CCS 之 关于TI 28035 SPI的一点问题


CCS 之 关于TI 28035 SPI的一点问题_第1张图片


图1: 通道1 是SPISTE信号,通道2是CLK信号,通道3是28035接收到的信号

SPICCR.6  SPICTL.3 = 00(上升沿无延时:The SPI transmits data on the rising edge of the SPICLK signal and
receives data on the falling edge of the SPICLK signal)即在下降沿接收信号,第4个下降沿接收到0


图2:SPICCR.6  SPICTL.3 = 01(上升沿有延时:The SPI transmits data one half-cycle ahead of the rising edge of the SPICLK signal and receives data on the rising edge of the SPICLK signal)即在上升沿接收信号,第5个上升沿接收到0

• Falling Edge Without Delay(SPICCR.6  SPICTL.3 = 10). The SPI transmits data on the falling edge of the SPICLK and receives data on the rising edge of the SPICLK.
• Falling Edge With Delay(SPICCR.6  SPICTL.3 = 11). The SPI transmits data one half-cycle ahead of the falling edge of the
SPICLK signal and receives data on the falling edge of the SPICLK signal.


CCS 之 关于TI 28035 SPI的一点问题_第2张图片











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