group by rollup 和grouping的使用实例


用下面的sql执行一下,就可以知道group by rollup和grouping的用法

with a as (select 'dev1' col1,'file1' col2,'aa' col3,'bb' col4,1 col5 from dual 

  union all select 'dev1' col1,'file2' col2,'cc' col3,'dd' col4,3 col5 from dual
  union all select 'dev2' col1,'file3' col2,'ee' col3,'ff' col4,7 col5 from dual 
  union all select 'dev2' col1,'file4' col2,'gg' col3,'hh' col4,4 col5 from dual
select case  when grouping(col1)=1 and grouping(col2)=1 then '总计' when grouping(col2)=1 then '合计' else col1 end as col_1,
       case grouping(col2) when 1 then '- -' else col2 end as col_2,
       case grouping(col3) when 1 then '- -' else col3 end as col_3,
       case grouping(col4) when 1 then '- -' else col4 end as col_4,
from a
group by rollup(col1,(col2,col3,col4));
