区块链:以太坊:智能合约开发部署:testrpc go-ethereum truffle Solidity


Solidity   :编程语言,开发智能合约;
truffle    : 开发框架,方便编译部署智能合约;
go-ethereum: 以太坊客户端,智能合约需要部署在这里;

021.安装 truffle

$ npm i -g truffle
  • 查看版本:
$ truffle version
Truffle v4.1.14 (core: 4.1.14)
Solidity v0.4.24 (solc-js)

       注意:这里的Solidity版本: v0.4.24,不同版本语法变化很大,不兼容;

  • 创建工作目录:
$ mkdir -p smart_contract
$ cd smart_contract
  • 初始化truffle
$ truffle init
Setting up...
Unbox successful. Sweet!


  Compile:        truffle compile
  Migrate:        truffle migrate
  Test contracts: truffle test
  • 查看工作目录:
│  truffle-config.js
│  truffle.js
│      Migrations.sol
│      1_initial_migration.js
---- truffle-config.js     :配置文件
---- truffle.js            :配置文件
---- contracts             :存放智能合约的目录
---- Migrations.sol        :truffle自带的智能合约脚本
---- migrations            :智能合约编译部署目录
---- 1_initial_migration.js:编译部署文件
---- test                  :测试脚本目录


  • 编写Demo1.sol,保存在contracts目录下;
pragma solidity ^0.4.24;

contract Demo1 {

    function print () public pure returns (uint j) {
        return 100;

    function printInt(uint i) public pure returns (uint j) {
        return i * 2;

    function printString (string i) public pure returns (string j) {
        return i;
  • 编写Demo1Test.sol,保存到test目录下;
pragma solidity ^0.4.24;

import 'truffle/Assert.sol';
import 'truffle/DeployedAddresses.sol';
import '../contracts/Demo1.sol';

contract Demo1Test {

    Demo1 demo = Demo1(DeployedAddresses.Demo1());

    function testPrint() {
        uint expect = 100;
        Assert.equal(expect, demo.print(), 'print');

    function testPrintInt() {
        uint expect = 200;
        Assert.equal(expect, demo.printInt(100), 'print int');

    function testPrintString() {
        Assert.equal('a', demo.printString('a'), 'print string');


  • 修改配置(testrpc服务器):
  • testrpc服务器地址:,端口:8545
module.exports = {
    // See 
    // to customize your Truffle configuration!
    networks: {
        development: {
            port: 8545,
            network_id: '*'
  • 编译:
$ truffle compile --compile-all
Compiling .\contracts\Demo1.sol...
Compiling .\contracts\Migrations.sol...
Writing artifacts to .\build\contracts
  • 部署:
$ truffle migrate --reset
Using network 'development'.

Running migration: 1_initial_migration.js
  Replacing Migrations...
  ... 0x63d527a23e2a0257eee7e58251dd8174c03382d1d6549651afb6c7d4ef452cdd
  Migrations: 0x6a483d4081d953779f9fbef0296492320be130f7
  Replacing Demo1...
  ... 0xb74681f3549cc25ca4e1518541d8e08fef74d45efb86e5f9f05908b9312f2657
  Demo1: 0x9fb2d49be3303ebe1f6d1e1281ed8c5db07075a4
Saving successful migration to network...
  ... 0x9a3c295985e161afc100d16935ae32ba91f4e39be6ef4c3f642611d97c84b22d
Saving artifacts...
  • 测试:
$ truffle test
Using network 'development'.

Compiling .\contracts\Demo1.sol...
Compiling .\test\Demo1Test.sol...
Compiling truffle/Assert.sol...
Compiling truffle/DeployedAddresses.sol...

Compilation warnings encountered:

/D/workspace/smart_contract/test/Demo1Test.sol:11:5: Warning: No visibility specified. Defaulting to "public".
    function testPrint() {
    ^ (Relevant source part starts here and spans across multiple lines).
,/D/workspace/smart_contract/test/Demo1Test.sol:16:5: Warning: No visibility specified. Defaulting to "public".
    function testPrintInt() {
    ^ (Relevant source part starts here and spans across multiple lines).
,/D/workspace/smart_contract/test/Demo1Test.sol:21:5: Warning: No visibility specified. Defaulting to "public".
    function testPrintString() {
    ^ (Relevant source part starts here and spans across multiple lines).

    √ testPrint (41ms)
    √ testPrintInt (66ms)
    √ testPrintString

  3 passing (701ms)


[root@geth01 ~]# npm i -g testrpc 
npm WARN deprecated [email protected]: testrpc has been renamed to ganache-cli, please use this package from now on.
+ [email protected]
added 1 package in 1.059s

[root@geth01 ~]# ln -s /usr/local/node-v11.4.0-linux-x64/bin/testrpc /usr/bin/


[root@geth01 ~]# testrpc 
EthereumJS TestRPC v6.0.3 (ganache-core: 2.0.2)

Available Accounts
(0) 0xc7fcc15069ce88dc7bf20a25cd90c25a1fa207e3
(1) 0xe8284f75ca91ced00df38b57b4ef052545a3f1a3
(2) 0x0b60eab3e8d7b5f090a92b52357d846bbed15132
(3) 0xc17597b0d174b4528d1dcd95dfb7d7b2642edff9
(4) 0x7161d5ee0c14ff001553ba16067baec059f86add
(5) 0x5e19bbd19377f79d9a5473a32d2f70005bae64de
(6) 0xd52e40acf9257b117d43f86c3c7178cab40974c1
(7) 0x21e82a4e2d7cf40cfc1c62d4cf56edf377e13818
(8) 0x0a30e878d5e479b9d4c493d8e665a0077d77c66e
(9) 0x16f05821dcd5c812434c7c91990cd72b0538a358

Private Keys
(0) 569862d776d877d78785ae9835816dd754dab8b16a689317f40d4b81bd2e7a7b
(1) 0acf130e0a7eec4ef50fc6a2709a7b6d7dcab97bbd04291d1026ecad841784b5
(2) 859fe45be03cf4dcfe239d2ee60b30e13d1a1c39deb2485630541c5aba13a802
(3) f940ecc11920b3ca36d10d50ceae07ceedd7d2a6b37e31afe40298a821e55703
(4) 4856838e6c8a606012bf0a91e1284c482dd194b7178a855fddbcb9ebcdc79ed9
(5) b29da67c629ecb2395a328d9b594d19dc61646880068dd2b671dcc8e81121f92
(6) ac14862aa35c87256d078920b80cb81c5bdfa23169e0e3c3f5ca0321223b4059
(7) e55a79d8c45cb9b5f3dec6e1ed70d865ec60f3633d49bd1bbc06b5b4ccee624a
(8) ba36fa98781a5fa62bfb8208b8b3dfdd6fec0136e6ec8d9eee67788eb886c668
(9) 622b00722abb219ebfd7dd12efabd64f63f631f036f9ec6852a11ad5743ca694

HD Wallet
Mnemonic:      erupt ribbon bubble moment define cost ignore enhance clean auto manual help
Base HD Path:  m/44'/60'/0'/0/{account_index}

Listening on localhost:8545


