Unity 打包成APK部分安卓机黑屏


开发AR程序发布安卓测试的时候拿同事的华为手机发现出现了黑屏的情况,但是摄像头功能还是存在的,就是黑屏去把摄像头对准扫描图依然会触发识图后的操作,经排查发现不是系统原因也不是sdk jdk的原因。

解决方案:PlayerSettings--Resolution and Presentation--Use 32-bit Display Buffer,取消勾选就ok了。

Unity 打包成APK部分安卓机黑屏_第1张图片

Use 32-bit Display Buffer:
Specifies if Display Buffer should be created to hold 32-bit color values (16-bit by default). Use it if you see banding, or need alpha in your ImageEffects, as they will create RTs in same format as Display Buffer. Not supported on devices running pre-Gingerbread OS (will be forced to 16-bit).

