

CTS-tradefed host version 5.1_r2 CTS-tradefed is the test harness for running the Android Compatibility Suite, built on top of the tradefed framework. Available commands and options Host: help: show this message help all: show the complete tradefed help exit: gracefully exit the cts console, waiting till all invocations are complete Run: run cts --plan test_plan_name: run a test plan run cts --package/-p : run a CTS test package run cts --class/-c [--method/-m] : run a specific test class and/ormethod run cts --continue-session session_ID: run all not executed tests from a previous CTS session run cts [options] --serial/-s device_ID: run CTS on specified device run cts [options] --shards number_of_shards: shard a CTS run into given number of independent chunks, to run on multiple devices inparallel run cts --help/--help-all: get more help on running CTS List: l/list d/devices: list connected devices and their state l/list packages: list CTS test packages l/list p/plans: list CTS test plans l/list i/invocations: list invocations aka CTS test runs currentlyin progress l/list c/commands: list commands: aka CTS test run commands currently in the queue waiting to be allocated devices l/list r/results: list CTS results currently present in the repository Add: add derivedplan --plan plane_name --session/-s session_id -r [pass/fail/notExecuted/timeout]: derive a plan from the given session Dump: d/dump l/logs: dump the tradefed logs for all running invocations Options: --disable-reboot : Do not reboot device after running some amount of tests.

XTS-tradefed host version 2.1_r2 Available commands and options Host: help: show this message help all: show the complete tradefed help exit: gracefully exit the xts console, waiting till all invocations are complete Run: run xts --plan test_plan_name: run a test plan run xts --package/-p : run a XTS test package run xts --class/-c [--method/-m] : run a specific test class and/ormethod run xts --continue-session session_ID: run all not executed tests from a previous XTS session run xts [options] --serial/s device_ID: run XTS on specified device run xts [options] --shards number_of_shards: shard a XTS run into given number of independent chunks, to run on multiple devices inparallel run xts --help/--help-all: get more help on running XTS List: l/list d/devices: list connected devices and their state l/list packages: list XTS test packages l/list p/plans: list XTS test plans l/list i/invocations: list invocations aka XTS test runs currentlyin progress l/list c/commands: list commands: aka XTS test run commands currently in the queue waiting to be allocated devices l/list r/results: list XTS results currently present in the repository Add: add derivedplan --plan plane_name --session/-s session_id -r [pass/fail/notExecuted/timeout]: derive a plan from the given session Dump: d/dump l/logs: dump the tradefed logs for all running invocations

run cts --plan CTS 全部测试所有plan
run cts --plan -c class_name(类名) -m method_name(具体方法名)
run cts --plan -p package_name( 包名) -m method_name(具体方法名)
继续执行未测试项: run cts --continue-session session_id
l d 显示连接的设备
l packages 列出cts 包
l r 列出results结果
--disable-reboot 不重启设备
run cts --plan CTS --shards 2
add derivedplan --plan anzhenmrd7_intel_plan -s session_id -r fail
run cts --plan anzhenmrd7_intel_plan

1 测试前执行一次恢复出厂或重新刷机
2 语言设置为英文
3 开启USB调试,Stay awake,allow mock locations
4 adb install android-cts/repository/testcases/CtsDeviceAdmin.apk
db install android-cts/repository/testcases/CtsDeviceAdmin.apk
应用后在设置-----安全------设备管理器 中勾选receiver 和 receive2
5 设置正确的日期、时间
6 将屏幕超时时间设置为 30 分钟以上(最好是从不关机)
7 关闭屏幕锁定
8 开始测试前试机子处于home界面
9 勾选“自动旋转屏幕”,Display -> Auto-rotate screen
10 勾选“未知来源”,Applications -> Unknown sources
run xts --plan XTS
run xts --continue-session 0

CTS-tradefed host version 5.1_r2 CTS-tradefed is the test harness for running the Android Compatibility Suite, built on top of the tradefed framework. Available commands and options Host: help: show this message help all: show the complete tradefed help exit: gracefully exit the cts console, waiting till all invocations are complete Run: run cts --plan test_plan_name: run a test plan run cts --package/-p : run a CTS test package run cts --class/-c [--method/-m] : run a specific test class and/ormethod run cts --continue-session session_ID: run all not executed tests from a previous CTS session run cts [options] --serial/-s device_ID: run CTS on specified device run cts [options] --shards number_of_shards: shard a CTS run into given number of independent chunks, to run on multiple devices inparallel run cts --help/--help-all: get more help on running CTS List: l/list d/devices: list connected devices and their state l/list packages: list CTS test packages l/list p/plans: list CTS test plans l/list i/invocations: list invocations aka CTS test runs currentlyin progress l/list c/commands: list commands: aka CTS test run commands currently in the queue waiting to be allocated devices l/list r/results: list CTS results currently present in the repository Add: add derivedplan --plan plane_name --session/-s session_id -r [pass/fail/notExecuted/timeout]: derive a plan from the given session Dump: d/dump l/logs: dump the tradefed logs for all running invocations Options: --disable-reboot : Do not reboot device after running some amount of tests.

XTS-tradefed host version 2.1_r2 Available commands and options Host: help: show this message help all: show the complete tradefed help exit: gracefully exit the xts console, waiting till all invocations are complete Run: run xts --plan test_plan_name: run a test plan run xts --package/-p : run a XTS test package run xts --class/-c [--method/-m] : run a specific test class and/ormethod run xts --continue-session session_ID: run all not executed tests from a previous XTS session run xts [options] --serial/s device_ID: run XTS on specified device run xts [options] --shards number_of_shards: shard a XTS run into given number of independent chunks, to run on multiple devices inparallel run xts --help/--help-all: get more help on running XTS List: l/list d/devices: list connected devices and their state l/list packages: list XTS test packages l/list p/plans: list XTS test plans l/list i/invocations: list invocations aka XTS test runs currentlyin progress l/list c/commands: list commands: aka XTS test run commands currently in the queue waiting to be allocated devices l/list r/results: list XTS results currently present in the repository Add: add derivedplan --plan plane_name --session/-s session_id -r [pass/fail/notExecuted/timeout]: derive a plan from the given session Dump: d/dump l/logs: dump the tradefed logs for all running invocations

run cts --plan CTS 全部测试所有plan
run cts --plan -c class_name(类名) -m method_name(具体方法名)
run cts --plan -p package_name( 包名) -m method_name(具体方法名)
继续执行未测试项: run cts --continue-session session_id
l d 显示连接的设备
l packages 列出cts 包
l r 列出results结果
--disable-reboot 不重启设备
run cts --plan CTS --shards 2
add derivedplan --plan anzhenmrd7_intel_plan -s session_id -r fail
run cts --plan anzhenmrd7_intel_plan

1 测试前执行一次恢复出厂或重新刷机
2 语言设置为英文
3 开启USB调试,Stay awake,allow mock locations
4 adb install android-cts/repository/testcases/CtsDeviceAdmin.apk
db install android-cts/repository/testcases/CtsDeviceAdmin.apk
应用后在设置-----安全------设备管理器 中勾选receiver 和 receive2
5 设置正确的日期、时间
6 将屏幕超时时间设置为 30 分钟以上(最好是从不关机)
7 关闭屏幕锁定
8 开始测试前试机子处于home界面
9 勾选“自动旋转屏幕”,Display -> Auto-rotate screen
10 勾选“未知来源”,Applications -> Unknown sources
run xts --plan XTS
run xts --continue-session 0
