Grbl v1.1版本的接线方法wiki翻译
Grbl v1.1 connecting
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This wiki isintended to provide various instructions on how to connect to grbl in variousways. Please feel free to contribute more up-to-date or alternative methods.
For Grblv0.9 and v1.1+ default builds: (NOTE: Z-limit is on D12 and thespindle enable pin uses the hardware PWM on D11.)
For Grbl v0.8 and v0.9+ with variable spindledisabled, Z-limit moves to D11 and spindle enable to D12. This is generally forbackward compatibility on older boards.
对于Grbl v0.8和v0.9+可变主轴是禁用的,z轴的限位改为D11口,主轴使能是D12口,这通常是为了兼容在这之前的旧版本
First, to connect your stepper motors toGrbl, you'll need some stepper motor drivers to power the steppers and connectyour driver inputs to the Arduino controller pins. There are a number of driversthat can do this, available as fully pre-built, partially pre-built, orcompletely DIY. There are some examples farther down the page. The stepperdrivers will need to share the stepper enable pin (D8) to their respectiveenable pins, while the direction and step pulse pins (D2-D7) will need to beconnected to their respective pins on the drivers. Just make sure that all ofyour drivers and the Arduino share a common ground (star grounded with yourmotor driver power). This is about all you'll need to get started.
Afterwards,once you decide that you're ready or would like to enable homing and/or hardlimits, you'll need to connect a normally-open limit switch to each of thelimit pins (D9, D10, and D12). Homing and hard limits use the same switches. Theselimit pins are already held high with an internal pull-up resistor, so all youhave to do is wire them to ground. So when you close a switch, the switch willpull the limit pin to ground. If you'd like to have hard limit switches on bothends of travel of an axis, just wire two limit switches in parallel to the axislimit pin and ground. Make sure you have the switches installed beforeattempting to perform a homing cycle, and make sure you practice good wiringmethods to minimize external electric noise on the input pins.
In Grblv0.8 and later, there are pin-outs of the cycle start, feed hold, and resetruntime commands, so you can have physical control buttons on your machine.Just like the limit pins, these pins are held high with an internal pull-upresistor, so all you have to do is connect a normally-open switch to each pinand to ground. Again make sure you practice good wiring methods to minimizeexternal electric noise on the input pins.
If you have adesire or need for spindle or coolant control, Grbl will toggle these outputpins (D13, A3) high or low, depending on the G-code commands you send to Grbl.With v0.9+ and variable spindle PWM enabled, the D11 pin will output a range ofvoltages from 0V to 5V depending the spindle speed G-code command. 0V indicatesspindle off in this case. Since these pins are all application dependent in howthey are used, we'll leave it to you to determine how to control and use thesefor your machine. You can also hack the spindle and coolant control sourcefiles to easily alter how they work and then compile and upload your modifiedGrbl through the Arduino IDE.
如果你有主轴或冷却液控制的需求,Grbl可以根据你发送给Grbl 的G代码来切换D13、A3口的高低电平输出,在v0.9以上的版本中有PWM可变主轴功能,GRBL根据你发送过来的G代码将D11引脚输出0-5V之间的电压,0v表示主轴停止。由于这些引脚的使用根据适用的场合不同而不同,我们将这留给您决定如何去控制和使用这些引脚为您的机器工作。修改主轴和冷却剂控制源文件可以很容易改变他们的工作方式,然后编译并上传你修改的Grbl通过Arduino IDE。
Method One:EasyDriver V4.4
方法一:简单驱动 V4.4
This is a fairlystraightforward interface for a 3 axis machine.
The 'step signalground' for each EasyDriver is connected together and tied to the GND pin ofthe Arduino. Do not confuse this with the motor ground or any other groundconnection on the EasyDriver!
这个stepsignal ground 就是是将每一个easydriver的地线都连接到adruino上面去,不要把电机的地或其他的地接到easydriver上面
The 'Step' pinfor the X,Y and Z axes is attached to digital pins 2, 3 and 4 respectively.
The 'Dir' pin forthe X,Y and Z axes is attached to digital pins 5, 6 and 7 respectively.
Big Version
Fritzing File
EasyDriver Website
Method Two:grblshield
grblshield - plugs on toArduino for 3 axes of motor control - up to 2.5 amps per winding. Drivers arethermally protected against overcurrent and are therefore extremely resistantto burnout or failure
Method Three:stepper shield
方法三:stepper shield arduino steppershield - pololu driver carrier arduino shield for 3 axes of motorcontrol. Replaceable drivers in case of damage. arduino steppershield-arduino驱动器可以控制三轴电机,驱动器在损坏后可以更换
Method Four :Arduino CNC Shield or Raspberry Pi CNC Board/Hat
方法四:adruinoCNC shield 或者Raspberry Pi CNC Board、Hat
Arduino CNC Shield - 3 independentaxes and one clone axis.Uses Pololu Stepper Drivers with all GRBL pins exposed.GRBL 0.9 Compatible. RC filters on end stops and Probe pins.
Adruino CNC Shield-拥有 3个独立的轴和一个可复制的轴,使用该驱动器和GRBL的引脚连接,这个兼容GRBL0.9版本,具有终端滤波和尖端滤波的功能
Raspberry Pi CNC board/hat - 3 independentaxes + 1 clonable drive and with removable screw terminals.Uses Pololu StepperDrivers with all GRBL pins exposed. GRBL 0.9 Compatible. RC filters on endstops and Probe pins.
Raspberry Pi CNC board/hat-具有三个独立的轴和一个可复制的轴驱动以及一个可以移动的终端螺丝,这个兼容GRBL0.9版本,具有终端滤波和尖端滤波的功能