1998年的图灵奖获得者-James N.Gray

James N.Gray (xx/xx/19xx--)

1998 三十三 (1998 )


(Turing Award Citation)



For seminal contributions to database and transaction processing research and technical leadership in system implementation.



( James Gray 其在) 数据库和事务(Transaction)处理研究领域开创性的贡献,和其在系统实现方面的领导地位。



关于事务处理(Transaction Processing):








Transaction Processing


Transaction Processing Concepts and Techniques



The execution of business operations consisting of one or several requests or updates to a system as discrete units of work, each of them a transaction.

A transaction has a start and it is finished by either a commit-command to activate all its changes made to the system or by a rollback-command to roll back the system to the previous state

That means: A transaction either processes all of its changes or none of them. After the execution the system is always left in a valid state.

Transactions have 4 basic properties - the so called ACID properties

  • A = Atomicity (a transaction is completely finished or completely rolled back)

  • C = Consistency (system gets a valid new state or stays in the previous state)

  • I = Isolation (transaction is separated from other ones during processing)

  • D = Durability (system is left in a valid state even after a system failure)


Turing Award Lecture(图灵奖演讲文章)


What Next? A Few Remaining Problems in Information Technlogy, SIGMOD Conference 1999, ACM Turing Award Lecture.


James Gray :


James N. Gray1966年从Berkeley(www.berkeley.edu )获得其工程数学的学士学位并于1969年获得其计算机科学的博士学位。


Gray博士毕业后加入了工业界先后任职于IBM(www.ibm.com )Tandem(www.tandem.com , 已经是HP(www.hp.com )的一部分和DEC(www.dec.com 目前已是HP的一部分)


目前,Gray任职与微软研究院(http://research.microsoft.com/ ),主要从事大型数据库和事务处理的研究。


James Gray Wiki :



James Gray在微软公司研究院的主页



关于微软研究院: http://research.microsoft.com/


An Interview with Jim Gray June 2003, Interviewed by David A. Patterson


James Gray照片:





