
英文 | https://medium.com/better-programming/5-examples-of-higher-order-functions-in-javascript-21aabb4c00ac

翻译 | web前端开发(ID:web_qdkf)





1、 .map,.forEach,etc.


下面的代码段循环遍历数组,并在每个项目上调用一个函数,直到到达最后一个项目为止。 采取它可以调用的功能的能力是使其成为高阶函数的原因:

function prefixWordWithUnderscore(word) {
return `_${word}`

const words = ['coffee', 'apple', 'orange', 'phone', 'starbucks']
const prefixedWords = words.map(prefixWordWithUnderscore)

// result: ["_coffee", "_apple", "_orange", "_phone", "_starbucks"]




function utilizePrefixer(prefix) {
return function(word) {
return `${prefix}${word}`

const withMoneySign = utilizePrefixer('$')
const withCompanyName = utilizePrefixer('Fandango')
const tenDollars = withMoneySign('9.99')
const formHeader = withCompanyName(
' is the company you will be applying for today',








import React from 'react'
import { GoCheck, GoAlert } from 'react-icons/go'
import { FaInfoCircle } from 'react-icons/fa'
import { MdPriorityHigh } from 'react-icons/md'
import { toast } from 'react-toastify'

  Calling these toasts most likely happens in the UI 100% of the time.
  So it is safe to render components/elements as toasts.

// Keeping all the toast ids used throughout the app here so we can easily manage/update over time
// This used to show only one toast at a time so the user doesn't get spammed with toast popups

export const toastIds = {
// APP
  internetOnline: 'internet-online',
internetOffline: 'internet-offline',
retryInternet: 'internet-retry',

// Note: this toast && is a conditional escape hatch for unit testing to avoid an error.
const getDefaultOptions = (options) => ({
position: toast && toast.POSITION.BOTTOM_RIGHT,

const Toast = ({ children, success, error, info, warning }) => {
let componentChildren

// Sometimes we are having an "object is not valid as a react child" error and children magically becomes an API error response, so we must use this fallback string
if (!React.isValidElement(children) && typeof children !== 'string') {
    componentChildren = 'An error occurred'
  } else {
    componentChildren = children

let Icon = GoAlert

if (success) Icon = GoCheck
if (error) Icon = GoAlert
if (info) Icon = FaInfoCircle
if (warning) Icon = MdPriorityHigh

return (
) } export const success = (msg, opts) => { return toast.success({msg}, { className: 'toast-success', ...getDefaultOptions(), ...opts, }) } export const error = (msg, opts) => { return toast.error({msg}, { className: 'toast-error', ...getDefaultOptions(), ...opts, }) } export const info = (msg, opts) => { return toast.info({msg}, { className: 'toast-info', ...getDefaultOptions(), ...opts, }) } export const warn = (msg, opts) => { return toast.warn({msg}, { className: 'toast-warn', ...getDefaultOptions(), ...opts, }) } export const neutral = (msg, opts) => { return toast({msg}, { className: 'toast-default', ...getDefaultOptions(), ...opts, }) }



import { toast } from 'react-toastify'
import {
  info as toastInfo,
  success as toastSuccess,
} from 'util/toast'

const onOnline = () => {
if (toast.isActive(toastIds.internetOffline)) {

if (toast.isActive(toastIds.retryInternet)) {

if (!toast.isActive(toastIds.internetOnline)) {
    toastSuccess('You are now reconnected to the internet.', {
position: 'bottom-center',
toastId: toastIds.internetOnline,

const onOffline = () => {
if (!toast.isActive(toastIds.internetOffline)) {
    toastInfo('You are disconnected from the internet right now.', {
position: 'bottom-center',
autoClose: false,
toastId: toastIds.internetOffline,

useInternet({ onOnline, onOffline })


一切正常。但是,我们在整个应用程序中还有其他程序需要以相同的方式进行修改。 我们必须遍历所有显示通知的文件,以删除重复的文件。

当我们想到要在2019年检查每个文件时,我们立即知道这不是解决方案。 因此,我们查看了util / toast.js文件,并对其进行了重构以解决我们的问题。 如下所示:


import React, { isValidElement } from 'react'
import isString from 'lodash/isString'
import isFunction from 'lodash/isFunction'
import { GoCheck, GoAlert } from 'react-icons/go'
import { FaInfoCircle } from 'react-icons/fa'
import { MdPriorityHigh } from 'react-icons/md'
import { toast } from 'react-toastify'

  Calling these toasts most likely happens in the UI 100% of the time.
  So it is safe to render components/elements as toasts.

// Keeping all the toast ids used throughout the app here so we can easily manage/update over time
// This used to show only one toast at a time so the user doesn't get spammed with toast popups
export const toastIds = {
// APP
  internetOnline: 'internet-online',
  internetOffline: 'internet-offline',
  retryInternet: 'internet-retry',

// Note: this toast && is a conditional escape hatch for unit testing to avoid an error.
const getDefaultOptions = (options) => ({
  position: toast && toast.POSITION.BOTTOM_RIGHT,

const Toast = ({ children, success, error, info, warning }) => {
let componentChildren

// Sometimes we are having an "object is not valid as a react child" error and children magically becomes an API error response, so we must use this fallback string
if (!isValidElement(children) && !isString(children)) {
    componentChildren = 'An error occurred'
  } else {
    componentChildren = children

let Icon = GoAlert

if (success) Icon = GoCheck
if (error) Icon = GoAlert
if (info) Icon = FaInfoCircle
if (warning) Icon = MdPriorityHigh

return (
) } const toaster = (function() { // Attempt to remove a duplicate toast if it is on the screen const ensurePreviousToastIsRemoved = (toastId) => { if (toastId) { if (toast.isActive(toastId)) { toast.dismiss(toastId) } } } // Try to get the toast id if provided from options const attemptGetToastId = (msg, opts) => { let toastId if (opts && isString(opts.toastId)) { toastId = opts.toastId } else if (isString(msg)) { // We'll just make the string the id by default if its a string toastId = msg } return toastId } const handleToast = (type) => (msg, opts) => { const toastFn = toast[type] if (isFunction(toastFn)) { const toastProps = {} let className = '' const additionalOptions = {} const toastId = attemptGetToastId(msg, opts) if (toastId) additionalOptions.toastId = toastId // Makes sure that the previous toast is removed by using the id, if its still on the screen ensurePreviousToastIsRemoved(toastId) // Apply the type of toast and its props switch (type) { case 'success': toastProps.success = true className = 'toast-success' break case 'error': toastProps.error = true className = 'toast-error' break case 'info': toastProps.info = true className = 'toast-info' break case 'warn': toastProps.warning = true className - 'toast-warn' break case 'neutral': toastProps.warning = true className - 'toast-default' break default: className = 'toast-default' break } toastFn({msg}, { className, ...getDefaultOptions(), ...opts, ...additionalOptions, }) } } return { success: handleToast('success'), error: handleToast('error'), info: handleToast('info'), warn: handleToast('warn'), neutral: handleToast('neutral'), } })() export const success = toaster.success export const error = toaster.error export const info = toaster.info export const warn = toaster.warn export const neutral = toaster.neutral





function createFilterers() {
const _filters = {
    ids: [],
    fns: {},

return {
    addFilter(name, fn) {
      _filters.fns[name] = fn
    removeFilter(name) {
const index = _filters.ids.indexOf(name)
if (index !== -1) _filters.splice(index, 1)
delete _filters.fns[name]
    filter(arr) {
const filters = _filters.ids.map((id) => _filters.fns[id])
return arr.reduce((acc, item) => {
for (let index = 0; index < _filters.ids.length; index++) {
const id = _filters.ids[index]
const filter = _filters.fns[id]
if (!filter(item)) {
return acc
return acc.concat(item)
      }, [])

const frogs = [
    name: 'bobTheFrog',
    age: 2,
    gender: 'male',
    favoriteFood: 'fly',
    weight: 5,
    name: 'lisaTheFrog',
    age: 3,
    gender: 'female',
    favoriteFood: 'fly',
    weight: 1,
    name: 'sallyTheFrog',
    age: 10,
    gender: 'female',
    favoriteFood: 'caterpillar',
    weight: 20,
    name: 'mikeTheFrog',
    age: 1,
    gender: 'male',
    favoriteFood: 'worm',
    weight: 8,
    name: 'georgeTheFrog',
    age: 7,
    gender: 'male',
    favoriteFood: 'fly',
    weight: 28,
    name: 'kellyTheFrog',
    age: 3,
    gender: 'female',
    favoriteFood: 'ladybug',
    weight: 3,

const filterer = createFilterers()

filterer.addFilter('fat-frogs', (frog) => {
return frog.weight >= 8

filterer.addFilter('male-frogs', (frog) => {
return frog.gender === 'male'
const filteredFrogs = filterer.filter(frogs)


const filteredFrogs = frogs
  .filter((frog) => {
return frog.weight >= 8
  .filter((frog) => {
return frog.gender === 'male'
  .filter((frog) => {
return frog.name.startsWith('b')



function createMyHigherOrderFunction(options) {
const state = { ...options } // Our local state object

return function(...args) {
return function(callback) {
return callback(state, ...args)

const prepare = createMyHigherOrderFunction({
name: 'bobby',
favoriteFood: 'steak',

const prepareWithArgs = prepare({ country: 'United States' })
const finalize = prepareWithArgs((state, options) => ({ ...state, ...options }))


  result:   {
              country: "United States",
              favoriteFood: "steak",
              name: "bobby"


