【汇总】ESP32 官方 Github 资源

Espressif Systems Github Star Rank 2020-08-12

  • 根据 Github 整理,非官方发布
Espressif Systems Github Star Rank 2020-08-12
esp-idf                       ★5203      	fork 3265      		Espressif IoT Development Framework. Official development framework for ESP32. 
arduino-esp32                 ★5193      	fork 3188      		Arduino core for the ESP32 
esptool                       ★3294      	fork 873       		ESP8266 and ESP32 serial bootloader utility 
ESP8266_RTOS_SDK              ★2012      	fork 1090      		Latest ESP8266 SDK based on FreeRTOS, esp-idf style. 
esp-who                       ★879       	fork 225       		Face detection and recognition framework 
esp-iot-solution              ★750       	fork 345       		Espressif IoT Library. IoT Device Drivers, Documentations And Solutions. 
ESP8266_MP3_DECODER           ★675       	fork 167       		A demo that should be run with ESP8266 Non-OS SDK 
ESP8266_NONOS_SDK             ★655       	fork 419       		ESP8266 nonOS SDK 
esp-adf                       ★606       	fork 328       		Espressif Audio Development Framework 
esp-mdf                       ★474       	fork 159       		Espressif Mesh Development Framework 
ESP8266_AT                    ★449       	fork 224       		This project is not maintained, please use https://github.com/espressif/esp-at. 
esp32-camera                  ★379       	fork 148       		None 
esp-mqtt                      ★358       	fork 179       		ESP32 mqtt component 
esp32-nesemu                  ★276       	fork 92        		Proof-of-concept NES emulator for the ESP32 
esp-at                        ★251       	fork 169       		AT application for ESP32 ESP-IDF & ESP32S2 ESP-IDF & ESP8266 ESP8266_RTOS_SDK 
esp-aliyun                    ★232       	fork 116       		Aliyun Iotkit-embedded, support esp32 & esp8266. 
esp-idf-template              ★197       	fork 151       		Template application for https://github.com/espressif/esp-idf 
ESP31_RTOS_SDK                ★180       	fork 56        		ESP31B SDK based on FreeRTOS. For ESP32 please see http://github.com/espressif/esp-idf 
esp-va-sdk                    ★148       	fork 49        		Espressif's Voice Assistant SDK: Alexa, Google Voice Assistant, Google DialogFlow 
openocd-esp32                 ★148       	fork 58        		OpenOCD branch with ESP32 JTAG support 
esp-gdbstub                   ★140       	fork 36        		None 
vscode-esp-idf-extension      ★120       	fork 23        		Visual Studio Code extension for ESP-IDF projects 
esp-azure                     ★118       	fork 65        		SDK to connect ESP8266 and ESP32 to Microsoft Azure IoT services 
esp-apple-homekit-adk         ★111       	fork 14        		This is a port for Apple's Open Source HomeKit ADK 
esp8266-rtos-sample-code      ★111       	fork 76        		None 
esp-skainet                   ★103       	fork 23        		Espressif intelligent voice assistant 
esp-face                      ★102       	fork 32        		None 
esp-dsp                       ★95        	fork 21        		DSP library for ESP-IDF 
esp-sr                        ★86        	fork 24        		Speech recognition 
esp32-doom                    ★84        	fork 11        		A proof-of-concept port of PrBoom to the ESP32. Needs psram hardware. 
esp32-wifi-lib                ★82        	fork 42        		ESP32 WiFi stack precompiled libraries 
idf-eclipse-plugin            ★76        	fork 33        		Eclipse plugin for ESP-IDF CMake based projects (4.x and above) 
esp-rainmaker                 ★74        	fork 11        		ESP RainMaker Agent for firmware development 
esp-google-iot                ★64        	fork 28        		Google Cloud IoT SDK as an ESP-IDF Component 
esp-aws-iot                   ★61        	fork 27        		AWS-IoT SDK as an ESP-IDF component 
esp-jumpstart                 ★59        	fork 31        		Jumpstart from concept to production 
esp32-bt-lib                  ★54        	fork 28        		ESP32 Bluetooth stack (below HCI layer) precompiled libraries 
esp8266-nonos-sample-code     ★50        	fork 33        		None 
esp-serial-flasher            ★47        	fork 8         		Library for flashing Espressif SoCs from other MCUs. 
esp-idf-provisioning-android  ★44        	fork 27        		Android Provisioning application for ESP-IDF Unified provisioning 
esp-drone                     ★43        	fork 16        		None 
esp-hosted                    ★38        	fork 5         		Hosted Solution (Linux/MCU) with ESP32 (Wi-Fi + BT + BLE) 
binutils-esp32ulp             ★34        	fork 12        		Binutils fork with support for the ESP32 ULP co-processor 
ESP8266_RTOS_ALINK_DEMO       ★34        	fork 25        		Alink 1.0 早期版本 
esp8266-alink-v1.0            ★32        	fork 26        		alink v1.0 
esp-idf-provisioning-ios      ★31        	fork 12        		None 
esp31-smsemu                  ★29        	fork 10        		None 
esp32-alink-demo              ★28        	fork 18        		Demo project for alink, include embed and SDS 
esp8266-alink-sds             ★26        	fork 13        		Demo project for alink SDS 
esp-lwip                      ★24        	fork 58        		Fork of lwIP (https://savannah.nongnu.org/projects/lwip/) with ESP-IDF specific patches 
esp32-iotivity                ★24        	fork 9         		Guide you to make your ESP32 support OCF/OIC. 
esp-joylink                   ★22        	fork 14        		Demo project for JD joylink, support esp32 & esp8266. 
esp32-arduino-lib-builder     ★21        	fork 9         		None 
esp-adf-libs                  ★19        	fork 18        		None 
esp-wolfssl                   ★15        	fork 3         		WolfSSL port for ESP-IDF & ESP8266_RTOS_SDK 
newlib-esp32                  ★15        	fork 8         		Version of newlib used in ESP32 ROM and ESP-IDF 
esp-ali-smartliving           ★14        	fork 11        		阿里云生活物联网平台 & 天猫精灵 IoT 开放平台 
esp-dev-kits                  ★14        	fork 9         		None 
esp-moonlight                 ★14        	fork 9         		None 
esp-rainmaker-android         ★11        	fork 2         		ESP RainMaker Android app sources 
esp-baidu-iot                 ★10        	fork 3         		Baidu 天工物联网平台 support for ESP32 & ESP8266. 
esp32-alink                   ★10        	fork 11        		This is a porting of alink in esp32, it's just a  component, you can use it as submodule in your project. Please refer to esp32-alink-demo. 
esp-welink                    ★8         	fork 1         		Tencent 微瓴 support for ESP32 & ESP8266. 
esp8266-dual-cloud            ★8         	fork 10        		esp8266 dual cloud support demo, now support alink + joylink. 
kconfig-frontends             ★7         	fork 4         		Fork of kconfig-frontends project with some modifications for use with ESP-IDF 
esp-qcloud                    ★6         	fork 8         		Tencent qcloud support for esp32. 
esp-rainmaker-ios             ★6         	fork 1         		ESP RainMaker iOS app sources 
esp-afr-sdk                   ★4         	fork 4         		Espressif Base SDK for (Amazon) FreeRTOS 
xtensa-overlays               ★4         	fork 2         		Configuration overlays of Xtensa cores used by Espressif. These overlays are applied when building GCC, Binutils, GDB, Newlib. 
esp-faq                       ★3         	fork 0         		None 
github-actions                ★3         	fork 1         		Github Actions developed/used by Espressif 
esp-cryptoauthlib             ★1         	fork 2         		Release only fork of https://github.com/MicrochipTech/cryptoauthlib 
total                         ★24598     	fork 12228 
