Riak - 安装运维篇(1)

分布式高可用键值对数据库Riak - 安装运维篇(1)


我的操作系统是Red Hat Enterprise Linux Server release 6.6 (Santiago),这也是我们目前生产上用的。

#su - root
#yum install pam-devel gcc gcc-c++ glibc-devel make ncurses-devel openssl-devel autoconf git


#wget http://s3.amazonaws.com/downloads.basho.com/erlang/otp_src_R16B02-basho8.tar.gz
#tar zxvf otp_src_R16B02-basho8.tar.gz
#cd OTP_R16B02_basho8/
#./otp_build autoconf
#CFLAGS="-DOPENSSL_NO_EC=1" ./configure && make && sudo make install
#cd ~

安装好后,输入erl, 可以看到

Erlang R16B02_basho8 (erts-5.10.3) [source] [64-bit] [smp:32:32] [async-threads:10] [hipe] [kernel-poll:false]

Eshell V5.10.3  (abort with ^G)


#wget http://s3.amazonaws.com/downloads.basho.com/riak/2.1/2.1.4/rhel/6/riak-2.1.4-1.el6.src.rpm
#rpm -ivh riak-2.1.4-1.el6.src.rpm


#mv /root/rpmbuild/SOURCES/riak-2.1.4.tar.gz ./
#tar zxvf riak-2.1.3.tar.gz
#cd riak-2.1.3
#make devrel DEVNODES=5


#tree -L 2 dev/
├── dev1
│   ├── bin
│   ├── data
│   ├── erts-5.10.3
│   ├── etc
│   ├── lib
│   ├── log
│   └── releases
├── dev2
│   ├── bin
│   ├── data
│   ├── erts-5.10.3
│   ├── etc
│   ├── lib
│   ├── log
│   └── releases
├── dev3
│   ├── bin
│   ├── data
│   ├── erts-5.10.3
│   ├── etc
│   ├── lib
│   ├── log
│   └── releases
├── dev4
│   ├── bin
│   ├── data
│   ├── erts-5.10.3
│   ├── etc
│   ├── lib
│   ├── log
│   └── releases
└── dev5
    ├── bin
    ├── data
    ├── erts-5.10.3
    ├── etc
    ├── lib
    ├── log
    └── releases


#cd dev/dev1
#vim ./etc/riak.conf
## Where to emit the default log messages (typically at 'info'
## severity):
## off: disabled
## file: the file specified by log.console.file
## console: to standard output (seen when using `riak attach-direct`)
## both: log.console.file and standard out.
## Default: both
## Acceptable values:
##   - one of: off, file, console, both
log.console = both

## The severity level of the console log, default is 'info'.
## Default: info
## Acceptable values:
##   - one of: debug, info, notice, warning, error, critical, alert, emergency, none
log.console.level = info

## When 'log.console' is set to 'file' or 'both', the file where
## console messages will be logged.
## Default: $(platform_log_dir)/console.log
## Acceptable values:
##   - the path to a file
log.console.file = $(platform_log_dir)/console.log

## The file where error messages will be logged.
## Default: $(platform_log_dir)/error.log
## Acceptable values:
##   - the path to a file
log.error.file = $(platform_log_dir)/error.log

## When set to 'on', enables log output to syslog.
## Default: off
## Acceptable values:
##   - on or off
log.syslog = off

## Whether to enable the crash log.
## Default: on
## Acceptable values:
##   - on or off
log.crash = on

## If the crash log is enabled, the file where its messages will
## be written.
## Default: $(platform_log_dir)/crash.log
## Acceptable values:
##   - the path to a file
log.crash.file = $(platform_log_dir)/crash.log

## Maximum size in bytes of individual messages in the crash log
## Default: 64KB
## Acceptable values:
##   - a byte size with units, e.g. 10GB
log.crash.maximum_message_size = 64KB

## Maximum size of the crash log in bytes, before it is rotated
## Default: 10MB
## Acceptable values:
##   - a byte size with units, e.g. 10GB
log.crash.size = 10MB

## The schedule on which to rotate the crash log.  For more
## information see:
## https://github.com/basho/lager/blob/master/README.md#internal-log-rotation
## Default: $D0
## Acceptable values:
##   - text
log.crash.rotation = $D0

## The number of rotated crash logs to keep. When set to
## 'current', only the current open log file is kept.
## Default: 5
## Acceptable values:
##   - an integer
##   - the text "current"
log.crash.rotation.keep = 5

## erlang vm shutdown_time is useful when running a riak_test devrel
## Default: 10s
## Acceptable values:
##   - a time duration with units, e.g. '10s' for 10 seconds
erlang.shutdown_time = 10s

## Name of the Erlang node
## Default: [email protected]
## Acceptable values:
##   - text
nodename = dev1@

## Cookie for distributed node communication.  All nodes in the
## same cluster should use the same cookie or they will not be able to
## communicate.
## Default: riak
## Acceptable values:
##   - text
distributed_cookie = riak

## Sets the number of threads in async thread pool, valid range
## is 0-1024. If thread support is available, the default is 64.
## More information at: http://erlang.org/doc/man/erl.html
## Default: 64
## Acceptable values:
##   - an integer
erlang.async_threads = 64

## The number of concurrent ports/sockets
## Valid range is 1024-134217727
## Default: 65536
## Acceptable values:
##   - an integer
erlang.max_ports = 65536

## Set scheduler forced wakeup interval. All run queues will be
## scanned each Interval milliseconds. While there are sleeping
## schedulers in the system, one scheduler will be woken for each
## non-empty run queue found. An Interval of zero disables this
## feature, which also is the default.
## This feature is a workaround for lengthy executing native code, and
## native code that do not bump reductions properly.
## More information: http://www.erlang.org/doc/man/erl.html#+sfwi
## Default: 500
## Acceptable values:
##   - an integer
## erlang.schedulers.force_wakeup_interval = 500

## Enable or disable scheduler compaction of load. By default
## scheduler compaction of load is enabled. When enabled, load
## balancing will strive for a load distribution which causes as many
## scheduler threads as possible to be fully loaded (i.e., not run out
## of work). This is accomplished by migrating load (e.g. runnable
## processes) into a smaller set of schedulers when schedulers
## frequently run out of work. When disabled, the frequency with which
## schedulers run out of work will not be taken into account by the
## load balancing logic.
## More information: http://www.erlang.org/doc/man/erl.html#+scl
## Default: false
## Acceptable values:
##   - one of: true, false
## erlang.schedulers.compaction_of_load = false

## Enable or disable scheduler utilization balancing of load. By
## default scheduler utilization balancing is disabled and instead
## scheduler compaction of load is enabled which will strive for a
## load distribution which causes as many scheduler threads as
## possible to be fully loaded (i.e., not run out of work). When
## scheduler utilization balancing is enabled the system will instead
## try to balance scheduler utilization between schedulers. That is,
## strive for equal scheduler utilization on all schedulers.
## More information: http://www.erlang.org/doc/man/erl.html#+sub
## Acceptable values:
##   - one of: true, false
## erlang.schedulers.utilization_balancing = true

## Number of partitions in the cluster (only valid when first
## creating the cluster). Must be a power of 2, minimum 8 and maximum
## 1024.
## Default: 64
## Acceptable values:
##   - an integer
## ring_size = 64

## Number of concurrent node-to-node transfers allowed.
## Default: 2
## Acceptable values:
##   - an integer
## transfer_limit = 2

## Default cert location for https can be overridden
## with the ssl config variable, for example:
## Acceptable values:
##   - the path to a file
## ssl.certfile = $(platform_etc_dir)/cert.pem

## Default key location for https can be overridden with the ssl
## config variable, for example:
## Acceptable values:
##   - the path to a file
## ssl.keyfile = $(platform_etc_dir)/key.pem

## Default signing authority location for https can be overridden
## with the ssl config variable, for example:
## Acceptable values:
##   - the path to a file
## ssl.cacertfile = $(platform_etc_dir)/cacertfile.pem

## DTrace support Do not enable 'dtrace' unless your Erlang/OTP
## runtime is compiled to support DTrace.  DTrace is available in
## R15B01 (supported by the Erlang/OTP official source package) and in
## R14B04 via a custom source repository & branch.
## Default: off
## Acceptable values:
##   - on or off
dtrace = off

## Platform-specific installation paths (substituted by rebar)
## Default: ./bin
## Acceptable values:
##   - the path to a directory
platform_bin_dir = ./bin

## Default: ./data
## Acceptable values:
##   - the path to a directory
platform_data_dir = ./data

## Default: ./etc
## Acceptable values:
##   - the path to a directory
platform_etc_dir = ./etc

## Default: ./lib
## Acceptable values:
##   - the path to a directory
platform_lib_dir = ./lib

## Default: ./log
## Acceptable values:
##   - the path to a directory
platform_log_dir = ./log

## Enable consensus subsystem. Set to 'on' to enable the
## consensus subsystem used for strongly consistent Riak operations.
## Default: off
## Acceptable values:
##   - on or off
## strong_consistency = on

## listener.http. is an IP address and TCP port that the Riak
## HTTP interface will bind.
## Default:
## Acceptable values:
##   - an IP/port pair, e.g.
listener.http.internal =

## listener.protobuf. is an IP address and TCP port that the Riak
## Protocol Buffers interface will bind.
## Default:
## Acceptable values:
##   - an IP/port pair, e.g.
listener.protobuf.internal =

## The maximum length to which the queue of pending connections
## may grow. If set, it must be an integer > 0. If you anticipate a
## huge number of connections being initialized *simultaneously*, set
## this number higher.
## Default: 128
## Acceptable values:
##   - an integer
## protobuf.backlog = 128

## listener.https. is an IP address and TCP port that the Riak
## HTTPS interface will bind.
## Acceptable values:
##   - an IP/port pair, e.g.
## listener.https.internal =

## How Riak will repair out-of-sync keys. Some features require
## this to be set to 'active', including search.
## * active: out-of-sync keys will be repaired in the background
## * passive: out-of-sync keys are only repaired on read
## * active-debug: like active, but outputs verbose debugging
## information
## Default: active
## Acceptable values:
##   - one of: active, passive, active-debug
anti_entropy = active

## Specifies the storage engine used for Riak's key-value data
## and secondary indexes (if supported).
## Default: bitcask
## Acceptable values:
##   - one of: bitcask, leveldb, memory, multi, prefix_multi
storage_backend = bitcask

## Simplify prefix_multi configuration for Riak CS. Keep this
## commented out unless Riak is configured for Riak CS.
## Acceptable values:
##   - an integer
## cs_version = 20000

## Controls which binary representation of a riak value is stored
## on disk.
## * 0: Original erlang:term_to_binary format. Higher space overhead.
## * 1: New format for more compact storage of small values.
## Default: 1
## Acceptable values:
##   - the integer 1
##   - the integer 0
object.format = 1

## Reading or writing objects bigger than this size will write a
## warning in the logs.
## Default: 5MB
## Acceptable values:
##   - a byte size with units, e.g. 10GB
object.size.warning_threshold = 5MB

## Writing an object bigger than this will send a failure to the
## client.
## Default: 50MB
## Acceptable values:
##   - a byte size with units, e.g. 10GB
object.size.maximum = 50MB

## Writing an object with more than this number of siblings will
## generate a warning in the logs.
## Default: 25
## Acceptable values:
##   - an integer
object.siblings.warning_threshold = 25

## Writing an object with more than this number of siblings will
## send a failure to the client.
## Default: 100
## Acceptable values:
##   - an integer
object.siblings.maximum = 100

## A path under which bitcask data files will be stored.
## Default: $(platform_data_dir)/bitcask
## Acceptable values:
##   - the path to a directory
bitcask.data_root = $(platform_data_dir)/bitcask

## Configure how Bitcask writes data to disk.
## erlang: Erlang's built-in file API
## nif: Direct calls to the POSIX C API
## The NIF mode provides higher throughput for certain
## workloads, but has the potential to negatively impact
## the Erlang VM, leading to higher worst-case latencies
## and possible throughput collapse.
## Default: erlang
## Acceptable values:
##   - one of: erlang, nif
bitcask.io_mode = erlang

## Set to 'off' to disable the admin panel.
## Default: off
## Acceptable values:
##   - on or off
riak_control = off

## Authentication mode used for access to the admin panel.
## Default: off
## Acceptable values:
##   - one of: off, userlist
riak_control.auth.mode = off

## If riak control's authentication mode (riak_control.auth.mode)
## is set to 'userlist' then this is the list of usernames and
## passwords for access to the admin panel.
## To create users with given names, add entries of the format:
## riak_control.auth.user.USERNAME.password = PASSWORD
## replacing USERNAME with the desired username and PASSWORD with the
## desired password for that user.
## Acceptable values:
##   - text
## riak_control.auth.user.admin.password = pass

## This parameter defines the percentage of total server memory
## to assign to LevelDB. LevelDB will dynamically adjust its internal
## cache sizes to stay within this size.  The memory size can
## alternately be assigned as a byte count via leveldb.maximum_memory
## instead.
## Default: 70
## Acceptable values:
##   - an integer
leveldb.maximum_memory.percent = 70

## To enable Search set this 'on'.
## Default: off
## Acceptable values:
##   - on or off
search = off

## How long Riak will wait for Solr to start. The start sequence
## will be tried twice. If both attempts timeout, then the Riak node
## will be shutdown. This may need to be increased as more data is
## indexed and Solr takes longer to start. Values lower than 1s will
## be rounded up to the minimum 1s.
## Default: 30s
## Acceptable values:
##   - a time duration with units, e.g. '10s' for 10 seconds
search.solr.start_timeout = 30s

## The port number which Solr binds to.
## NOTE: Binds on every interface.
## Default: 10014
## Acceptable values:
##   - an integer
search.solr.port = 10014

## The port number which Solr JMX binds to.
## NOTE: Binds on every interface.
## Default: 10013
## Acceptable values:
##   - an integer
search.solr.jmx_port = 10013

## The options to pass to the Solr JVM.  Non-standard options,
## i.e. -XX, may not be portable across JVM implementations.
## E.g. -XX:+UseCompressedStrings
## Default: -d64 -Xms1g -Xmx1g -XX:+UseStringCache -XX:+UseCompressedOops
## Acceptable values:
##   - text
search.solr.jvm_options = -d64 -Xms1g -Xmx1g -XX:+UseStringCache -XX:+UseCompressedOops


#./bin/riak start


#./bin/riak-admin cluster status
---- Cluster Status ----
Ring ready: true

|          node          |status| avail |ring |pending|
| (C) [email protected] |valid |  up   |100.0|  --   |

Key: (C) = Claimant; availability marked with '!' is unexpected


#./dev2/bin/riak start
#./dev2/bin/riak-admin cluster status
---- Cluster Status ----
Ring ready: true

|          node          |status| avail |ring |pending|
| (C) [email protected] |valid |  up   |100.0|  --   |

Key: (C) = Claimant; availability marked with '!' is unexpected
#./dev3/bin/riak start
#./dev3/bin/riak-admin cluster status
---- Cluster Status ----
Ring ready: true

|          node          |status| avail |ring |pending|
| (C) [email protected] |valid |  up   |100.0|  --   |

Key: (C) = Claimant; availability marked with '!' is unexpected

之后,开始配置一个三个Riak node的集群。首先,将[email protected][email protected]组成一个集群。

#./dev2/bin/riak-admin cluster join [email protected]
Success: staged join request for '[email protected]' to '[email protected]'
#./dev2/bin/riak-admin cluster plan
=============================== Staged Changes ================================
Action         Details(s)
join           '[email protected]'

NOTE: Applying these changes will result in 1 cluster transition

                         After cluster transition 1/1

================================= Membership ==================================
Status     Ring    Pending    Node
valid     100.0%     50.0%    '[email protected]'
valid       0.0%     50.0%    '[email protected]'
Valid:2 / Leaving:0 / Exiting:0 / Joining:0 / Down:0

WARNING: Not all replicas will be on distinct nodes

Transfers resulting from cluster changes: 32
  32 transfers from '[email protected]' to '[email protected]'

#./dev2/bin/riak-admin cluster commit
Cluster changes committed
#./dev2/bin/riak-admin cluster status
---- Cluster Status ----
Ring ready: true

|          node          |status| avail |ring |pending|
| (C) [email protected] |valid |  up   | 87.5|  50.0 |
|     [email protected] |valid |  up   | 12.5|  50.0 |

Key: (C) = Claimant; availability marked with '!' is unexpected
#./dev2/bin/riak-admin cluster status
---- Cluster Status ----
Ring ready: true

|          node          |status| avail |ring |pending|
| (C) [email protected] |valid |  up   | 75.0|  50.0 |
|     [email protected] |valid |  up   | 25.0|  50.0 |

Key: (C) = Claimant; availability marked with '!' is unexpected
#./dev2/bin/riak-admin cluster status
---- Cluster Status ----
Ring ready: true

|          node          |status| avail |ring |pending|
| (C) [email protected] |valid |  up   | 62.5|  50.0 |
|     [email protected] |valid |  up   | 37.5|  50.0 |

Key: (C) = Claimant; availability marked with '!' is unexpected
#./dev2/bin/riak-admin cluster status
---- Cluster Status ----
Ring ready: true

|          node          |status| avail |ring |pending|
| (C) [email protected] |valid |  up   | 50.0|  --   |
|     [email protected] |valid |  up   | 50.0|  --   |

Key: (C) = Claimant; availability marked with '!' is unexpected

对于[email protected]也是一样:

#./dev3/bin/riak-admin cluster join [email protected]
Success: staged join request for '[email protected]' to '[email protected]'
#./dev3/bin/riak-admin cluster status
---- Cluster Status ----
Ring ready: true

|          node          |status | avail |ring |pending|
|     [email protected] |joining|  up   |  0.0|  --   |
| (C) [email protected] | valid |  up   | 50.0|  --   |
|     [email protected] | valid |  up   | 50.0|  --   |

Key: (C) = Claimant; availability marked with '!' is unexpected
#./dev3/bin/riak-admin cluster plan
=============================== Staged Changes ================================
Action         Details(s)
join           '[email protected]'

NOTE: Applying these changes will result in 1 cluster transition

                         After cluster transition 1/1

================================= Membership ==================================
Status     Ring    Pending    Node
valid      50.0%     34.4%    '[email protected]'
valid      50.0%     32.8%    '[email protected]'
valid       0.0%     32.8%    '[email protected]'
Valid:3 / Leaving:0 / Exiting:0 / Joining:0 / Down:0

WARNING: Not all replicas will be on distinct nodes

Transfers resulting from cluster changes: 21
  10 transfers from '[email protected]' to '[email protected]'
  11 transfers from '[email protected]' to '[email protected]'

#./dev3/bin/riak-admin cluster commit
Cluster changes committed
#./dev3/bin/riak-admin cluster status
---- Cluster Status ----
Ring ready: true

|          node          |status| avail |ring |pending|
| (C) [email protected] |valid |  up   | 43.8|  34.4 |
|     [email protected] |valid |  up   | 50.0|  32.8 |
|     [email protected] |valid |  up   |  6.3|  32.8 |

Key: (C) = Claimant; availability marked with '!' is unexpected
#./dev3/bin/riak-admin cluster status
---- Cluster Status ----
Ring ready: true

|          node          |status| avail |ring |pending|
| (C) [email protected] |valid |  up   | 34.4|  --   |
|     [email protected] |valid |  up   | 32.8|  --   |
|     [email protected] |valid |  up   | 32.8|  --   |

Key: (C) = Claimant; availability marked with '!' is unexpected

这里riak-admin cluster status可以查看集群状态。status是目前每个节点的状态。avail代表是否可以访问,ring就是每个节点持有多少百分比的数据。和Dynamo的思想一致,riak以一致性哈希环保存数据。这个ring就是虚节点,里面的百分比就是每个节点持有虚节点个数。

你可能感兴趣的:(Riak - 安装运维篇(1))