ZYNQ学习(二)----关于video in to axi4-stream

ZYNQ学习(一)分析了AXI STREAM的接口信号。

分析VDMA之前,先看看PG043 Video In to AXI4-Stream对于video转成AXIS的处理。



A valid transfer occurs whenever READY, VALID, ACLKEN, and ARESETn are high at the rising edge of ACLK. During valid transfers, DATA only carries active video data. Blank periods and ancillary data packets are not transferred via the AXI4-Stream Video protocol.

Driving m_axis_video_tready

The m_axis_video_tready signal can be asserted before, during, or after the cycle in which the Video in to AXI4-Stream core asserted m_axis_video_tvalid. The assertion of m_axis_video_tready may be dependent on the value of m_axis_video_tvalid. A slave that can immediately accept data qualified by m_axis_video_tvalid should preassert its m_axis_video_tready signal until data is received. Alternatively, m_axis_video_tready can be registered and driven the cycle following VALID assertion. It is recommended that the AXI4-Stream slave should drive READY independently, or pre-assert READY to minimize latency.

SOF ‐ m_axis_video_tuser

The SOF signal, physically transmitted over the AXI4-Stream tuser signal, marks the first pixel of a video frame. The SOF pulse is 1 valid transaction wide, and must coincide with the first pixel of the frame. SOF serves as a frame synchronization signal, which allows downstream cores to re-initialize, and detect the first pixel of a frame. The SOF signal may be asserted an arbitrary number of aclk cycles before the first pixel value is presented on tdata, as long as a tvalid is not asserted.

EOL Signal ‐ m_axis_video_tlast

The EOL signal, physically transmitted over the AXI4-Stream tlast signal, marks the last pixel of a line. The EOL pulse is 1 valid transaction wide, and must coincide with the last pixel of a scanline, as seen in Figure 2-6.

ZYNQ学习(二)----关于video in to axi4-stream_第1张图片








ZYNQ学习(二)----关于video in to axi4-stream_第2张图片



