python snmp 自动化2-在python中使用snmp

python snmp 自动化2-在python中使用snmp

#2012-02-23 磁针石

#承接软件自动化实施与培训 验证码破解 软件破解 脚本开发 测试和python培训等

#gtalk: qq 37391319 博客



#python qq group: 深圳自动化测试python群:113938272

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# 参考资料



# build-pysnmp-mib -o fsp150cm-sa.mib.txt fsp150cm-sa.mib

WARNING: empty MIB module name seen in smidump output at CM-SA-MIB

WARNING: empty MIB module name seen in smidump output at CM-SA-MIB

WARNING: empty MIB module name seen in smidump output at CM-SA-MIB

WARNING: empty MIB module name seen in smidump output at CM-SA-MIB

WARNING: empty MIB module name seen in smidump output at CM-SA-MIB

WARNING: empty MIB module name seen in smidump output at CM-SA-MIB

WARNING: empty MIB module name seen in smidump output at CM-SA-MIB

WARNING: empty MIB module name seen in smidump output at CM-SA-MIB

WARNING: empty MIB module name seen in smidump output at CM-SA-MIB

WARNING: empty MIB module name seen in smidump output at CM-SA-MIB

WARNING: empty MIB module name seen in smidump output at CM-SA-MIB

WARNING: empty MIB module name seen in smidump output at CM-SA-MIB

WARNING: empty MIB module name seen in smidump output at CM-SA-MIB

WARNING: empty MIB module name seen in smidump output at CM-SA-MIB

WARNING: empty MIB module name seen in smidump output at CM-SA-MIB

WARNING: empty MIB module name seen in smidump output at CM-SA-MIB

WARNING: empty MIB module name seen in smidump output at CM-SA-MIB

WARNING: empty MIB module name seen in smidump output at CM-SA-MIB

Traceback (most recent call last):

  File "/usr/bin/libsmi2pysnmp", line 5, in

    pkg_resources.run_script('pysnmp==4.2.1', 'libsmi2pysnmp')

  File "/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/setuptools-0.6c11-py2.7.egg/", line 489, in run_script

  File "/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/setuptools-0.6c11-py2.7.egg/", line 1214, in run_script

  File "/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/pysnmp-4.2.1-py2.7.egg/EGG-INFO/scripts/libsmi2pysnmp", line 435, in


  File "/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/pysnmp-4.2.1-py2.7.egg/EGG-INFO/scripts/libsmi2pysnmp", line 147, in __genTypeDef


KeyError: 'syntax'

smidump -k -f python fsp150cm-sa.mib | /usr/bin/libsmi2pysnmp fails

make sure you are using libsmi version > 0.4.5 (or svn)



This isn't so much an answer as much as me sharing my experience testing these libraries.


I ran some snmpwalk benchmarks on PySNMP 4.x and net-snmp using python's multiprocessing.Pool. Benchmarks were pretty dirty (basically scaled up the thread pool until I didn't get any performance gains), so reader be-ware. Here's some observations:


netsnmp's python bindings:


    * Could pull down 11958 oids/sec on the quad core test box.

    * Didn't consume a lot of CPU. Seemed to be waiting on network I/O most of the time (keep reading).

    * Didn't support snmpbulkwalk, unfortunately. So this generates more network traffic and a single thread of execution tends to be slow.

    * It has some annoying MIB look up behavior. I had to specify 'ifName' instead of 'IF-MIB::ifName', which could lead to some ambiguity. I also couldn't seem to find a way to control MIB lookups very well.

    * Threading will not work well. Even if you want one thread of execution, run it in a separate process so you don't starve other threads. This library is thread safe, but not thread friendly.




    * Came in at 5560 oids/sec on the same box.

    * Very CPU intensive. I attribute this to the packet parsing being done in python.

    * MIB lookups I thought were really nice.

    * snmpwalks would leak some unrelated OIDs. For example, I'd walk IF-MIB::ifXTable and at the end I'd get IF-MIB::ifStackTable. IF-MIB dump.

    * I'd almost certainly tailor a wrapper for my application instead of using this library directly. Specifically I'd wrap all the error handling to use Exceptions.

    * I'm not a big fan of writing/reading asynchronous code, so I'd just ignore all the async bits and run big SNMP operations in a separate process.


Overall, I'm really kind of disappointed. There's really not a "best overall" library. Apart from the API and performance, PySNMP4 is great. Apart from having some strange MIB/oid lookup handling behavior and not supporting many bulk operations, NetSNMP's python bindings were great.

         可见pysnmp强在mib解析等方面,性能方面不能和netsnmp媲美。既然我们的mib pysnmp无法解析,只好放弃,期待pysnmp尽快开发出自己的好的mib解析器。只有选择netsnmp。





Python Get示例:


print "Get ntpClientEnabled"

oid = netsnmp.Varbind('','2544.')

oidList = netsnmp.VarList(oid)

resultList = netsnmp.snmpget(oid ,Version=2,DestHost='',Community='private')

print resultList




session = netsnmp.Session(Version=2,DestHost='',Community='private')

oid = netsnmp.Varbind('','2544.',2,'INTEGER')

oidList = netsnmp.VarList(oid)

resultList = session.get(oidList)

print resultList         



print "Get ntpClientEnabled"

oid = netsnmp.Varbind('','2544.')

oid1 =  netsnmp.Varbind('','','15','INTEGER')

resultList = netsnmp.snmpget(oid ,oid1,Version=2,DestHost='',Community='private')

print resultList



session = netsnmp.Session(Version=2,DestHost='',Community='private')

oid2 = netsnmp.Varbind('','2544.',2,'INTEGER')

oid3 = netsnmp.Varbind('.','',20,'INTEGER')

oidList = netsnmp.VarList(oid3,oid2)

resultList = session.get(oidList)

print resultList



Python Set示例



print "Set ntpClientEnabled"

oid = netsnmp.Varbind('','0','2','INTEGER')

oid1 =  netsnmp.Varbind('','','15','INTEGER')

resultList = netsnmp.snmpset(oid, oid1,Version=2,DestHost='',Community='private')

print resultList

         上面的1.前面是否加点号没有关系。Varbind的init方法如下,tag可以用tid,比如ntpClientEnabled,iid表示后面带的序号,比如0,。val表示具体的值,type表示类型,更详细的参见python netsnmp库的README。Val值'2'和'15'可以不加引号,以为这里是整型,建议还是全部加上引号。


class Varbind(object):

    def __init__(self, tag=None, iid=None, val=None, type=None):



session = netsnmp.Session(Version=2,DestHost='',Community='private')

oid2 = netsnmp.Varbind('','2544.',2,'INTEGER')

oid3 = netsnmp.Varbind('.','',20,'INTEGER')

oidList = netsnmp.VarList(oid3,oid2)

resultList = session.set(oidList)

print resultList         



通过snmptranslate -Tso >toid.txt可以导出tid和oid的对应表。

通过snmptranslate –Td 可以获取oid的详细定义。

# snmptranslate -Td .


ntpClientEnabled OBJECT-TYPE



  SYNTAX        INTEGER {true(1), false(2)}

  MAX-ACCESS    read-write

  STATUS        current

  DESCRIPTION   "This allows to enable/disable the NTP client."

::= { iso(1) org(3) dod(6) internet(1) private(4) enterprises(1) advaMIB(2544) products(1) fsp150cm(12) cmSystemMIB(2) cmSystemObjects(1) cmTimeObjects(10) 1 }

为了提高可读性,我们需要在测试中使用true来表示1,false来表示2,并用ntpClientEnabled来表示.,遗憾的是,netsnmp的python库有如下限制“Access to the parsed MIB database is not yet implemented.”为此MIB的转换需要自行完成。为此拟定如下数据结构:


{ ntpClientEnabled:{ true:1, false:2}}




# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

# Function: Ssh to remote server

# Author:         Andrew Xu

# CreateDate: 2012/02/28


import subprocess

import re

import multiprocessing

import pickle

import time

import random


def producer(sequence, input_p):

    for item in sequence:

        # Put the item on the queue



# 消费者

def consumer(lock,pipe):

    output_p, input_p = pipe

    input_p.close() # 关闭管道输入口

    while True:




                   item = output_p.recv()

                   # 管道读取失败的预防,重试一次

             except Exception:

                   item = output_p.recv()


             if item == None:



             tid = item

             oid = snmpDict[item]


             # 处理部分


                   result = subprocess.check_output(['snmptranslate', '-Td',oid])

                   # subprocess失败的预防,重试一次

             except Exception:


                   result = subprocess.check_output(['snmptranslate', '-Td',oid])


             syntaxLine =

             if  syntaxLine:               

                   syntaxLine =       

                   valueitems = items.findall(syntaxLine)

                   snmpValueDict[tid] = dict(valueitems)         













if __name__ == '__main__':


    snmpDict = dict()

    snmpValueDict = dict()

    # 读取语法部分

    syntax = re.compile(r'^  SYNTAX.*?\{(.*?)\}',re.MULTILINE)

    # 读取字符串 和对应的值

    items = re.compile('(\w*)\((\w*)\)')

    f = open ("snmpValueDict.txt",'w')


    # 生成tid和oid对应的字典

    for line in open("tid_oid.txt"):

         tid, oid = line.strip().split(',')

         snmpDict[tid] = oid   


    pickle.dump(snmpValueDict, open("snmpTidOid.txt", "w"))     


    print "length of snmpDict:" + str(len(snmpDict))


    # 进程数、创建管道,锁等

    p_num = 10

    process = []   

    (output_p, input_p) = multiprocessing.Pipe()

    lock = multiprocessing.Lock()


    # 定义消费进程

    for i in range(p_num):

         t =multiprocessing.Process(target=consumer,args=(lock,(output_p, input_p),))     




    # 启动消费进程

    for i in range(p_num):



    # 关闭输出管道,以往管道填充数据


    sequence = snmpDict.values() + [None]*p_num

    producer(snmpDict.keys(), input_p)   

    # 数据填充完毕,打开输入管道



    # 等待结束

    for i in range(p_num):



    pickle.dump(snmpValueDict, open("snmpValueDict.txt", "w"))   

    print "length of snmpDict:" + str(len(snmpDict))   

    print "length of snmpValueDict:" + str(len(snmpValueDict))     




# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

# Function: Ssh to remote server

# Author:         Andrew Xu

# CreateDate: 2012/02/28


import re

import glob

import pickle


typeDict = dict()

snmpDict = dict()

snmpValueDict = dict()


# tid and oid dict

for line in open("tid_oid.txt"):

    tid, oid = line.strip().split(',')

    snmpDict[tid] = oid   


pickle.dump(snmpDict, open("snmpTidOid.txt", "w"))   


# type Dict

for mibFile in glob.glob(r"/home/share/andrew/soft/mib/110/MIBs/*.mib"):

    files = open(mibFile).read()

    text =re.sub("\s+"," ",files)

    result = re.findall(r'(\w*)\s+OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX\s+\w+\s\{(.*?\(\w\).*?)\}',text)


    for dictName,values in result:

        splitValues = re.findall('(\w+)\s*?\((\w+)\)',values)

        typeDict[dictName] = dict(splitValues)


pickle.dump(snmpDict, open("typeDict.txt", "w"))               


# snmp Value Dict

for mibFile in glob.glob(r"D:\soft\mib\110\MIBs\*.mib"):

    print mibFile

    files = open(mibFile).read()

    text =re.sub("\s+"," ",files)

    result = re.findall(r'\s(\w*?) ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION STATUS current DESCRIPTION.*?SYNTAX\s+\w+\s\{(.*?\(\w\).*?)\}',text)

    print result   

    for dictName,values in result:

        splitValues = re.findall('(\w+)\s*?\((\w+)\)',values)

        snmpValueDict[dictName] = dict(splitValues)


    result = re.findall(r'\s(\w*?) ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION STATUS current DESCRIPTION.*?SYNTAX\s+\w+\s\{(.*?\(\w\).*?)\}',text)


pickle.dump(snmpValueDict, open("snmpValueDict.txt", "w"))   






# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

# Function: Ssh to remote server

# Author:         Andrew Xu

# CreateDate: 2012/02/28



import netsnmp

import re

import pickle


snmpTOidDict = pickle.load(open(r"snmpTidOid.txt"))

snmpValueDict = pickle.load(open(r"snmpValueDict.txt"))


print "Set ntpClientEnabled"

print snmpValueDict['ntpClientEnabled']

oid = netsnmp.Varbind(snmpTOidDict['ntpClientEnabled'], '0', snmpValueDict['ntpClientEnabled']['true'],'INTEGER')

oid1 =  netsnmp.Varbind(snmpTOidDict['ecpaControlDuration'],'','15','INTEGER')

resultList = netsnmp.snmpset(oid, oid1,Version=2,DestHost='',Community='private')

print resultList




# snmpset -v2c -c private cmFacProtGroupSwitchMode. i 1 cmFacProtGroupWorkPort. o cmFacProtGroupProtPort. o cmFacProtGroupRowStatus. i 4


CM-PROTECTION-MIB::cmFacProtGroupSwitchMode. = INTEGER: oneplusone(1)

CM-PROTECTION-MIB::cmFacProtGroupWorkPort. = OID: CM-FACILITY-MIB::cmEthernetNetPortIndex.

CM-PROTECTION-MIB::cmFacProtGroupProtPort. = OID: CM-FACILITY-MIB::cmEthernetNetPortIndex.

CM-PROTECTION-MIB::cmFacProtGroupRowStatus. = INTEGER: createAndGo(4)


# snmpset -v2c -c private cmFacProtGroupRowStatus. i 6 CM-PROTECTION-MIB::cmFacProtGroupRowStatus. = INTEGER: destroy(6)




# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

# Function: Ssh to remote server

# Author:         Andrew Xu

# CreateDate: 2012/02/28


import netsnmp

import re

import pickle


snmpTOidDict = pickle.load(open(r"snmpTidOid.txt"))

snmpValueDict = pickle.load(open(r"snmpValueDict.txt"))


print  snmpValueDict['cmFacProtGroupRowStatus']


oid = netsnmp.Varbind(snmpTOidDict['cmFacProtGroupSwitchMode'], '',


oid1 = netsnmp.Varbind(snmpTOidDict['cmFacProtGroupWorkPort'], '',

                      snmpTOidDict['cmEthernetNetPortIndex'] + '.','OBJECTID')

oid2 = netsnmp.Varbind(snmpTOidDict['cmFacProtGroupProtPort'], '',

                      snmpTOidDict['cmEthernetNetPortIndex'] + '.','OBJECTID')

oid3 = netsnmp.Varbind(snmpTOidDict['cmFacProtGroupRowStatus'], '',



resultList = netsnmp.snmpset(oid, oid1,oid2, oid3,Version=2,DestHost='',Community='private')

print resultList


oid3 = netsnmp.Varbind(snmpTOidDict['cmFacProtGroupRowStatus'], '',


resultList = netsnmp.snmpset( oid3,Version=2,DestHost='',Community='private')

print resultList

Normal 0 7.8 pt 0 2 false false false EN-US ZH-CN X-NONE /* Style Definitions */ table.MsoNormalTable {mso-style-name:"Table Normal"; mso-tstyle-rowband-size:0; mso-tstyle-colband-size:0; mso-style-noshow:yes; mso-style-priority:99; mso-style-parent:""; mso-padding-alt:0cm 5.4pt 0cm 5.4pt; mso-para-margin:0cm; mso-para-margin-bottom:.0001pt; mso-pagination:widow-orphan; font-size:10.5pt; mso-bidi-font-size:11.0pt; font-family:"Calibri","sans-serif"; mso-ascii-font-family:Calibri; mso-ascii-theme-font:minor-latin; mso-hansi-font-family:Calibri; mso-hansi-theme-font:minor-latin; mso-bidi-font-family:"Times New Roman"; mso-bidi-theme-font:minor-bidi; mso-font-kerning:1.0pt;}




session = netsnmp.Session(Version=2,DestHost='',Community='private')

oid = netsnmp.Varbind('','',2,'INTEGER')

oidList = netsnmp.VarList(oid)

resultList = session.walk(oidList)

print resultList         

print len(resultList)


通过上述代码,执行time ./ 。walk的效率:耗时:5m38.919s oid个数:13385

平均秒只能获取约40个oid。和参考资料中测试得5560 oids/sec有百倍左右的差距。不过我们的设备已经吃到近90%的cpu,这部分有待以后继续研究优化。

