

 * define file about portable socketclass.
 * description:this sock is suit bothwindows and linux
 * design:odison
 * e-mail:[email protected]>

#ifndef _ODSOCKET_H_
#define _ODSOCKET_H_

#ifdef WIN32
        typedefint                                socklen_t;
        typedefint                                SOCKET;

        //#pragma region define win32const variable inlinux
        #defineINVALID_SOCKET        -1
        #defineSOCKET_ERROR        -1

class ODSocket {

        ODSocket(SOCKET sock =INVALID_SOCKET);

        // Create socket object forsnd/recv data
        bool Create(int af, int type,int protocol =0);

        // Connectsocket
        bool Connect(const char* ip,unsigned shortport);
        // Bindsocket
        bool Bind(unsigned short port);

        // Listensocket
        bool Listen(int backlog = 5);

        // Accept socket
        bool Accept(ODSocket& s,char* fromip =NULL);
        // Sendsocket
        int Send(const char* buf, intlen, int flags =0);

        // Recvsocket
        int Recv(char* buf, int len,int flags =0);
        // Closesocket
        int Close();

        // Geterrno
        //#pragma region just forwin32
        // Init winsock DLL
        static intInit();        
        // Clean winsockDLL
        static intClean();

        // Domain parse
        static bool DnsParse(constchar* domain, char*ip);

        ODSocket& operator =(SOCKET s);

        operator SOCKET();






 * Source file about portable socketclass.
 * design:odison
 * e-mail:[email protected]>

#include "odsocket.h"

#ifdef WIN32
        #pragma comment(lib,"wsock32")

        m_sock =sock;


int ODSocket::Init()

        typedef struct WSAData {
                WORDwVersion;                                                                //winsockversion
                WORDwHighVersion;                                                        //Thehighest version of the Windows Sockets specification that the Ws2_32.dll cansupport
                unsignedshort iMaxSockets;
                unsignedshort iMaxUdpDg;
                charFAR * lpVendorInfo;
        //#define MAKEWORD(a,b) ((WORD)(((BYTE) (a)) | ((WORD) ((BYTE) (b))) << 8))
        WORD version = MAKEWORD(2,0);
        int ret = WSAStartup(version,&wsaData);//win sock startup
        if ( ret ){
                cerr<< "Initilize winsock error !" <                 return-1;
        return 0;
//this is just for windows
int ODSocket::Clean()
#ifdef WIN32

ODSocket& ODSocket::operator = (SOCKETs)
        m_sock =s;

ODSocket::operator SOCKET ()
//create a socket object win/lin is the same
// af:
bool ODSocket::Create(int af, int type, intprotocol)
        m_sock = socket(af, type,protocol);
        if ( m_sock == INVALID_SOCKET ){

bool ODSocket::Connect(const char* ip, unsigned shortport)
        struct sockaddr_insvraddr;
        svraddr.sin_family =AF_INET;
        svraddr.sin_addr.s_addr =inet_addr(ip);
        svraddr.sin_port = htons(port);
        int ret = connect(m_sock,(struct sockaddr*)&svraddr,sizeof(svraddr));
        if ( ret == SOCKET_ERROR ){

bool ODSocket::Bind(unsigned short port)
        struct sockaddr_insvraddr;
        svraddr.sin_family =AF_INET;
        svraddr.sin_addr.s_addr = INADDR_ANY;
        svraddr.sin_port =htons(port);

        int opt = 1;
        if ( setsockopt(m_sock,SOL_SOCKET, SO_REUSEADDR, (char*)&opt, sizeof(opt)) < 0 )

        int ret = bind(m_sock, (structsockaddr*)&svraddr,sizeof(svraddr));
        if ( ret == SOCKET_ERROR ){
        return true;
//for server
bool ODSocket::Listen(int backlog)
        int ret = listen(m_sock,backlog);
        if ( ret == SOCKET_ERROR ){

bool ODSocket::Accept(ODSocket& s, char*fromip)
        struct sockaddr_incliaddr;
        socklen_t addrlen =sizeof(cliaddr);
        SOCKET sock = accept(m_sock,(struct sockaddr*)&cliaddr, &addrlen);
        if ( sock == SOCKET_ERROR ){

        s =sock;
        if ( fromip != NULL)


int ODSocket::Send(const char* buf, int len, intflags)
        int count =0;

        while ( count < len ){

                bytes= send(m_sock, buf + count, len - count,flags);
                if( bytes == -1 || bytes == 0 )
                count+= bytes;


int ODSocket::Recv(char* buf, int len, intflags)
        return (recv(m_sock, buf, len,flags));

int ODSocket::Close()
#ifdef WIN32
        return (close(m_sock));

int ODSocket::GetError()
#ifdef WIN32
        return (errno);

bool ODSocket::DnsParse(const char* domain, char*ip)
        struct hostent*p;
        if ( (p =gethostbyname(domain)) == NULL )
        return true;


