【论文整理】Face Related Papers and Code Collection

Face Related Papers and Code Collection


  1. Toolkits
  2. Face Detection
    • Survey
    • Datasets
    • Research
  3. Face Alignment
    • Survey
    • Datasets
    • Research
  4. Face Recosntruction
    • Survey
    • Datasets
    • Research
  5. Face Recognition
    • Survey
    • Tutorial
    • Datasets
    • Template Generator
      • Pretrained models
      • Image-based Template Generator
      • Image-set-based Template Generator
    • Face Recognition Pipeline
  6. Face Generation
    • Survey
    • Datasets
    • Research
  7. Face Attributes Analysis
    • Survey
    • Datasets
    • Research


  • FaRE: Open Source Face Recognition Performance Evaluation Package [Paper] [Code is coming soon!]
  • Gluon Toolkit for Face Recognition [MXNET]
  • Deep Learning:
    • MXNet and Gluon: A flexible and efficient library for deep learning.
    • Torch and PyTorch: Tensors and Dynamic neural networks in Python with strong GPU acceleration.
    • TensorFlow: An open-source software library for Machine Intelligence.
    • Caffe and Caffe2: A lightweight, modular, and scalable deep learning framework.
  • Machine Learning:
    • Dlib: A machine learning toolkit.
  • Computer Vision:
    • OpenCV: Open Source Computer Vision Library.
  • Probabilistic Programming
    • Pyro: Deep universal probabilistic programming with Python and PyTorch

Face Detection



  • Wildest Faces: Face Detection and Recognition in Violent Settings
  • WIDER FACE: A Face Detection Benchmark [Project]
  • FDDB: Face Detection and Data Set Benchmark [Project]
  • AFLW: Annotated Facial Landmarks in the Wild: A Large-scale, Real-world Database for Facial Landmark Localization [Project]


  • PyramidBox: A Context-assisted Single Shot Face Detector [ Paper] [TensorFlow] [PyTorch] [MXNet]
  • Face Attention Network: An Effective Face Detector for the Occluded Faces [Paper] [PyTorch]
  • FaceNess-Net: Face Detection through Deep Facial Part Responses: [Paper]
  • S3FD: Single Shot Scale-invariant Face Detector [Paper] [Caffe] [PyTorch]
  • Finding Tiny Faces: [Project] [Paper] [MatConvNet + MATLAB] [TensorFlow] [MXNET]
  • SSH: Single Stage Headless Face Detector: [Paper] [Caffe] [TensorFlow] [MXNET]
  • Focal Loss for Dense Object Detection: [Paper] [Caffe] [TensorFlow] [MXNET]
  • Face R-CNN: [Paper] [Caffe]
  • FaceBoxes: A CPU Real-time Face Detector with High Accuracy [Paper] [Caffe]
  • Multiview Face Detection: [Paper] [Caffe]

Face Alignment



  • LS3D-W: How far are we from solving the 2D & 3D Face Alignment problem? (and a dataset of 230,000 3D facial landmarks) [Project]
  • AFLW: Annotated Facial Landmarks in the Wild: A Large-scale, Real-world Database for Facial Landmark Localization. [Project]
  • 300-W [Project]
  • 300-VW [Project]


  • FAN: How far are we from solving the 2D & 3D Face Alignment problem? [Paper] [PyTorch]
  • JFA: Joint Head Pose Estimation and Face Alignment Framework
    Using Global and Local CNN Features [Paper]
  • MDM: Mnemonic Descent Method [Paper] [TensorFlow]
  • RDL: Recurrent 3D-2D Dual Learning for Large-pose Facial Landmark Detection [Paper]
  • PIFA: Pose-invariant 3D face alignment [Paper] [Code]

Face Reconstruction




  • UH-E2FAR: End-to-end 3D face reconstruction with deep neural networks: [Paper]
  • Multi-View 3D Face Reconstruction with Deep Recurrent Neural Networks: [Paper]
  • 3D Face Morphable Models “In-the-Wild” [Paper]
  • 3DMM-CNN [Paper] [Code]
  • VRN [Paper] [Code] [Online Demo]
  • 3DFaceNet [Paper]
  • MoFA: Unsupervised learning for 3D model and pose parameters [Paper]
  • 3DMM-STN: Using 3DMM to transfer 2D image to 2D image texture [Paper]
  • Dense Semantic and Topological Correspondence of 3D Faces without Landmarks
  • Generating 3D Faces using Convolutional Mesh Autoencoders [Paper] [Code]

Face Recognition



  • Deep Learning for Face Recognition


Training sets:

  • MS-Celeb-1M: Microsoft dataset contains around 1M subjects [Project] [Paper]
  • CASIA WebFace: 10,575 subjects and 494,414 images [Project] [Paper]
  • CelebA: 202,599 images and 10,177 subjects, 5 landmark locations, 40 binary attributes [Project]
  • VGG-Face2: A large-scale face dataset contains 3.31 million imaes of 9131 identities. [Project]

Face Verification

  • LFW: Labeled Face in the Wild: 13,000 images and 5749 subjects [Download]
  • CFP: Celebrities in Frontal-Profile in the Wild [Project] [Paper]
  • MegaFace: 1 Million Faces for Recognition at Scale, 690,572 subjects [Download]
  • Surveillance Face Recognition Challenge [Project] [Paper]

Face Closed-set Identification

  • UHDB31: UHDB31: A Dataset for Better Understanding Face Recognition
    across Pose and Illumination Variation [Paper]

Face Open-set Identification

  • IJB-C: IARPA Janus Benchmark-C: Face dataset and protocol [Paper]
  • IJB-B: IARPA Janus Benchmark-B Face Dataset [Paper]
  • IJB-A: Pushing the frontiers of unconstrained face detection and recognition: IARPA Janus Benchmark A [Paper]
  • Unconstrained Face Detection and Open-Set Face Recognition Challenge [Project] [Paper]
  • MegaFace: 1 Million Faces for Recognition at Scale, 690,572 subjects [Download]

Template Generators

Pretrained Models

  • ResNet-101, DenseNet-121 provided by FaRE
  • ResNet-50, SE-ResNet-50 provided by VGG-Face2 [Download]
  • VGG-16 provided by VGG-Face
  • InsightFace [Download]

Image-based Template Genearator

  • Pairwise Relation Network, ECCV18: [Paper]
  • GridFace: Face Rectification via Learning Local Homography Transformation, ECCV18: [Paper]
  • Consensus-Driven Propagation in Massive Unlabeled Data for Face Recognition, ECCV18: [Paper]
  • Face Recognition with Contrastive Convolution, ECCV18: [Paper]
  • FaceNet: A Unified Embedding for Face Recognition and Clustering, CVPR15 [Paper] [TensorFlow]
  • DeepID series, CVPR14: [DeepID] [DeepID2] [DeepID3]
  • DeepFace: Closing the Gap to Human-Level Performance in Face Verification, CVPR14: [Paper]

Image-set-based Template Generator

  • Dependency-aware Attention Control for Unconstrained Face Recognition with Image Sets, ECCV, 2018
  • Comparator Network, ECCV, 2018 [Pytorch]

Training Loss

  • InsightFace (ArcFace): Additive Angular Margin Loss for Deep Face Recognition, ArXiv, 2018 [MXNet]
  • CosFace: Large Margin Cosine Loss for Deep Face Recognition, CVPR, 2018 [TensorFlow] [MXNet]
  • Ring loss: Convex Feature Normalization for Face Recognition [Paper] [PyTorch]
  • Git Loss for Deep Face Recognition [Paper]
  • A-Softmax Loss (SphereFace) [Paper] [Caffe] (Caffe)
  • Triplet Loss [Paper] [Torch] [TensorFlow]
  • Center Loss [Paper] [Caffe + MATLAB] [MXNet]
  • Range Loss [Paper] [Caffe]
  • L-Softmax [Paper] [Caffe] [MXNet]
  • Marginal Loss [Paper]

Face Recognition Pipeline

  • UR2D-E:Evaluation of a 3D-aided Pose Invariant 2D Face Recognition System
  • SeetaFaceEngine: An open source C++ face recognition engine. [C++]
  • OpenFace: Face recognition with Google’s FaceNet deep neural network using Torch] [Torch +Python]

Face Genearation




  1. TP-GAN: [Paper]
  2. FF-GAN: [Paper]
  3. DR-GAN: [Paper] [Website]
  4. BEGAN: Boundary Equilibrium Generative Adversarial Networks [Paper]

Face Attributes Analysis



