Concepts are named compile-time predicates which constrain types. They take the following form:
template < template-parameter-list >
concept concept-name = constraint-expression;
where constraint-expression
evaluates to a constexpr Boolean. Constraints should model semantic requirements, such as whether a type is a numeric or hashable. A compiler error results if a given type does not satisfy the concept it's bound by (i.e. constraint-expression
returns false
). Because constraints are evaluated at compile-time, they can provide more meaningful error messages and runtime safety.
能编译时计算为常量表达式constexpr Boolean。约束是根据语义建模,比如类型是否是数字型或是否可以hash。如果实际类型不匹配(constraint-expression
// `T` is not limited by any constraints.类型T没有约束
concept always_satisfied = true;
// Limit `T` to integrals.类型T约束为整形
concept integral = std::is_integral_v;
// Limit `T` to both the `integral` constraint and signedness.类型T约束为有符号整形
concept signed_integral = integral && std::is_signed_v;
// Limit `T` to both the `integral` constraint and the negation of the `signed_integral` constraint.
concept unsigned_integral = integral && !signed_integral;
There are a variety of syntactic forms for enforcing concepts:
// Forms for function parameters:
// `T` is a constrained type template parameter.
void f(T v);
// `T` is a constrained type template parameter.
requires my_concept
void f(T v);
// `T` is a constrained type template parameter.
void f(T v) requires my_concept;
// `v` is a constrained deduced parameter.
void f(my_concept auto v);
// `v` is a constrained non-type template parameter.
void g();
// Forms for auto-deduced variables:
// `foo` is a constrained auto-deduced value.
my_concept auto foo = ...;
// Forms for lambdas:
// `T` is a constrained type template parameter.
auto f = [] (T v) {
// ...
// `T` is a constrained type template parameter.
auto f = [] requires my_concept (T v) {
// ...
// `T` is a constrained type template parameter.
auto f = [] (T v) requires my_concept {
// ...
// `v` is a constrained deduced parameter.
auto f = [](my_concept auto v) {
// ...
// `v` is a constrained non-type template parameter.
auto g = [] () {
// ...
The requires keyword is used either to start a requires clause or a requires expression:
requires my_concept // `requires` clause.
void f(T);
concept callable = requires (T f) { f(); }; // `requires` expression.
requires requires (T x) { x + x; } // `requires` clause and expression on same line.
T add(T a, T b) {
return a + b;
Note that the parameter list in a requires expression is optional. Each requirement in a requires expression are one of the following:
Simple requirements - asserts that the given expression is valid.
concept callable = requires (T f) { f(); };
Type requirements - denoted by the typename
keyword followed by a type name, asserts that the given type name is valid.
struct foo {
int foo;
struct bar {
using value = int;
value data;
struct baz {
using value = int;
value data;
// Using SFINAE, enable if `T` is a `baz`.
template >>
struct S {};
using Ref = T&;
concept C = requires {
// Requirements on type `T`:
typename T::value; // A) has an inner member named `value`
typename S; // B) must have a valid class template specialization for `S`
typename Ref; // C) must be a valid alias template substitution
void g(T a);
g(foo{}); // ERROR: Fails requirement A.
g(bar{}); // ERROR: Fails requirement B.
g(baz{}); // PASS.
Compound requirements - an expression in braces followed by a trailing return type or type constraint.
concept C = requires(T x) {
{*x} -> typename T::inner; // the type of the expression `*x` is convertible to `T::inner`
{x + 1} -> std::same_as; // the expression `x + 1` satisfies `std::same_as`
{x * 1} -> T; // the type of the expression `x * 1` is convertible to `T`
Nested requirements - denoted by the requires
keyword, specify additional constraints (such as those on local parameter arguments).
concept C = requires(T x) {
requires std::same_as;
See also: concepts library.
C-style designated initializer syntax. Any member fields that are not explicitly listed in the designated initializer list are default-initialized.
struct A {
int x;
int y;
int z = 123;
A a {.x = 1, .z = 2}; // a.x == 1, a.y == 0, a.z == 2
Use familiar template syntax in lambda expressions.
auto f = [](std::vector v) {
// ...
This feature simplifies common code patterns, helps keep scopes tight, and offers an elegant solution to a common lifetime problem.
for (std::vector v{1, 2, 3}; auto& e : v) {
std::cout << e;
// prints "123"
Provides a hint to the optimizer that the labelled statement is likely/unlikely to have its body executed.
int random = get_random_number_between_x_and_y(0, 3);
[[likely]] if (random > 0) {
// body of if statement
// ...
[[unlikely]] while (unlikely_truthy_condition) {
// body of while statement
// ...
Implicitly capturing this
in a lamdba capture using [=]
is now deprecated; prefer capturing explicitly using [=, this]
or [=, *this]
在lambda表达式中隐式捕获this是已弃用的,使用[=, this]
or [=, *this]
struct int_value {
int n = 0;
auto getter_fn() {
// BAD:
// return [=]() { return n; };
// GOOD:
return [=, *this]() { return n; };
Classes can now be used in non-type template parameters. Objects passed in as template arguments have the type const T
, where T
is the type of the object, and has static storage duration.
类现在可以在非类型模板参数中使用。作为模板参数传入的对象具有类型“const T”,其中“T”是对象的类型,并且具有静态存储持续时间。
struct foo {
foo() = default;
constexpr foo(int) {}
auto get_foo() {
return f;
get_foo(); // uses implicit constructor
Virtual functions can now be constexpr
and evaluated at compile-time. constexpr
virtual functions can override non-constexpr
virtual functions and vice-versa.
struct X1 {
virtual int f() const = 0;
struct X2: public X1 {
constexpr virtual int f() const { return 2; }
struct X3: public X2 {
virtual int f() const { return 3; }
struct X4: public X3 {
constexpr virtual int f() const { return 4; }
constexpr X4 x4;
x4.f(); // == 4
Conditionally select at compile-time whether a constructor is made explicit or not. explicit(true)
is the same as specifying explicit
struct foo {
// Specify non-integral types (strings, floats, etc.) require explicit construction.
explicit(!std::is_integral_v) foo(T) {}
foo a = 123; // OK
foo b = "123"; // ERROR: explicit constructor is not a candidate (explicit specifier evaluates to true)
foo c {"123"}; // OK
Similar to constexpr
functions, but functions with a consteval
specifier must produce a constant. These are called immediate functions
consteval int sqr(int n) {
return n * n;
constexpr int r = sqr(100); // OK
int x = 100;
int r2 = sqr(x); // ERROR: the value of 'x' is not usable in a constant expression
// OK if `sqr` were a `constexpr` function
Bring an enum's members into scope to improve readability. Before:
enum class rgba_color_channel { red, green, blue, alpha };
std::string_view to_string(rgba_color_channel channel) {
switch (channel) {
case rgba_color_channel::red: return "red";
case rgba_color_channel::green: return "green";
case rgba_color_channel::blue: return "blue";
case rgba_color_channel::alpha: return "alpha";
enum class rgba_color_channel { red, green, blue, alpha };
std::string_view to_string(rgba_color_channel my_channel) {
switch (my_channel) {
using enum rgba_color_channel;
case red: return "red";
case green: return "green";
case blue: return "blue";
case alpha: return "alpha";
Capture parameter packs by value:
auto f(Args&&... args){
return [...args = std::forward(args)] {
// ...
Capture parameter packs by reference:
auto f(Args&&... args){
return [&...args = std::forward(args)] {
// ...
Concepts are also provided by the standard library for building more complicated concepts. Some of these include:
Core language concepts:
- specifies two types are the same.
- specifies that a type is derived from another type.
- specifies that a type is implicitly convertible to another type.
- specifies that two types share a common type.
- specifies that a type is an integral type.
- specifies that an object of a type can be default-constructed.
Comparison concepts:
- specifies that a type can be used in Boolean contexts.
- specifies that operator==
is an equivalence relation.
Object concepts:
- specifies that an object of a type can be moved and swapped.
- specifies that an object of a type can be copied, moved, and swapped.
- specifies that an object of a type can be copied, moved, swapped, and default constructed.
- specifies that a type is regular, that is, it is both semiregular
and equality_comparable
Callable concepts:
- specifies that a callable type can be invoked with a given set of argument types.
- specifies that a callable type is a Boolean predicate.
See also: concepts.
Buffers output operations for the wrapped output stream ensuring synchronization (i.e. no interleaving of output).
std::osyncstream{std::cout} << "The value of x is:" << x << std::endl;
A span is a view (i.e. non-owning) of a container providing bounds-checked access to a contiguous group of elements. Since views do not own their elements they are cheap to construct and copy -- a simplified way to think about views is they are holding references to their data. Spans can be dynamically-sized or fixed-sized.
void f(std::span ints) {
std::for_each(ints.begin(), ints.end(), [](auto i) {
// ...
std::vector v = {1, 2, 3};
std::array a = {1, 2, 3};
// etc.
Example: as opposed to maintaining a pointer and length field, a span wraps both of those up in a single container.
constexpr size_t LENGTH_ELEMENTS = 3;
int* arr = new int[LENGTH_ELEMENTS]; // arr = {0, 0, 0}
// Fixed-sized span which provides a view of `arr`.
std::span span = arr;
span[1] = 1; // arr = {0, 1, 0}
// Dynamic-sized span which provides a view of `arr`.
std::span d_span = arr;
span[0] = 1; // arr = {1, 1, 0}
constexpr size_t LENGTH_ELEMENTS = 3;
int* arr = new int[LENGTH_ELEMENTS];
std::span span = arr; // OK
std::span span2 = arr; // ERROR
std::span span3 = arr; // ERROR
C++20 provides a new
header which provides some bit operations including popcount.
std::popcount(0u); // 0
std::popcount(1u); // 1
std::popcount(0b1111'0000u); // 4
Mathematical constants including PI, Euler's number, etc. defined in the
std::numbers::pi; // 3.14159...
std::numbers::e; // 2.71828...
Predicate function which is truthy when it is called in a compile-time context.
constexpr bool is_compile_time() {
return std::is_constant_evaluated();
constexpr bool a = is_compile_time(); // true
bool b = is_compile_time(); // false
auto p = std::make_shared(5); // pointer to `int[5]`
// OR
auto p = std::make_shared(); // pointer to `int[5]`
Strings (and string views) now have the starts_with
and ends_with
member functions to check if a string starts or ends with the given string.
std::string str = "foobar";
str.starts_with("foo"); // true
str.ends_with("baz"); // false
Associative containers such as sets and maps have a contains
member function, which can be used instead of the "find and check end of iterator" idiom.
std::map map {{1, 'a'}, {2, 'b'}};
map.contains(2); // true
map.contains(123); // false
std::set set {1, 2, 3};
set.contains(2); // true
A safer way to reinterpret an object from one type to another.
float f = 123.0;
int i = std::bit_cast(f);
Calculate the midpoint of two integers safely (without overflow).
std::midpoint(1, 3); // == 2
Converts the given array/"array-like" object to a std::array
std::to_array("foo"); // returns `std::array`
std::to_array({1, 2, 3}); // returns `std::array`
int a[] = {1, 2, 3};
std::to_array(a); // returns `std::array`
Provides a standard type for representing UTF-8 strings.
char8_t utf8_str[] = u8"\u0123";
Automatic template argument deduction much like how it's done for functions, but now including class constructors.
struct MyContainer {
T val;
MyContainer() : val{} {}
MyContainer(T val) : val{val} {}
// ...
MyContainer c1 {1}; // OK MyContainer
MyContainer c2; // OK MyContainer
Following the deduction rules of auto
, while respecting the non-type template parameter list of allowable types[*], template arguments can be deduced from the types of its arguments:
struct my_integer_sequence {
// Implementation here ...
// Explicitly pass type `int` as template argument.
auto seq = std::integer_sequence();
// Type is deduced to be `int`.
auto seq2 = my_integer_sequence<0, 1, 2>();
* - For example, you cannot use a double
as a template parameter type, which also makes this an invalid deduction using auto
A fold expression performs a fold of a template parameter pack over a binary operator.
An expression of the form (... op e)
or (e op ...)
, where op
is a fold-operator and e
is an unexpanded parameter pack, are called unary folds.
An expression of the form (e1 op ... op e2)
, where op
are fold-operators, is called a binary fold. Either e1
or e2
is an unexpanded parameter pack, but not both.
bool logicalAnd(Args... args) {
// Binary folding.
return (true && ... && args);
bool b = true;
bool& b2 = b;
logicalAnd(b, b2, true); // == true
auto sum(Args... args) {
// Unary folding.
return (... + args);
sum(1.0, 2.0f, 3); // == 6.0
Changes to auto
deduction when used with the uniform initialization syntax. Previously, auto x {3};
deduces a std::initializer_list
, which now deduces to int
修改了auto推导,当使用统一的初始语法。以前,auto x{3} 推导为std::initializer_list
, 而现在为int
auto x1 {1, 2, 3}; // error: not a single element
auto x2 = {1, 2, 3}; // x2 is std::initializer_list
auto x3 {3}; // x3 is int
auto x4 {3.0}; // x4 is double
Compile-time lambdas using constexpr
auto identity = [](int n) constexpr { return n; };
static_assert(identity(123) == 123);
constexpr auto add = [](int x, int y) {
auto L = [=] { return x; };
auto R = [=] { return y; };
return [=] { return L() + R(); };
static_assert(add(1, 2)() == 3);
constexpr int addOne(int n) {
return [n] { return n + 1; }();
static_assert(addOne(1) == 2);
by valueCapturing this
in a lambda's environment was previously reference-only. An example of where this is problematic is asynchronous code using callbacks that require an object to be available, potentially past its lifetime. *this
(C++17) will now make a copy of the current object, while this
(C++11) continues to capture by reference.
以前this在lambda环境中的捕获只提供引用。如果在异步回调场景中,它就会有问题,对象生命周期过时。(c++17)可以拷贝当前对象(而 在C++11中只能引用)。
struct MyObj {
int value {123};
auto getValueCopy() {
return [*this] { return value; };
auto getValueRef() {
return [this] { return value; };
MyObj mo;
auto valueCopy = mo.getValueCopy();
auto valueRef = mo.getValueRef();
mo.value = 321;
valueCopy(); // 123
valueRef(); // 321
The inline specifier can be applied to variables as well as to functions. A variable declared inline has the same semantics as a function declared inline.
// Disassembly example using compiler explorer.
struct S { int x; };
inline S x1 = S{321}; // mov esi, dword ptr [x1]
// x1: .long 321
S x2 = S{123}; // mov eax, dword ptr [.L_ZZ4mainE2x2]
// mov dword ptr [rbp - 8], eax
// .L_ZZ4mainE2x2: .long 123
It can also be used to declare and define a static member variable, such that it does not need to be initialized in the source file.
struct S {
S() : id{count++} {}
~S() { count--; }
int id;
static inline int count{0}; // declare and initialize count to 0 within the class
Using the namespace resolution operator to create nested namespace definitions.
namespace A {
namespace B {
namespace C {
int i;
// vs.
namespace A::B::C {
int i;
A proposal for de-structuring initialization, that would allow writing auto [ x, y, z ] = expr;
where the type of expr
was a tuple-like object, whose elements would be bound to the variables x
, y
, and z
(which this construct declares). Tuple-like objects include std::tuple
, std::pair
, std::array
, and aggregate structures.
一个关于解构的提议,可以允许写 auto [ x, y, z ] = expr;
, std::pair
, std::array
, 和聚合结构.
using Coordinate = std::pair;
Coordinate origin() {
return Coordinate{0, 0};
const auto [ x, y ] = origin();
x; // == 0
y; // == 0
std::unordered_map mapping {
{"a", 1},
{"b", 2},
{"c", 3}
// Destructure by reference.
for (const auto& [key, value] : mapping) {
// Do something with key and value
New versions of the if
and switch
statements which simplify common code patterns and help users keep scopes tight.
std::lock_guard lk(mx);
if (v.empty()) v.push_back(val);
// vs.
if (std::lock_guard lk(mx); v.empty()) {
Foo gadget(args);
switch (auto s = gadget.status()) {
case OK: gadget.zip(); break;
case Bad: throw BadFoo(s.message());
// vs.
switch (Foo gadget(args); auto s = gadget.status()) {
case OK: gadget.zip(); break;
case Bad: throw BadFoo(s.message());
Write code that is instantiated depending on a compile-time condition.
constexpr bool isIntegral() {
if constexpr (std::is_integral::value) {
return true;
} else {
return false;
static_assert(isIntegral() == true);
static_assert(isIntegral() == true);
static_assert(isIntegral() == false);
struct S {};
static_assert(isIntegral() == false);
A character literal that begins with u8
is a character literal of type char
. The value of a UTF-8 character literal is equal to its ISO 10646 code point value.
char x = u8'x';
Enums can now be initialized using braced syntax.
enum byte : unsigned char {};
byte b {0}; // OK
byte c {-1}; // ERROR
byte d = byte{1}; // OK
byte e = byte{256}; // ERROR
indicates to the compiler that falling through in a switch statement is intended behavior.
告诉编译器,switch中的case fallthrough是有意而为之,不用warning。
switch (n) {
case 1: [[fallthrough]]
// ...
case 2:
// ...
issues a warning when either a function or class has this attribute and its return value is discarded.
[[nodiscard]] bool do_something() {
return is_success; // true for success, false for failure
do_something(); // warning: ignoring return value of 'bool do_something()',
// declared with attribute 'nodiscard'
// Only issues a warning when `error_info` is returned by value.
struct [[nodiscard]] error_info {
// ...
error_info do_something() {
error_info ei;
// ...
return ei;
do_something(); // warning: ignoring returned value of type 'error_info',
// declared with attribute 'nodiscard'
indicates to the compiler that a variable or parameter might be unused and is intended.
void my_callback(std::string msg, [[maybe_unused]] bool error) {
// Don't care if `msg` is an error message, just log it.
The class template std::variant
represents a type-safe union
. An instance of std::variant
at any given time holds a value of one of its alternative types (it's also possible for it to be valueless).
代表类型安全的union 模板类。一个std::variant
std::variant v {12};
std::get(v); // == 12
std::get<0>(v); // == 12
v = 12.0;
std::get(v); // == 12.0
std::get<1>(v); // == 12.0
The class template std::optional
manages an optional contained value, i.e. a value that may or may not be present. A common use case for optional is the return value of a function that may fail.
std::optional create(bool b) {
if (b) {
return "Godzilla";
} else {
return {};
create(false).value_or("empty"); // == "empty"
create(true).value(); // == "Godzilla"
// optional-returning factory functions are usable as conditions of while and if
if (auto str = create(true)) {
// ...
A type-safe container for single values of any type.
一个可以为任何类型的单值的 类型安全容器。
std::any x {5};
x.has_value() // == true
std::any_cast(x) // == 5
std::any_cast(x) = 10;
std::any_cast(x) // == 10
A non-owning reference to a string. Useful for providing an abstraction on top of strings (e.g. for parsing).
// Regular strings.
std::string_view cppstr {"foo"};
// Wide strings.
std::wstring_view wcstr_v {L"baz"};
// Character arrays.
char array[3] = {'b', 'a', 'r'};
std::string_view array_v(array, std::size(array));
std::string str {" trim me"};
std::string_view v {str};
v.remove_prefix(std::min(v.find_first_not_of(" "), v.size()));
str; // == " trim me"
v; // == "trim me"
Invoke a Callable
object with parameters. Examples of Callable
objects are std::function
or std::bind
where an object can be called similarly to a regular function.
class Proxy {
Callable c;
Proxy(Callable c): c(c) {}
decltype(auto) operator()(Args&&... args) {
// ...
return std::invoke(c, std::forward(args)...);
auto add = [](int x, int y) {
return x + y;
Proxy p {add};
p(1, 2); // == 3
Invoke a Callable
object with a tuple of arguments.
auto add = [](int x, int y) {
return x + y;
std::apply(add, std::make_tuple(1, 2)); // == 3
The new std::filesystem
library provides a standard way to manipulate files, directories, and paths in a filesystem.
Here, a big file is copied to a temporary path if there is available space:
const auto bigFilePath {"bigFileToCopy"};
if (std::filesystem::exists(bigFilePath)) {
const auto bigFileSize {std::filesystem::file_size(bigFilePath)};
std::filesystem::path tmpPath {"/tmp"};
if (std::filesystem::space(tmpPath).available > bigFileSize) {
std::filesystem::copy_file(bigFilePath, tmpPath.append("newFile"));
The new std::byte
type provides a standard way of representing data as a byte. Benefits of using std::byte
over char
or unsigned char
is that it is not a character type, and is also not an arithmetic type; while the only operator overloads available are bitwise operations.
std::byte a {0};
std::byte b {0xFF};
int i = std::to_integer(b); // 0xFF
std::byte c = a & b;
int j = std::to_integer(c); // 0
Note that std::byte
is simply an enum, and braced initialization of enums become possible thanks to direct-list-initialization of enums.
Moving nodes and merging containers without the overhead of expensive copies, moves, or heap allocations/deallocations.
Moving elements from one map to another:
std::map src {{1, "one"}, {2, "two"}, {3, "buckle my shoe"}};
std::map dst {{3, "three"}};
dst.insert(src.extract(src.find(1))); // Cheap remove and insert of { 1, "one" } from `src` to `dst`.
dst.insert(src.extract(2)); // Cheap remove and insert of { 2, "two" } from `src` to `dst`.
// dst == { { 1, "one" }, { 2, "two" }, { 3, "three" } };
Inserting an entire set:
std::set src {1, 3, 5};
std::set dst {2, 4, 5};
// src == { 5 }
// dst == { 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 }
Inserting elements which outlive the container:
auto elementFactory() {
std::set<...> s;
return s.extract(s.begin());
Changing the key of a map element:
std::map m {{1, "one"}, {2, "two"}, {3, "three"}};
auto e = m.extract(2);
e.key() = 4;
// m == { { 1, "one" }, { 3, "three" }, { 4, "two" } }
Many of the STL algorithms, such as the copy
, find
and sort
methods, started to support the parallel execution policies: seq
, par
and par_unseq
which translate to "sequentially", "parallel" and "parallel unsequenced".
std::vector longVector;
// Find element using parallel execution policy
auto result1 = std::find(std::execution::par, std::begin(longVector), std::end(longVector), 2);
// Sort elements using sequential execution policy
auto result2 = std::sort(std::execution::seq, std::begin(longVector), std::end(longVector));
Binary literals provide a convenient way to represent a base-2 number. It is possible to separate digits with '
0b110 // == 6
0b1111'1111 // == 255
C++14 now allows the auto
type-specifier in the parameter list, enabling polymorphic lambdas.
auto identity = [](auto x) { return x; };
int three = identity(3); // == 3
std::string foo = identity("foo"); // == "foo"
This allows creating lambda captures initialized with arbitrary expressions. The name given to the captured value does not need to be related to any variables in the enclosing scopes and introduces a new name inside the lambda body. The initializing expression is evaluated when the lambda is created (not when it is invoked).
int factory(int i) { return i * 10; }
auto f = [x = factory(2)] { return x; }; // returns 20
auto generator = [x = 0] () mutable {
// this would not compile without 'mutable' as we are modifying x on each call
return x++;
auto a = generator(); // == 0
auto b = generator(); // == 1
auto c = generator(); // == 2
Because it is now possible to move (or forward) values into a lambda that could previously be only captured by copy or reference we can now capture move-only types in a lambda by value. Note that in the below example the p
in the capture-list of task2
on the left-hand-side of =
is a new variable private to the lambda body and does not refer to the original p
auto p = std::make_unique(1);
auto task1 = [=] { *p = 5; }; // ERROR: std::unique_ptr cannot be copied
// vs.
auto task2 = [p = std::move(p)] { *p = 5; }; // OK: p is move-constructed into the closure object
// the original p is empty after task2 is created
Using this reference-captures can have different names than the referenced variable.
auto x = 1;
auto f = [&r = x, x = x * 10] {
return r + x;
f(); // sets x to 2 and returns 12
Using an auto
return type in C++14, the compiler will attempt to deduce the type for you. With lambdas, you can now deduce its return type using auto
, which makes returning a deduced reference or rvalue reference possible.
在c++14中返回值用auto,编译器将为你推导类型。在lambdas中,你现在能用auto来推导返回值类型,lambdas可能返回引用或右值性和特 。
// Deduce return type as `int`.
auto f(int i) {
return i;
auto& f(T& t) {
return t;
// Returns a reference to a deduced type.
auto g = [](auto& x) -> auto& { return f(x); };
int y = 123;
int& z = g(y); // reference to `y`
The decltype(auto)
type-specifier also deduces a type like auto
does. However, it deduces return types while keeping their references and cv-qualifiers, while auto
will not.
const int x = 0;
auto x1 = x; // int
decltype(auto) x2 = x; // const int
int y = 0;
int& y1 = y;
auto y2 = y1; // int
decltype(auto) y3 = y1; // int&
int&& z = 0;
auto z1 = std::move(z); // int
decltype(auto) z2 = std::move(z); // int&&
// Note: Especially useful for generic code!
// Return type is `int`.
auto f(const int& i) {
return i;
// Return type is `const int&`.
decltype(auto) g(const int& i) {
return i;
int x = 123;
static_assert(std::is_same::value == 0);
static_assert(std::is_same::value == 1);
static_assert(std::is_same::value == 1);
See also: decltype
解放constexpr 函数的约束
In C++11, constexpr
function bodies could only contain a very limited set of syntaxes, including (but not limited to): typedef
s, using
s, and a single return
statement. In C++14, the set of allowable syntaxes expands greatly to include the most common syntax such as if
statements, multiple return
s, loops, etc.
constexpr int factorial(int n) {
if (n <= 1) {
return 1;
} else {
return n * factorial(n - 1);
factorial(5); // == 120
C++14 allows variables to be templated:
constexpr T pi = T(3.1415926535897932385);
constexpr T e = T(2.7182818284590452353);
C++14 introduces the [[deprecated]]
attribute to indicate that a unit (function, class, etc) is discouraged and likely yield compilation warnings. If a reason is provided, it will be included in the warnings.
void old_method();
[[deprecated("Use new_method instead")]]
void legacy_method();
New user-defined literals for standard library types, including new built-in literals for chrono
and basic_string
. These can be constexpr
meaning they can be used at compile-time. Some uses for these literals include compile-time integer parsing, binary literals, and imaginary number literals.
using namespace std::chrono_literals;
auto day = 24h;
day.count(); // == 24
std::chrono::duration_cast(day).count(); // == 1440
The class template std::integer_sequence
represents a compile-time sequence of integers. There are a few helpers built on top:
- creates a sequence of 0, ..., N - 1
with type T
- converts a template parameter pack into an integer sequence.
Convert an array into a tuple:
decltype(auto) a2t_impl(const Array& a, std::integer_sequence) {
return std::make_tuple(a[I]...);
decltype(auto) a2t(const std::array& a) {
return a2t_impl(a, Indices());
is the recommended way to create instances of std::unique_ptr
s due to the following reasons:
Avoid having to use the new
Prevents code repetition when specifying the underlying type the pointer shall hold.在指定指针应保持的基础类型时防止代码重复。
Most importantly, it provides exception-safety. Suppose we were calling a function foo
like so:最重要的是提供异常安全。想象下我们调用如下的foo函数:
foo(std::unique_ptr{new T{}}, function_that_throws(), std::unique_ptr{new T{}});
The compiler is free to call new T{}
, then function_that_throws()
, and so on... Since we have allocated data on the heap in the first construction of a T
, we have introduced a leak here. With std::make_unique
, we are given exception-safety:
foo(std::make_unique(), function_that_throws(), std::make_unique());
See the section on smart pointers for more information on std::unique_ptr
and std::shared_ptr
Moving an object means to transfer ownership of some resource it manages to another object.
The first benefit of move semantics is performance optimization. When an object is about to reach the end of its lifetime, either because it's a temporary or by explicitly calling std::move
, a move is often a cheaper way to transfer resources. For example, moving a std::vector
is just copying some pointers and internal state over to the new vector -- copying would involve having to copy every single contained element in the vector, which is expensive and unnecessary if the old vector will soon be destroyed.
Moves also make it possible for non-copyable types such as std::unique_ptr
s (smart pointers) to guarantee at the language level that there is only ever one instance of a resource being managed at a time, while being able to transfer an instance between scopes.
See the sections on: rvalue references, special member functions for move semantics, std::move
, std::forward
, forwarding references
C++11 introduces a new reference termed the rvalue reference. An rvalue reference to T
, which is a non-template type parameter (such as int
, or a user-defined type), is created with the syntax T&&
. Rvalue references only bind to rvalues.
Type deduction with lvalues and rvalues:
int x = 0; // `x` is an lvalue of type `int`
int& xl = x; // `xl` is an lvalue of type `int&`
int&& xr = x; // compiler error -- `x` is an lvalue
int&& xr2 = 0; // `xr2` is an lvalue of type `int&&` -- binds to the rvalue temporary, `0`
See also: std::move
, std::forward
, forwarding references