
解决: 1.创建线程池代码如下
          ExecutorService   executorService   = Executors.newFixedThreadPool(Runtime.getRuntime().availableProcessors()*5);
             for ( int   i   = 0;   i   < 5;   i ++){
                 executorService .execute( new   ThreadDemo());
             executorService .shutdown();
             if ( executorService   .awaitTermination(Long. MAX_VALUE , TimeUnit. MINUTES   )){
              System.   out .println( "i am main thread"   );
          ThreadGroup   g =   new   ThreadGroup( "g1"   );
             for   ( int   i   = 0;   i   < 2;   i ++) {
              Thread   t =   new   Thread( g   , new   ThreadDemo());
                 t .start();
              // 获得当前线程组中线程数目, 包括可运行和不可运行的
             while ( g   .activeCount() > 0){
//               System.out.println("group1的当前的活跃数量:"+g.activeCount());
        System.   out .println( "==g中所有线程执行结束==="   );
     public   class   JoinDemo {
       public   static   void   main(String[]  args )  throws  InterruptedException {
             for  ( int   i   = 0 ;  i   < 3 ;  i ++){
              JoinFoo  foo  =  new  JoinFoo();
                 foo .start();
                 foo .join();
          System.   out  .println( "main Thread over"   );
       static   class  JoinFoo  extends   Thread {
             int   total   ;
             public   void   run(){
              System.   out  .println( "thread 1 is running"   ); 
                try  {
                   Thread. sleep(2000);
              }  catch  (InterruptedException  e   ) {
                      //  TODO  Auto-generated catch block
                      e .printStackTrace();
            System.   out  .println( "thread 1 is over and set flag to 1" ); 

public   class   ThreadDemo   extends   Thread{
      public   int   i   = 0;
      public   ThreadDemo(){
             super ();
      public   void   run(){
          System.   out .println(Thread.currentThread().getName()+   "=====" +(++ i   ));
          System.   out .println( "子线程"   +Thread.currentThread ().getName());
             try   {
              Thread. sleep(1000);
          }   catch   (InterruptedException   e   ) {
                 //   TODO   Auto-generated catch block
                 e .printStackTrace();

public   class  TestSync {
       private   static   int   FLAG  = 0;
       public   static   void   main(String[]  args ) {
          Thread1  thread1  =  new  Thread1();
          System.   out  .println( "thread 1 is start"   );
             thread1 .start();
             while  ( FLAG   != 1) {
                 // System.out.println("main thread is waiting");
             FLAG  = 0;
          System.   out  .println( "main thread is back to work" );
       static   class  Thread1  extends   Thread {
             int   total   ;
             public   void   run() {
              System.   out  .println( "thread 1 is running"   );
                 for  ( int   i   = 0;  i   < 5;  i ++) {
                      total  =  total  +  i ;
                   System.   out  .println( "total = "   +  total  );
              System.   out  .println( "thread 1 is over and set flag to 1" );
                 FLAG  = 1;
