


public String toTotal() {
		String strs = "'40288b163a72fd15013a730d44430004','40288b163a72fd15013a730d44430004'," + "'40288b163a72fd15013a730d44430004','40288b163a72fd15013a730d44430004',"
				+ "'40288b163a72fd15013a730d44430004','40288b163a72fd15013a730d44430004'," + "'40288b163a72fd15013a730d44430004','40288b163a72fd15013a730d44430004',"
				+ "'40288b163a72fd15013a730d44430004','40288b163a72fd15013a730d44430004'";
		String sql1 = "select id,question_note,item1,item2,item3,item4,item5,item6,item7,item8" + ",item9,item10,item11 from PR_VOTE_QUESTION where FK_VOTE_PAPER_ID in (" + strs + ")";
		String s1 = "SELECT DISTINCT ip from pr_vote_ANSWER where questionid=";
		dbpool db = new dbpool();
		MyResultSet m1 = null;
		MyResultSet y1 = null;
		MyResultSet x1 = null;
		try {
			m1 = db.executeQuery(sql1);
			HSSFWorkbook wb = new HSSFWorkbook();// 建立新HSSFWorkbook对象
			HSSFSheet sheet = wb.createSheet("total");// 建立新的sheet对象
			// HSSFCellStyle cellStyle = wb.createCellStyle();//建立新的cell样式---日期用
			// cellStyle.setDataFormat(HSSFDataFormat.getFormat("m/d/yy
			// h:mm"));//设置cell样式为定制的日期格式
			// HSSFCell dCell =row.createCell((short)4);
			// dCell.setCellvalue(new Date());//设置cell为日期类型的值
			// dCell.setCellStyle(cellStyle); //设置该cell日期的显示格式
			HSSFRow row = sheet.createRow(0);
			setCellGBKValue(row.createCell((short) 0), "用户IP");
			setCellGBKValue(row.createCell((short) 1), "题目");
			setCellGBKValue(row.createCell((short) 2), "选项");
			// 四个参数分别是:起始行,起始列,结束行,结束列
			sheet.addMergedRegion(new Region(0, (short) 2, 0, (short) 13));
			int i = 1;
			while (m1.next()) {
				String id = m1.getString("id");
				String question_note = m1.getString("question_note");
				question_note = question_note.replace("

", "").replace("

", "").replace(" ", "").replace("
", ""); System.out.println("题目:" + question_note); HSSFRow row2 = sheet.createRow((short) i);// 建立新行 HSSFCell cell = row2.createCell((short) 1);// 建立新cell setCellGBKValue(cell, question_note);// 设置cell的整数类型的值 // HSSFRow row1 = sheet.createRow(++i); // setCellGBKValue(row2.createCell((short) 1),""); setCellGBKValue(row2.createCell((short) 2), m1.getString("item1")); setCellGBKValue(row2.createCell((short) 3), m1.getString("item2")); setCellGBKValue(row2.createCell((short) 4), m1.getString("item3")); setCellGBKValue(row2.createCell((short) 5), m1.getString("item4")); setCellGBKValue(row2.createCell((short) 6), m1.getString("item5")); setCellGBKValue(row2.createCell((short) 7), m1.getString("item6")); setCellGBKValue(row2.createCell((short) 8), m1.getString("item7")); setCellGBKValue(row2.createCell((short) 9), m1.getString("item8")); setCellGBKValue(row2.createCell((short) 10), m1.getString("item9")); setCellGBKValue(row2.createCell((short) 11), m1.getString("item10")); setCellGBKValue(row2.createCell((short) 12), m1.getString("item11")); y1 = db.executeQuery(s1 + "'" + id + "'"); while (y1.next()) { String str = "select a.ANSWERID ans,case when a.ANSWERID='1' then Q1.item1 " + " when a.ANSWERID='2' then Q1.item2 when a.ANSWERID='3' then Q1.item3 " + " when a.ANSWERID='4' then Q1.item4 when a.ANSWERID='5' then Q1.item5 " + " when a.ANSWERID='6' then Q1.item6 when a.ANSWERID='7' then Q1.item7 " + " when a.ANSWERID='8' then Q1.item8 when a.ANSWERID='9' then Q1.item9 " + " when a.ANSWERID='10' then Q1.item10 when a.ANSWERID='11' then Q1.item11 " + " end usr_get from pr_vote_ANSWER a " + "INNER JOIN PR_VOTE_QUESTION q1 on q1.id=a.questionid "; String ip = y1.getString("ip"); System.out.println("用户ip:" + ip); HSSFRow row3 = sheet.createRow((short) ++i);// 建立新行 HSSFCell cell3 = row3.createCell((short) 0);// 建立新cell setCellGBKValue(cell3, ip);// 设置cell的整数类型的值 str += " where questionid='" + id + "' and ip='" + ip + "'"; x1 = db.executeQuery(str); while (x1.next()) { int ans = Integer.valueOf(x1.getString("ans")); System.out.println("用户选项:" + ans); HSSFCell cell4 = row3.createCell((short) (ans + 1));// 建立新cell setCellGBKValue(cell4, x1.getString("usr_get"));// 设置cell的值 } db.close(x1); } db.close(y1); i++; } db.close(m1); FileOutputStream fileOut = new FileOutputStream("E:\\调查问卷-统计信息.xls"); wb.write(fileOut); fileOut.close(); } catch (SQLException e) { e.printStackTrace(); if (db != null && x1 != null) { db.close(x1); } if (db != null && y1 != null) { db.close(y1); } if (db != null && m1 != null) { db.close(m1); } } catch (FileNotFoundException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } catch (IOException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } finally { if (db != null && x1 != null) { db.close(x1); } if (db != null && y1 != null) { db.close(y1); } if (db != null && m1 != null) { db.close(m1); } } return null; }




//导出每个IP用户的调查问卷 lizhuang
	public String toDo() {
		String strs = "'40288b163a72fd15013a730d44430004','40288b163a72fd15013a730d44430004'," + "'40288b163a72fd15013a730d44430004','40288b163a72fd15013a730d44430004',"
				+ "'40288b163a72fd15013a730d44430004','40288b163a72fd15013a730d44430004'," + "'40288b163a72fd15013a730d44430004','40288b163a72fd15013a730d44430004',"
				+ "'40288b163a72fd15013a730d44430004','40288b163a72fd15013a730d44430004'";
		String sql1 = "select id,question_note,item1,item2,item3,item4,item5,item6,item7,item8" + ",item9,item10,item11 from PR_VOTE_QUESTION where FK_VOTE_PAPER_ID in (" + strs + ")";
		String s1 = "SELECT DISTINCT ip from pr_vote_ANSWER where questionid=";
		dbpool db = new dbpool();
		MyResultSet m1 = null;
		MyResultSet y1 = null;
		MyResultSet x1 = null;
		Map ips = new HashMap();//string对应用户IP,row存储用户所在的行。购物车原型【存储用户ID和商品】
		BufferedInputStream bis = null;
		BufferedOutputStream bos = null;
		try {
			m1 = db.executeQuery(sql1);
			SXSSFWorkbook wb = new SXSSFWorkbook(100);// 只在内存中保留100行数据,大数据时使用。兼容HSSFWorkbook2003和XSSFWorkbook2007
			wb.setCompressTempFiles(true); // temp files will be gzipped
			Sheet sheet = wb.createSheet("total");// 建立新的sheet对象
			sheet.setDefaultColumnWidth((short) 15);
			Row row = sheet.createRow(0);
			setCellGBKValue(row.createCell((short) 0), "用户IP");
			// 合并单元格四个参数分别是:起始行,起始列,结束行,结束列
			// sheet.addMergedRegion(new Region(0,(short)2,0,(short)13));
			int j = 1;//列的坐标,递增
			int k=1;//每个用户一行数据
			int cols = 2;// 默认4列
			while (m1.next()) {
				String id = m1.getString("id");
				String question_note = m1.getString("question_note");
				question_note = question_note.replace("

", "").replace("

", "").replace(" ", "").replace("
", ""); setCellGBKValue(row.createCell((short) j++), ""); setCellGBKValue(row.createCell((short) j++), question_note); //取出选项,最多11个,可扩展。 setCellGBKValue(row.createCell((short) j++), m1.getString("item1")); setCellGBKValue(row.createCell((short) j++), m1.getString("item2")); String item3 = m1.getString("item3"); String item4 = m1.getString("item4"); String item5 = m1.getString("item5"); String item6 = m1.getString("item6"); String item7 = m1.getString("item7"); String item8 = m1.getString("item8"); String item9 = m1.getString("item9"); String item10 = m1.getString("item10"); String item11 = m1.getString("item11"); if (item3 != null) { cols = 3; setCellGBKValue(row.createCell((short) j++), item3); } if (item4 != null) { cols = 4; setCellGBKValue(row.createCell((short) j++), item4); } if (item5 != null) { cols = 5; setCellGBKValue(row.createCell((short) j++), item5); } if (item6 != null) { cols = 6; setCellGBKValue(row.createCell((short) j++), item6); } if (item7 != null) { cols = 7; setCellGBKValue(row.createCell((short) j++), item7); } if (item8 != null) { cols = 8; setCellGBKValue(row.createCell((short) j++), item8); } if (item9 != null) { cols = 9; setCellGBKValue(row.createCell((short) j++), item9); } if (item10 != null) { cols = 10; setCellGBKValue(row.createCell((short) j++), item10); } if (item11 != null) { cols = 11; setCellGBKValue(row.createCell((short) j++), item11); } y1 = db.executeQuery(s1 + "'" + id + "'"); Row row3 = null; while (y1.next()) { String str = "select a.ANSWERID ans,case when a.ANSWERID='1' then Q1.item1 " + " when a.ANSWERID='2' then Q1.item2 when a.ANSWERID='3' then Q1.item3 " + " when a.ANSWERID='4' then Q1.item4 when a.ANSWERID='5' then Q1.item5 " + " when a.ANSWERID='6' then Q1.item6 when a.ANSWERID='7' then Q1.item7 " + " when a.ANSWERID='8' then Q1.item8 when a.ANSWERID='9' then Q1.item9 " + " when a.ANSWERID='10' then Q1.item10 when a.ANSWERID='11' then Q1.item11 " + " end usr_get from pr_vote_ANSWER a " + "left JOIN PR_VOTE_QUESTION q1 on q1.id=a.questionid "; String ip = y1.getString("ip"); if (!ips.containsKey(ip)) { row3 = sheet.createRow((short) k++);// 建立新行,每行存储用户IP和答案 ips.put(ip, row3);// 利用购物车原理,只不过购物车存储的是每件商品,这里记录上次的行。 } else { row3 = ips.get(ip);// 如果有商品就取出商品,计算商品数量++,金额++,此处取出上次的行 } setCellGBKValue(row3.createCell((short) 0), ip);// 设置IP str += " where questionid='" + id + "' and ip='" + ip + "'"; x1 = db.executeQuery(str); while (x1.next()) { int ans = Integer.valueOf(x1.getString("ans")); setCellGBKValue(row3.createCell((short) (j - 1 - cols + ans)), x1.getString("usr_get")); } db.close(x1); str = null;// destroy this,collection rubbish } db.close(y1); if (k % 100 == 0) { ((SXSSFSheet) sheet).flushRows(100);// flushRows(0) } } db.close(m1); ByteArrayOutputStream os = new ByteArrayOutputStream(); wb.write(os);// 将excel写入流 byte[] content = os.toByteArray(); InputStream is = new ByteArrayInputStream(content); HttpServletResponse response = ServletActionContext.getResponse(); response.reset(); response.setContentType("application/vnd.ms-excel;charset=utf-8"); // msexcel response.setHeader("Content-Disposition", "attachment;filename=" + new String("调查问卷-统计信息.xlsx".getBytes(), "iso-8859-1")); ServletOutputStream out = response.getOutputStream(); bis = new BufferedInputStream(is); bos = new BufferedOutputStream(out); byte[] buff = new byte[2048]; int bytesRead; // Simple read/write loop. while (-1 != (bytesRead = bis.read(buff, 0, buff.length))) { bos.write(buff, 0, bytesRead); } out.close(); //直接写到本地,测试用 //FileOutputStream fileOut = new FileOutputStream("E:\\调查问卷-统计信息.xlsx"); //wb.write(fileOut); //fileOut.close(); } catch (SQLException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } catch (FileNotFoundException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } catch (IOException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } finally { if (db != null && x1 != null) { db.close(x1); } if (db != null && y1 != null) { db.close(y1); } if (db != null && m1 != null) { db.close(m1); } try { if (bis != null) { bis.close(); } if (bos != null) { bos.close(); } } catch (IOException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } return null; } private static void setCellGBKValue(Cell cell, String value) { cell.setCellType(Cell.CELL_TYPE_STRING);// 设置CELL的编码信息 cell.setCellValue(value); }


import org.apache.poi.hssf.usermodel.HSSFCell;
import org.apache.poi.hssf.usermodel.HSSFRow;
import org.apache.poi.hssf.usermodel.HSSFSheet;
import org.apache.poi.hssf.usermodel.HSSFWorkbook;
import org.apache.poi.hssf.util.Region;
import org.apache.poi.ss.usermodel.Cell;
import org.apache.poi.ss.usermodel.Row;
import org.apache.poi.ss.usermodel.Sheet;
import org.apache.poi.xssf.streaming.SXSSFSheet;
import org.apache.poi.xssf.streaming.SXSSFWorkbook;
import java.io.BufferedInputStream;
import java.io.BufferedOutputStream;
import java.io.ByteArrayInputStream;
import java.io.ByteArrayOutputStream;
import java.io.FileNotFoundException;
import java.io.FileOutputStream;
import java.io.IOException;
import java.io.InputStream;





