Failed to decode response: zlib_decode(): data error

在composer 安装Laravel的时候出现下面这个错:

Failed to decode response: zlib_decode(): data error
Retrying with degraded mode, check for more info


Due to some intermittent issues on Travis and other systems, we introduced a degraded network mode which helps Composer finish successfully but disables a few optimizations. This is enabled automatically when an issue is first detected. If you see this issue sporadically you probably don't have to worry (a slow or overloaded network can also cause those time outs), but if it appears repeatedly you might want to look at the options below to identify and resolve it.

If you have been pointed to this page, you want to check a few things:

If you are using ESET antivirus, go in "Advanced Settings" and disable "HTTP-scanner" under "web access protection"
If you are using IPv6, try disabling it. If that solves your issues, get in touch with your ISP or server host, the problem is not at the Packagist level but in the routing rules between you and Packagist (i.e. the internet at large). The best way to get these fixed is raise awareness to the network engineers that have the power to fix it. Take a look at the next section for IPv6 workarounds.

If none of the above helped, please report the error.

