etc/init.d/mysql bootstrap-pxc
systemctl start [email protected]

This way values in my.cnf would remain unchanged. Next time node is restarted it won’t require updating the
configuration file. This can be useful in case cluster has been previously set up and for some reason all nodes went down and the cluster needs to be bootstrapped again.

4.2 SST

SST—State Snapshot Transfer(快照复制)

State Snapshot Transfer is a full data copy from one node (donor) to the joining node (joiner). It’s used when a new node joins the cluster. In order to be synchronized with the cluster, new node has to transfer data from the node that is already part of the cluster. There are three methods of SST available in Percona XtraDB Cluster: mysqldump, rsync and xtrabackup. The downside of mysqldump and rsync is that the donor node becomes READ-ONLY while data is being copied from one node to another. Xtrabackup SST, on the other hand, uses backup locks, which means galera provider is not paused at all as with FTWRL (Flush Tables with Read Lock) earlier. State snapshot transfer method
can be configured with the wsrep_sst_method variable.

4.2.1 选择donor

If there are no nodes available that can safely perform an incremental state transfer, the cluster defaults to a state
snapshot transfer. If there are nodes available that can safely perform an incremental state transfer, the cluster prefers
a local node over remote nodes to serve as the donor. If there are no local nodes available that can safely perform
an incremental state transfer, the cluster chooses a remote node to serve as the donor. Where there are several local
or remote nodes available that can safely perform an incremental state transfer, the cluster chooses the node with the
highest seqno to serve as the donor.


4.2.2 使用xtrabackup

This is the default SST method (version 2 of it: xtrabackup-v2). This is the least blocking method as it uses backup
locks. XtraBackup is run locally on the donor node, so it’s important that the correct user credentials are set up on
the donor node. In order for PXC to perform the SST using the XtraBackup, credentials for connecting to the donor
node need to be set up in the variable wsrep_sst_auth. Beside the credentials, one more important thing is that
the datadir needs to be specified in the server configuration file my.cnf, otherwise the transfer process will fail.
More information about the required credentials can be found in the XtraBackup manual. Easy way to test if the
credentials will work is to run the innobackupex on the donor node with the username and password specified in the
variable wsrep_sst_auth. For example, if the value of the wsrep_sst_auth is root:Passw0rd innoback-
upex command should look like:
innobackupex –user=root –password=Passw0rd /tmp/

wsrep_sst_auth = innobackupex –user=root –password=Passw0rd /tmp/

4.2.3 使用mysqldump

This method uses the standard mysqldump to dump all the databases from the donor node and import them to the
joining node. For this method to work wsrep_sst_auth needs to be set up with the root credentials. This method
is the slowest one and it also performs the global lock while doing the SST which will block writes to the donor node.
Script used for this method can be found in /usr/bin/wsrep_sst_mysqldump and it’s provided with the Per-
cona XtraDB Cluster binary packages.


4.2.4 使用rsync

This method uses rsync to copy files from donor to the joining node. In some cases this can be faster than using the
XtraBackup but requires the global data lock which will block writes to the donor node. This method doesn’t require
username/password credentials to be set up in the variable wsrep_sst_auth.
Script used for this method can be found in /usr/bin/wsrep_sst_rsync and it’s provided with the Percona
XtraDB Cluster binary packages.

这种方法是使用rsync从donor上copy数据到新加入的节点,有些时候,这种方法会比使用xtrabackup更快,但是需要早donor上读锁,这种方法不需要使用 wsrep_sst_auth进行用户授权,


4.2.5 扩展阅读

• SST Methods for MySQL
• Xtrabackup SST configuration


XtraBackup SST works in two stages:
• Stage I on joiner checks if it is SST or IST based on presence of xtrabackup_ist file.
• In Stage II it starts the data transfer, if it’s SST, it empties the data directory sans few files (galera.cache,
sst_in_progress, grastate.dat) and then proceed with the SST or if it’s IST, proceeds as before.

Note: To maintain compatibility with Percona XtraDB Cluster older than 5.5.33-23.7.6, use xtrabackup as SST
method, else xtrabackup-v2 is recommended. xtrabackup-v2 is also the default SST method now.
Latest Percona XtraBackup 2.1.x is strongly recommended for Xtrabackup SST. Refer to Incompatibilities for possible
