AtCoder Beginner Contest 085 D Katana Thrower(贪心)

Problem Statement

You are going out for a walk, when you suddenly encounter a monster. Fortunately, you have N katana (swords), Katana 1, Katana 2, …, Katana N, and can perform the following two kinds of attacks in any order:

Wield one of the katana you have. When you wield Katana i i (1in) ( 1 ≤ i ≤ n ) , the monster receives ai a i points of damage. The same katana can be wielded any number of times.

Throw one of the katana you have. When you throw Katana i i (1iN) ( 1 ≤ i ≤ N ) at the monster, it receives bi b i points of damage, and you lose the katana. That is, you can no longer wield or throw that katana.

The monster will vanish when the total damage it has received is H points or more. At least how many attacks do you need in order to vanish it in total?

1 ≤ N≤ 10 5 5
1 ≤ H ≤ 10 9 9
1 ≤ a i i ≤ b i i ≤ 10 9 9
All input values are integers.

题意:你有N把剑,怪兽血量H,第i把剑能挥砍造成 ai a i 点伤害或投掷造成 bi b i 点伤害(投掷后不能再用),问最少攻击多少次把怪兽打死?

using namespace std;

int n, h;
#define maxn 100000
class sword {
    int a;
    int b;
    bool operator<(sword& as) {
        return b < as.b;

int main() {
    int maxa = 0;
    int dmg=0;
    int att=0;

    for (int i = 0; i < n; ++i) {

    sort(s, s + n);

    for (int i = 0; i < n; ++i) {
        maxa = s[maxa].a < s[i].a ? i : maxa;
    for (int i = n - 1; dmg < h&&s[i].b> s[maxa].a;--i) {
        if (i == maxa)continue;//不能把最大挥砍攻击的剑扔了
        dmg += s[i].b; ++att;

    if (dmg < h) {
        if (s[maxa].a > s[maxa].b) {
            att +=  (h - dmg) / s[maxa].a;
            if ((h - dmg) % s[maxa].a != 0) 

        else {//挥砍攻击力比投掷攻击力低,最后一下可以投掷攻击
            att += 1; dmg += s[maxa].b;
            if (dmg < h) {
                att += (h - dmg) / s[maxa].a;
                if ((h - dmg) % s[maxa].a != 0) 
    cout << att;
