1. 依据网页链接,完成Husky仿真环境配置,并启动。(ROS版本为Kinetic),可能需要源码编译。
$ catkin build
$ export HUSKY_GAZEBO_DESCRIPTION=$(rospack find husky_gazebo)/urdf/description.gazebo.xacro
$ roslaunch husky_gazebo husky_empty_world.launch
$ roslaunch husky_gazebo husky_playpen.launch
$ roslaunch husky_gazebo husky_empty_world.launch world_name:=worlds/willowgarage.world
2. 启动其中一个仿真,对下面命令进行练习和操作(对应第一课11-12页)。
rosnode list 、rostopic list 、rostopic echo [TOPIC] 、rostopic hz [TOPIC] 、rqt_graph。
relaybotbox@relaybotbox:~/tools/husky-simulation$ rostopic list
3. 通过终端发送一个速度指令给机器人rostopic pub [TOPIC](对应第一课13页)。
$ rostopic pub -r 10 /cmd_vel geometry_msgs/Twist "linear: x: 0.8 y: 0.0 z: 0.0
angular: x: 0.0 y: 0.0 z: 0.6"
4. 编写代码使用键盘或者手柄遥控机器人运动(对应第一课22-26页)。
$ rosrun teleop_twist_keyboard teleop_twist_keyboard.py
5. 新建launch文件使用robotcup环境,并且使用键盘控制机器人运动。
$ roslaunch husky_gazebo husky_robocup14.launch
Exercise Session 1
- ROS architecture
- ROS master, nodes, and topics
- Console commands
- Catkin workspace and build system
- Launch-files
Get to knowROS by inspecting the simulation of a Husky robot.
1. Setup the Husky simulation:http://wiki.ros.org/husky_gazebo/Tutorials/Simulating%20HuskyRemember, our pre-installed ROS distro version (
2. Launch the simulation and inspect the created nodes and their topicsusing (Lecture 1 Slides 11/12):
rosnode list rostopic list
rostopic echo [TOPIC] rostopic hz [TOPIC] rqt_graph
For more information take a look at the slides or: http://wiki.ros.org/rostopichttp://wiki.ros.org/rosnode
3. Command a desired velocity to the robot from the terminal (rostopic pub [TOPIC]) (Lecture 1 Slide 13)
4. Use teleop_twist_keyboard tocontrol your robot using the keyboard. Find it online and compile it fromsource! Use git clone to clone the repository to the folder
~/git. (Lecture 1 Slides 22-26)
For a short gitoverview see:
5. Write a launch file with thefollowing content (Lecture 1 Slides 27-30):
- husky simulation with a differentworld:
Include husky_empty_world.launchfile and change the world_name Argument, e.g. worlds/robocup14_spl_field.world aworld from the directory /usr/share/gazebo-7/worlds.
Note: theworld_name is with respect to /usr/share/gazebo-7/
teleop_twist_keyboard node
❏ Check if teleop_twist_keyboardis compiled from source (roscd teleop_twist_keyboard should show the catkin_ws folder) [40%]
❏ Start the launch file. Thisshould bring everything up that’s needed to drive Husky with the keyboard asshown in the above image. [60%]
● If the robot stops again after sending the velocity command, specifythe rate of the publisher. Check out rostopic pub --help.