本流程图基于MTK平台 Android 7.0,普通来电,本流程只作为沟通学习使用
前面介绍了一下 来电界面 的一些信息,接下来我们继续分析,看看通话界面中的 CallButtonFragment 的功能和作用。
上图红框中的部分就是本次讲解的界面 CallButtonFragment ,这里目前只考虑普通语音(voice)电话,我们可以看到其中包含了audio、mute、dialpad、hold、add_call、record等几个按钮,下面我们就会分别对它们的功能流程做介绍。
这里主要介绍了 audio 相关的流程,这里其实还是有点儿绕的,因为这里涉及到了多个状态,包括:通过蓝牙传递声音,通过有线耳机传递声音,通过扬声器传递声音,通过听筒传递声音等,在这个流程中,CallAudioRouteStateMachine 这个类很重要,因为这些状态的区分以及各自的逻辑都写在这个类里面,读者可以认真去看看这个类收获应该会很多。
我们这里就只画了从听筒变为扬声器的过程,最终会调用到 AudioManager 中去,audio相关的具体实现我这边没有具体详跟,有兴趣的同学可以自己再追下去看看。
//CallAudioRouteStateMachine.ActiveSpeakerRoute.enter 设置一些状态
public void enter() {
Log.i("michael","ActiveSpeakerRoute enter");
mWasOnSpeaker = true;
setSpeakerphoneOn(true); //打开speaker
CallAudioState newState = new CallAudioState(mIsMuted, ROUTE_SPEAKER,
整体流程比较简单,通过上层一直调用到 AudioService 然后通过 JNI 的方法调用底层的具体实现。
//CallAudioRouteStateMachine.setSystemAudioState 改变 statusbar 的图标和audio的状态
private void setSystemAudioState(CallAudioState newCallAudioState) {
///M: ALPS02797725 @{
// show mute and speaker icon in status bar
mStatusBarNotifier.notifySpeakerphone(newCallAudioState.getRoute() ==
/// @}
setSystemAudioState(newCallAudioState, false);
//CallAudioRouteStateMachine.updateInternalCallAudioState 改变audio的状态供外部使用
* Updates the CallAudioState object from current internal state. The result is used for
* external communication only.
private void updateInternalCallAudioState() {
IState currentState = getCurrentState();
if (currentState == null) {
Log.e(this, new IllegalStateException(), "Current state should never be null" +
" when updateInternalCallAudioState is called.");
mCurrentCallAudioState = new CallAudioState(
mIsMuted, mCurrentCallAudioState.getRoute(), mAvailableRoutes);
int currentRoute = mStateNameToRouteCode.get(currentState.getName());
mCurrentCallAudioState = new CallAudioState(mIsMuted, currentRoute, mAvailableRoutes);
这个流程主要是显示 dialpadfragment 界面的过程,比较简单,但是里面涉及到的一些动画还是比较有趣的。
//DialpadView.animateShow 创建动画
public void animateShow() {
// This is a hack; without this, the setTranslationY is delayed in being applied, and the
// numbers appear at their original position (0) momentarily before animating.
final AnimatorListenerAdapter showListener = new AnimatorListenerAdapter() {};
for (int i = 0; i < mButtonIds.length; i++) {
int delay = (int)(getKeyButtonAnimationDelay(mButtonIds[i]) * DELAY_MULTIPLIER);
int duration =
(int)(getKeyButtonAnimationDuration(mButtonIds[i]) * DURATION_MULTIPLIER);
final DialpadKeyButton dialpadKey = (DialpadKeyButton) findViewById(mButtonIds[i]);
ViewPropertyAnimator animator = dialpadKey.animate();
if (mIsLandscape) {
// Landscape orientation requires translation along the X axis.
// For RTL locales, ensure we translate negative on the X axis.
dialpadKey.setTranslationX((mIsRtl ? -1 : 1) * mTranslateDistance);
} else {
// Portrait orientation requires translation along the Y axis.
//CallCardFragment.updateFabPosition 更新hangupbutton的大小和位置
private void updateFabPosition() {
* M: skip update Fab position with animation when FAB is not visible and size is 0X0,
* hwui will throw exception when draw view size is 0 and hardware layertype. @{
FloatingActionButtonController.ALIGN_MIDDLE /* align base */,
0 /* offsetX */,
mIsDialpadShowing ? mFabSmallDiameter : mFabNormalDiameter, true);
//ProximitySensor.updateProximitySensorMode 更新P-sensor的状态
/// M: disable Proximity Sensor during VT Call
if (mIsPhoneOffhook && !screenOnImmediately && !isVideoCall) {
Log.d(this, "Turning on proximity sensor");
// Phone is in use! Arrange for the screen to turn off
// automatically when the sensor detects a close object.
/// M: for ALPS01275578 @{
// when reject a incoming call, the call state is INCALL, but we should NOT
// acquire wake lock in this case
if (!shouldSkipAcquireProximityLock()) {
} else {
Log.d(this, "Turning off proximity sensor");
// Phone is either idle, or ringing. We don't want any special proximity sensor
// behavior in either case.
/// M: For ALPS01769498 @{
// Screen on immediately for incoming call, this give user a chance to notice
// the new incoming call when speaking on an existed call.
if (InCallPresenter.getInstance().getPotentialStateFromCallList(callList)
== InCallState.INCOMING) {
Log.d(this, "Screen on immediately for incoming call");
screenOnImmediately = true;
/// @}
这个流程比较简单,从上层一层层的调用到 RILJ 然后执行hold操作。
//CallsManager.holdCall 这里有个细节,如果存在两路通话,一个hold一个activity,并且是属于两个不同的phoneaccount,那么hold 其中一个,另外一个就会unhold
public void holdCall(Call call) {
if (!mCalls.contains(call)) {
Log.d(this, "Unknown call (%s) asked to be put on hold", call);
} else {
Log.d(this, "Putting call on hold: (%s)", call);
/// M: When have active call and hold call in different account, hold operation will
// swap the two call.
Call heldCall = getHeldCall();
Log.i("michael"," call ="+call.getTargetPhoneAccount()+" "+" heldCall ="+heldCall.getTargetPhoneAccount());
if (heldCall != null &&
!Objects.equals(call.getTargetPhoneAccount(), heldCall.getTargetPhoneAccount())) {
Log.i("michael"," into heldCall");
/// @}
//TelephonyConnection.performHold 如果存在一个call waiting 的来电,那么就不执行hold操作,让用户可以去接听来电
public void performHold() {
Log.v(this, "performHold");
// TODO: Can dialing calls be put on hold as well since they take up the
// foreground call slot?
if (Call.State.ACTIVE == mConnectionState) {
Log.v(this, "Holding active call");
try {
Phone phone = mOriginalConnection.getCall().getPhone();
Call ringingCall = phone.getRingingCall();
// Although the method says switchHoldingAndActive, it eventually calls a RIL method
// called switchWaitingOrHoldingAndActive. What this means is that if we try to put
// a call on hold while a call-waiting call exists, it'll end up accepting the
// call-waiting call, which is bad if that was not the user's intention. We are
// cheating here and simply skipping it because we know any attempt to hold a call
// while a call-waiting call is happening is likely a request from Telecom prior to
// accepting the call-waiting call.
// TODO: Investigate a better solution. It would be great here if we
// could "fake" hold by silencing the audio and microphone streams for this call
// instead of actually putting it on hold.
if (ringingCall.getState() != Call.State.WAITING) {
流程图中红色方框部分就是 addcall 按钮的执行过程,我们可以看到其实逻辑很简单,就是再次打开 dialer 应用让用户启动第二路通话MO流程
//TelecomAdapter.addCall 具体实现启动dialer的过程
void addCall() {
if (mInCallService != null) {
Intent intent = new Intent(Intent.ACTION_DIAL);//ACTION_DIAL = "android.intent.action.DIAL"
// when we request the dialer come up, we also want to inform
// it that we're going through the "add call" option from the
// InCallScreen / PhoneUtils.
intent.putExtra(ADD_CALL_MODE_KEY, true);
try {
Log.d(this, "Sending the add Call intent");
} catch (ActivityNotFoundException e) {
// This is rather rare but possible.
// Note: this method is used even when the phone is encrypted. At that moment
// the system may not find any Activity which can accept this Intent.
Log.e(this, "Activity for adding calls isn't found.", e);
上面流程图中,除了红色方框的部分其它都是 record 的流程逻辑,乍一看感觉比较复杂,其实还是很简单,只是跨越类很多,最终通过 MediaRecorder 类以 JNI 的形式调用底层 C/C++ 的具体实现代码,这里还画出了,当 record 的状态发生了变化通过一层层的 listener,最终通知fragment 显示 record 的红色录制图标,以及将button的text内容从“Start recording”变成“Stop recording”的过程。
//StorageManagerEx.getDefaultPath 拿到默认存储录音的路径
* Returns default path for writing.
* @hide
* @internal
public static String getDefaultPath() {
String path = "";
boolean deviceTablet = false;
boolean supportMultiUsers = false;
try {
path = SystemProperties.get(PROP_SD_DEFAULT_PATH);
//Log.i(TAG, "get path from system property, path=" + path);
} catch (IllegalArgumentException e) {
Log.e(TAG, "IllegalArgumentException when get default path:" + e);
// Property will be empty when first boot, should set to default
// For OTA upgrade, path is invalid, need update default path
if (path.equals("")
|| path.equals(STORAGE_PATH_SD1_ICS) || path.equals(STORAGE_PATH_SD1)
|| path.equals(STORAGE_PATH_SD2_ICS) || path.equals(STORAGE_PATH_SD2)) {
//Log.i(TAG, "DefaultPath invalid! " + "path = " + path + ", set to default.");
try {
IMountService mountService =
if (mountService == null) {
Log.e(TAG, "mount service is not initialized!");
return "";
int userId = UserHandle.myUserId();
VolumeInfo[] volumeInfos = mountService.getVolumes(0);
for (int i = 0; i < volumeInfos.length; ++i) {
VolumeInfo vol = volumeInfos[i];
if (vol.isVisibleForWrite(userId) && vol.isPrimary()) {
path = vol.getPathForUser(userId).getAbsolutePath();
//Log.i(TAG, "Find primary and visible volumeInfo, "
//+ "path=" + path + ", volumeInfo:" + vol);
return path;
//Recorder.startRecording 创建文件,开始录音,并往里面写入数据
public void startRecording(int outputfileformat, String extension) throws IOException {
SimpleDateFormat dateFormat = new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy-MM-dd_HH.mm.ss");
String prefix = dateFormat.format(new Date());
File sampleDir = new File(StorageManagerEx.getDefaultPath());
mSampleStart = System.currentTimeMillis();
//CallCardFragment.updateVoiceRecordIcon 显示或者隐藏录音的红色图标,并带有一闪一闪的动画
public void updateVoiceRecordIcon(boolean show) {
mVoiceRecorderIcon.setVisibility(show ? View.VISIBLE : View.INVISIBLE);
AnimationDrawable ad = (AnimationDrawable) mVoiceRecorderIcon.getDrawable();
if (ad != null) {
if (show && !ad.isRunning()) {
} else if (!show && ad.isRunning()) {
/// M:[RCS] plugin API @{
/// @}
//CallButtonFragment.configRecordingButton 更新button 和 button 的text 内容
* M: configure recording button.
public void configRecordingButton() {
boolean isRecording = InCallPresenter.getInstance().isRecording();
//update for tablet and CT require.
.setContentDescription(getString(isRecording ? R.string.stop_record
: R.string.start_record));
if (mOverflowPopup == null) {
String recordTitle = isRecording ? getString(R.string.stop_record)
: getString(R.string.start_record);
updatePopMenuItemTitle(BUTTON_SWITCH_VOICE_RECORD, recordTitle);//更新button的text 内容