本文来自:公众号 量化投资与机器学习
gcForest(multi-Grained Cascade forest 多粒度级联森林)是周志华教授最新提出的新的决策树集成方法。这种方法生成一个深度树集成方法(deep forest ensemble method),使用级联结构让gcForest学习。gcForest模型把训练分成两个阶段:Multi-Grained Scanning和Cascade Forest。Multi-Grained Scanning生成特征,Cascade Forest经过多个森林多层级联得出预测结果。
多粒度扫描其实是引用了类似CNN的一个滑动窗口,例如说我们现在有一个400维的样本输入,现在设定采样窗口是100维的,那我们可以通过逐步的采样,最终获得301个子样本(因此这里默认的采样步长是1,所以得到的子样本个数 = (400-100)/1 + 1)。如果输入的是一个20*20的图片,利用一个10*10的采样窗口,就可以获得121个子样本(对每行和每列都是 (20-10)/1 + 1 = 11,11*11 = 121)。所以,整个多粒度扫描过程就是:先输入一个完整的P维样本,然后通过一个长度为k的采样窗口进行滑动采样,得到S = (P - K)/1+1 个k维特征子样本向量,接着每个子样本都用于完全随机森林和普通随机森林的训练并在每个森林都获得一个长度为C的概率向量,这样每个森林会产生长度为S*C的表征向量(就是经过随机森林转换并拼接的概率向量),最后把每层的F个森林的结果拼接在一起得到本层输出。
Status : under development
gcForest is an algorithm suggested in Zhou and Feng 2017. It uses a multi-grain scanning approach for data slicing and a cascade structure of multiple random forests layers (see paper for details).
gcForest has been first developed as a Classifier and designed such that the multi-grain scanning module and the cascade structure can be used separately. During development I’ve paid special attention to write the code in the way that future parallelization should be pretty straightforward to implement.
The present code has been developed under python3.x. You will need to have the following installed on your computer to make it work :
You can install all of them using pip install :
$ pip3 install requirements.txt
The syntax uses the scikit learn style with a .fit() function to train the algorithm and a .predict() function to predict new values class. You can find two examples in the jupyter notebook included in the repository.
from GCForest import *
gcf = gcForest( **kwargs )
gcf.fit(X_train, y_train)
I wrote the code from scratch in two days and even though I have tested it on several cases I cannot certify that it is a 100% bug free obviously. Feel free to test it and send me your feedback about any improvement and/or modification!
Memory comsuption when slicing data There is now a short naive calculation illustrating the issue in the notebook. So far the input data slicing is done all in a single step to train the Random Forest for the Multi-Grain Scanning. The problem is that it might requires a lot of memory depending on the size of the data set and the number of slices asked resulting in memory crashes (at least on my Intel Core 2 Duo).
I have recently improved the memory usage (from version 0.1.4) when slicing the data but will keep looking at ways to optimize the code.
OOB score error During the Random Forests training the Out-Of-Bag (OOB) technique is used for the prediction probabilities. It was found that this technique can sometimes raises an error when one or several samples is/are used for all trees training.
A potential solution consists in using cross validation instead of OOB score although it slows down the training. Anyway, simply increasing the number of trees and re-running the training (and crossing fingers) is often enough.
This project is licensed under the MIT License (see LICENSE for details)
(will be updated as new results come out)
import itertools
import numpy as np
from sklearn.ensemble import RandomForestClassifier
from sklearn.model_selection import train_test_split
from sklearn.metrics import accuracy_score
__author__ = "Pierre-Yves Lablanche"
__email__ = "plablanche@aims.ac.za"
__license__ = "MIT"
__version__ = "0.1.3"
__status__ = "Development"
# noinspection PyUnboundLocalVariable
class gcForest(object):
def __init__(self, shape_1X=None, n_mgsRFtree=30, window=None, stride=1,
cascade_test_size=0.2, n_cascadeRF=2, n_cascadeRFtree=101, cascade_layer=np.inf,
min_samples_mgs=0.1, min_samples_cascade=0.05, tolerance=0.0, n_jobs=1):
""" gcForest Classifier.
Slicing Step
If my window is of size [wl,wL] and the chosen stride are [sl,sL] then the number of slices per sample is :
Obviously the size of slice is [wl,wL]hence the total size of the sliced data set is :
This is when the memory consumption is its peak maximum.
Class Vector after Multi-Grain Scanning
Now all slices are fed to the random forest to generate class vectors. The number of class vector per random forest per window per sample is simply equal to the number of slices given to the random forest
Hence, if we have Nrfrandom forest per window the size of a class vector is (recall we have N samples and C classes):
And finally the total size of the Multi-Grain Scanning output will be:
This short calculation is just meant to give you an idea of the data processing during the Multi-Grain Scanning phase. The actual memory consumption depends on the format given (aka float, int, double, etc.) and it might be worth looking at it carefully when dealing with large datasets.
获取每根k线的交易数据后,把open,close,high,low,volume,ema, macd, linreg, momentum, rsi, var, cycle, atr作为特征指标,下根K线涨跌作为预测指标
from datetime import datetime
now = datetime.now()
startDate = '2010-4-16'
endDate = now
df=get_price('IF88', start_date=startDate, end_date=endDate,\
frequency='1d', fields=None, country='cn')
open = df['open'].values
close = df['close'].values
volume = df['volume'].values
high = df['high'].values
low = df['low'].values
import talib as ta
import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
from sklearn import preprocessing
ema = ta.EMA(close, timeperiod=30).tolist()
macd = ta.MACD(close, fastperiod=12, slowperiod=26, signalperiod = 9)[0].tolist()
momentum = ta.MOM(close, timeperiod=10).tolist()
rsi = ta.RSI(close, timeperiod=14).tolist()
linreg = ta.LINEARREG(close, timeperiod=14).tolist()
var = ta.VAR(close, timeperiod=5, nbdev=1).tolist()#获取当前的收盘价的希尔伯特变换
cycle = ta.HT_DCPERIOD(close).tolist()#获取平均真实波动范围指标ATR,时间段为14
atr = ta.ATR(high, low, close, timeperiod=14).tolist()#把每根k线的指标放入数组X中,并转置
X = np.array([open,close,high,low,volume,ema, macd, linreg, momentum, rsi, var, cycle, atr]).T#输出可知数组X包含了ema, macd, linreg等13个指标数值
array([ 3215. , 3267.2, 3281.2, 3208. , 114531. , nan,
nan, nan, nan, nan, nan, nan,
for i in range(1, len(X)):
if (close[i]>close[i-1]):
elif (close[i]<close[i-1]):
elif (close[i]==close[i-1]):
for i in range(1, 10):
3214.6 1 1
3267.2 0 2
3236.2 0 3
3221.2 0 4
3219.6 0 5
3138.8 0 6
3129.0 0 7
3083.8 1 8
3107.0 0 9
#把数据集分解成随机的训练和测试子集, 参数test_size表示测试集所占比例
X_tr, X_te, y_tr, y_te = train_test_split(X, y, test_size=0.33)
(549, 13)
首先调用和训练算法. 参数shape_1X在这里是指某一样本的维度。
我把维度也作为图像特征输入到机器里. 显然,它与iris数据集并不是很相关,但仍然需要定义 .
0.1.3版本可输入整数作为 shape_1X参数。
单个样本元素的形状[n_lines,n_cols]。 调用mg_scanning时需要!对于序列数据,可以给出单个int。
window:int(default = None)
stride:int(default = 1)
cascade_test_size:float或int(default = 0.2)
n_cascadeRF:int(default = 2)
级联层中随机森林的数量,对于每个伪随机森林,创建完整的随机森林,因此一层中随机森林的总数将为2 * n_cascadeRF。
n_cascadeRFtree:int(default = 101)
min_samples_mgs:float或int(default = 0.1)
节点中执行拆分的最小样本数 在多粒度扫描随机森林训练期间。 如果int number_of_samples = int。 如果float,min_samples表示要考虑的初始n_samples的分数。
min_samples_cascade:float或int(default = 0.1)
节点中执行拆分的最小样本数 在级联随机森林训练期间。 如果int number_of_samples = int。 如果float,min_samples表示要考虑的初始n_samples的分数。
cascade_layer:int(default = np.inf)
允许的最大级联级数。 有用的限制级联的结构。
tolerance:float(default= 0.0)
联生长的精度差,整个级联的性能将在验证集上进行估计, 如果没有显着的性能增益,训练过程将终止
n_jobs:int(default = 1)
任意随机森林适合并预测的并行运行的工作数量。 如果为-1,则将作业数设置为核心数。
#shape_1X样本维度,window为多粒度扫描(Multi-Grained Scanning)算法中滑动窗口大小,\
#如果没有显着的性能增益,训练过程将终止#gcf = gcForest(shape_1X=4, window=2, tolerance=0.0)
#gcf = gcForest(shape_1X=[13,13], window=2, tolerance=0.0)
gcf = gcForest(shape_1X=13, n_mgsRFtree=100, window=6, stride=2,
cascade_test_size=0.2, n_cascadeRF=4, n_cascadeRFtree=101, cascade_layer=np.inf,
min_samples_mgs=0.1, min_samples_cascade=0.1, tolerance=0.0, n_jobs=1)
gcf.fit(X_tr, y_tr)
Slicing Sequence…
Training MGS Random Forests…
Adding/Training Layer, n_layer=1
Layer validation accuracy = 0.5577889447236181
Adding/Training Layer, n_layer=2
Layer validation accuracy = 0.521608040201005
#shape_1X样本维度,window为多粒度扫描(Multi-Grained Scanning)算法中滑动窗口大小,\
#如果没有显着的性能增益,训练过程将终止#gcf = gcForest(shape_1X=4, window=2, tolerance=0.0)
#gcf = gcForest(shape_1X=[13,13], window=2, tolerance=0.0)
gcf = gcForest(shape_1X=[1,13], window=[1,6],)
gcf.fit(X_tr, y_tr)
Slicing Sequence…
Training MGS Random Forests…
Slicing Sequence…
Training MGS Random Forests…
Adding/Training Layer, n_layer=1
Layer validation accuracy = 0.5964125560538116
Adding/Training Layer, n_layer=2
Layer validation accuracy = 0.5695067264573991
参数改为shape_1X=[1,13], window=[1,6]后训练集达到0.59,不理想,这里只是抛砖引玉,调参需要大神指导。
Now checking the prediction for the test set:
pred_X = gcf.predict(X_te)
Slicing Sequence…
Slicing Sequence…
[1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 0 1 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 0 0 1 0等
for i in range(1,len(pred_X)):
0 1 -1
0 0 -2
1 0 -3
1 0 -4
0 1 -5
# 保存每一天预测的结果,如果某天预测对了,保存1,如果某天预测错了,保存-1
result_list = []
# 检查预测是否成功
def checkPredict(i):
if pred_X[i] == y_te[i]:
for i in range(len(y_te)-j*(k+1), len(y_te)-j*k):
#return result_list
print(len(y_te) )
print(len(result_list) )
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
x = range(0, len(result_list))
y = []
for i in range(0, len(result_list)):
#y.append((1 + float(sum(result_list[:i])) / (i+1)) / 2)
y.append( float(sum(result_list[:i])) / (i+1))
print(x, y)
line, = plt.plot(x, y)
最近 549 次准确率 0.5300546448087432
range(0, 549) [0.0, 0.0, 0.3333333333333333, 0.25等
# evaluating accuracy
accuracy = accuracy_score(y_true=y_te, y_pred=pred_X)
print('gcForest accuracy : {}'.format(accuracy))
gcForest accuracy : 0.5300546448087432
# loading the data
digits = load_digits()
X = digits.data
y = digits.target
X_tr, X_te, y_tr, y_te = train_test_split(X, y, test_size=0.4)
gcf = gcForest(shape_1X=[7,8], window=[4,6], tolerance=0.0, min_samples_mgs=10, min_samples_cascade=7)
#gcf = gcForest(shape_1X=13, window=13, tolerance=0.0, min_samples_mgs=10, min_samples_cascade=7)
gcf.fit(X_tr, y_tr)
Slicing Images…
Training MGS Random Forests…
Slicing Images…
Training MGS Random Forests…
Adding/Training Layer, n_layer=1
Layer validation accuracy = 0.9814814814814815
Adding/Training Layer, n_layer=2
Layer validation accuracy = 0.9814814814814815
# evaluating accuracy
accuracy = accuracy_score(y_true=y_te, y_pred=pred_X)
print('gcForest accuracy : {}'.format(accuracy))
gcForest accuracy : 0.980528511821975
gcf = gcForest(shape_1X=[8,8], window=5, min_samples_mgs=10, min_samples_cascade=7)
X_tr_mgs = gcf.mg_scanning(X_tr, y_tr)
Slicing Images…
Training MGS Random Forests…
It is now possible to use the mg_scanning output as input for cascade forests using different parameters. Note that the cascade forest module does not directly return predictions but probability predictions from each Random Forest in the last layer of the cascade. Hence the need to first take the mean of the output and then find the max.
gcf = gcForest(tolerance=0.0, min_samples_mgs=10, min_samples_cascade=7)
_ = gcf.cascade_forest(X_tr_mgs, y_tr)
Adding/Training Layer, n_layer=1
Layer validation accuracy = 0.9722222222222222
Adding/Training Layer, n_layer=2
Layer validation accuracy = 0.9907407407407407
Adding/Training Layer, n_layer=3
Layer validation accuracy = 0.9814814814814815
import numpy as np
pred_proba = gcf.cascade_forest(X_te_mgs)
tmp = np.mean(pred_proba, axis=0)
preds = np.argmax(tmp, axis=1)
accuracy_score(y_true=y_te, y_pred=preds)
gcf = gcForest(tolerance=0.0, min_samples_mgs=20, min_samples_cascade=10)
_ = gcf.cascade_forest(X_tr_mgs, y_tr)
pred_proba = gcf.cascade_forest(X_te_mgs)
tmp = np.mean(pred_proba, axis=0)
preds = np.argmax(tmp, axis=1)
accuracy_score(y_true=y_te, y_pred=preds)
Adding/Training Layer, n_layer=1
Layer validation accuracy = 0.9629629629629629
Adding/Training Layer, n_layer=2
Layer validation accuracy = 0.9675925925925926
Adding/Training Layer, n_layer=3
Layer validation accuracy = 0.9722222222222222
Adding/Training Layer, n_layer=4
Layer validation accuracy = 0.9722222222222222
Skipping mg_scanning
It is also possible to directly use the cascade forest and skip the multi grain scanning step.
gcf = gcForest(tolerance=0.0, min_samples_cascade=20)
_ = gcf.cascade_forest(X_tr, y_tr)
pred_proba = gcf.cascade_forest(X_te)
tmp = np.mean(pred_proba, axis=0)
preds = np.argmax(tmp, axis=1)
accuracy_score(y_true=y_te, y_pred=preds)
Adding/Training Layer, n_layer=1
Layer validation accuracy = 0.9583333333333334
Adding/Training Layer, n_layer=2
Layer validation accuracy = 0.9675925925925926
Adding/Training Layer, n_layer=3
Layer validation accuracy = 0.9583333333333334
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