[原]unity3d ios平台内存优化(一)

关于内存优化,人云亦云 各有己见。本文将通过设置Strpping Level ,减少内存使用。


1、没做任何优化,默认选项 [原]unity3d ios平台内存优化(一)_第1张图片

2、设置Stripping level 为 Use micro mscorlib; 设置 script call Optimization为Fast but no exceptions

     [原]unity3d ios平台内存优化(一)_第2张图片

因为本demo用到jsonFX json解析器,牵扯到system.dll 里面的东西,所以程序直接崩掉。(Don't use anything that lives in System.dll or System.Xml.dll in your code. Those two are not compatible with micro mscorlib.)

3、解决了以上bug,优化后的效果:[原]unity3d ios平台内存优化(一)_第3张图片   内存基本减少了8.5MB 左右


How to Deal with Stripping when Using Reflection

Stripping heavily depends on static code analysis and sometimes it fails to do the job right, especially when dynamic features (like reflection) are used. In such cases some hinting what classes shouldn't be touched is needed. Unity iOS supports per project custom stripping black list. The process is simple:

1. Create link.xml file and place it directly into Assets (project root) folder.

2. link.xml sample structure is as follows:





第二步的错误得出 JsonFX需要依赖System.dll中的类型转化函数,所以通过以上link文件 保留system.dll中的类型转换函数。




你可能感兴趣的:([原]unity3d ios平台内存优化(一))