hg | git |
hg cat -r rev some_file | git show rev:some_file |
hg clonehttp://hg.sympy.org/sympy-git.hg | git clone git://git.sympy.org/sympy.git |
hg clone -Uhttp://hg.sympy.org/sympy-git.hg | git clone --bare git://git.sympy.org/sympy.git |
hg diff | git diff HEAD |
hg status | git status |
hg status -c | git ls-files -t | grep '^H' |
hg manifest | git ls-tree -r --name-only --full-tree HEAD |
hg parents | git show --pretty=format:'%P' -s |
hg commit | git commit -a |
hg record | git add -p; git commit # or, for a more detailed interface: git add -i; git commit |
hg email -r tip | git send-email HEAD^ # or: git format-patch HEAD^ ; git send-email 0001-Add-whitespace.patch |
hg view | gitk, git gui |
hg help command | git help command |
~/.hgrc | ~/.gitconfig |
.hg/hgrc | .git/config |
hg paths | git remote -v |
editing paths in .hg/hgrc | git remote add name url # see "git help remote" for more info how to edit paths; alternatively, you can edit them by hand in .git/config too |
.hgignore | .gitignore |
.hg/hgrc [ui] ignore | .git/info/exclude |
hg add | git add (note, it adds _content_ to index; can work on a hunk-by-hunk basis with -p!) |
hg rm | git rm |
hg push | git push |
hg pull | git fetch |
hg pull -u | git pull |
hg addremove | git add -A (or: git add .; git ls-files --deleted xargs git rm) |
hg revert -a | git reset --hard |
hg revert some_file | git checkout some_file |
hg purge | git clean -fd |
hg purge --all | git clean -fdx |
hg strip 2fccd4c | git reset --hard 2fccd4c^ |
hg export | git format-patch |
hg import --no-commit some.patch | git apply some.patch |
hg import some.patch | git am some.patch |
hg out | git fetch && git log FETCH_HEAD..master |
hg in | git fetch && git log master..FETCH_HEAD |
hg update tip | git checkout HEAD # or this: "git checkout master", or "git merge FETCH_HEAD", depending on what you did before this |
hg update -C | git checkout -f |
hg update some.branch | git checkout some.branch # Note that "git branch some.branch" is not the same as this. |
hg up --date 2014-01-01 | git checkout `git rev-list -n 1 --before="2014-01-01" master` |
hg qimport | stg something (A separate patch manager extension is probably not necessary in git -- normal workflow combined with git rebase -i should cover your needs) |
hg qpush | (see hg qimport) |
hg qpop | (see hg qimport) |
hg qimport -r tip | ? |
hg qnew -f some.patch | ? |
hg resolve -a -m | git add -u |
hg glog | git log --graph --all --decorate # or: git log --graph --all; |
hg verify | git fsck |
hg branches | git branch -a |
hg rollback | git reset HEAD~ |
[ui] username = Ondrej Certik
[user] name = Ondrej Certik email = ondrej@certik.cz [color] ui = auto [color] decorate = short [alias] ci = commit di = diff --color-words st = status # aliases that match the hg in / out commands out = !git fetch && git log FETCH_HEAD.. outgoing = !git fetch && git log FETCH_HEAD.. in = !git fetch && git log ..FETCH_HEAD incoming = !git fetch && git log ..FETCH_HEAD
One can find some info here:
- use gitk to visualize history (much more capable than "hg vi") - use git gui to visually stage/unstage what you are preparing for commit to index (it too can work on hunk-by-hunk basis) - git stash is your friend - git rebase --interactive is your friend too :) - windows users: either use cygwin or msysgit: http://code.google.com/p/msysgit/
- don't try to project your usual habits - open your mind, and maybe you'll discover much more superior workflow. (yes, this needs hard work and RTFM, and being ready that FM sometimes differ from what software actually does) - Add this
parse_git_branch() { git branch 2> /dev/null | sed -e '/^[^*]/d' -e 's/* \(.*\)/(\1)/' # __git_ps1 "(%s)" # use the second line instead if you have bash autocompletion for git enabled } PS1="\w\$(parse_git_branch) $ "
to your promptstring to show current branch when in a git-tracked directory. (see http://b.lesseverything.com/2008/3/25/got-git-howto-git-and-github)
You can use this script:
#! /bin/bash work=`mktemp -t -d sym.XXX` git format-patch -k -p -o $work master..HEAD # add a new line after the subject line so that Mercurial imports it fine. sed -i '4a\\' $work/* cd ~/repos/sympy.hg/ hg import $work/* rm -r $work
to convert all patches between master..HEAD to mercurial repository sitting at ~/repos/sympy.hg/.
Start with some repository, for example create a new one from scratch:
$ mkdir sympy $ cd sympy $ git initor clone our official repository:
$ git clone git://git.sympy.org/sympy.git $ cd sympyNow let's say you want to checkout some branch from git://github.com/certik/sympy.git. The canonical way is to add it to your remotes:
$ git remote add ondrej git://github.com/certik/sympy.gitThen fetch all branches from there into your remote branches:
$ git fetch ondrejYou can now list them with "git branch -r", or examine them with "git log ondrej/some_branch". Finally, to checkout the mpmath5 branch, do:
$ git checkout -b mpmath5 ondrej/mpmath5