


本文将介绍Spring Framework中使用的设计模式。这是5篇专题文章的第一部分。这次我们将发现Spring框架中使用的4种设计模式:解释器,构建器,工厂方法和抽象工厂。每部分将首先解释给定模式的原理。紧接着,将会使用Spring的一个例子来加深理解。




Spring主要以Spring Expression Language(SpEL)为例。这里快速提个醒,SpEL是一种由Spring的org.springframework.expression.ExpressionParser实现分析和执行的语言。这些实现使用作为字符串给出的Spel表达式,并将它们转换为org.springframework.expression.Expression的实例。上下文组件由org.springframework.expression.EvaluationContext实现表示,例如:StandardEvaluationContext。


Writer writer = new Writer();
writer.setName("Writer's name");
StandardEvaluationContext modifierContext = new StandardEvaluationContext(subscriberContext);
modifierContext.setVariable("name", "Overriden writer's name");
parser.parseExpression("name = #name").getValue(modifierContext);
System.out.println("writer's name is : " + writer.getName());


输出应打印“Overriden writer’s name”。如你所见,一个对象的属性是通过一个表达式name = #name进行修改的,这个表达式只有在ExpressionParser才能理解,因为提供了context(前面的样例中的modifierContext实例)。



// with constructor
Programmer programmer = new Programmer("first name", "last name", "address Street 39", "ZIP code", "City", "Country", birthDateObject, new String[] {"Java", "PHP", "Perl", "SQL"}, new String[] {"CRM system", "CMS system for government"});
// or with setters
Programmer programmer = new Programmer();
programmer.setName("first name");
programmer.setLastName("last name");
// ... multiple lines after
programmer.setProjects(new String[] {"CRM system", "CMS system for government"});



public class BuilderTest {
  public void test() {
    Programmer programmer = new Programmer.ProgrammerBuilder()
            .setCity("City").setZipCode("0000A").setAddress("Street 39")
            .setLanguages(new String[] {"bash", "Perl"})
            .setProjects(new String[] {"Linux kernel"}).build();
    assertTrue("Programmer should be 'F L' but was '" + programmer + "'",
        programmer.toString().equals("F L"));
class Programmer {
  private String firstName;
  private String lastName;
  private String address;
  private String zipCode;
  private String city;
  private String[] languages;
  private String[] projects;
  private Programmer(String fName, String lName, String addr, String zip, String city, String[] langs, String[] projects) {
    this.firstName = fName;
    this.lastName = lName;
    this.address = addr;
    this.zipCode = zip;
    this.city = city;
    this.languages = langs;
    this.projects = projects;
  public static class ProgrammerBuilder {
    private String firstName;
    private String lastName;
    private String address;
    private String zipCode;
    private String city;
    private String[] languages;
    private String[] projects;
    public ProgrammerBuilder setFirstName(String firstName) {
      this.firstName = firstName;
      return this;
    public ProgrammerBuilder setLastName(String lastName) {
      this.lastName = lastName;
      return this;
    public ProgrammerBuilder setAddress(String address) {
      this.address = address;
      return this;
    public ProgrammerBuilder setZipCode(String zipCode) {
      this.zipCode = zipCode;
      return this;
    public ProgrammerBuilder setCity(String city) {
      this.city = city;
      return this;
    public ProgrammerBuilder setLanguages(String[] languages) {
      this.languages = languages;
      return this;
    public ProgrammerBuilder setProjects(String[] projects) {
      this.projects = projects;
      return this;
    public Programmer build() {
      return new Programmer(firstName, lastName, address, zipCode, city, languages, projects);
  public String toString() {
    return this.firstName + " "+this.lastName;



public class BeanDefinitionBuilder {


    * The {@code BeanDefinition} instance we are creating.


  private AbstractBeanDefinition beanDefinition;


  // ... some not important methods for this article


  // Some of building methods


    * Set the name of the parent definition of this bean definition.


  public BeanDefinitionBuilder setParentName(String parentName) {


    return this;




    * Set the name of the factory method to use for this definition.


  public BeanDefinitionBuilder setFactoryMethod(String factoryMethod) {


    return this;




    * Add an indexed constructor arg value. The current index is tracked internally

    * and all additions are at the present point.

    * @deprecated since Spring 2.5, in favor of {@link #addConstructorArgValue}



  public BeanDefinitionBuilder addConstructorArg(Object value) {

    return addConstructorArgValue(value);




    * Add an indexed constructor arg value. The current index is tracked internally

    * and all additions are at the present point.


  public BeanDefinitionBuilder addConstructorArgValue(Object value) {


                    this.constructorArgIndex++, value);

    return this;




    * Add a reference to a named bean as a constructor arg.

    * @see #addConstructorArgValue(Object)


  public BeanDefinitionBuilder addConstructorArgReference(String beanName) {


                    this.constructorArgIndex++, new RuntimeBeanReference(beanName));

    return this;




    * Add the supplied property value under the given name.


  public BeanDefinitionBuilder addPropertyValue(String name, Object value) {

    this.beanDefinition.getPropertyValues().add(name, value);

    return this;




    * Add a reference to the specified bean name under the property specified.

    * @param name the name of the property to add the reference to

    * @param beanName the name of the bean being referenced


  public BeanDefinitionBuilder addPropertyReference(String name, String beanName) {

    this.beanDefinition.getPropertyValues().add(name, new RuntimeBeanReference(beanName));

    return this;




    * Set the init method for this definition.


  public BeanDefinitionBuilder setInitMethodName(String methodName) {


    return this;



  // Methods that can be used to construct BeanDefinition


    * Return the current BeanDefinition object in its raw (unvalidated) form.

    * @see #getBeanDefinition()


  public AbstractBeanDefinition getRawBeanDefinition() {

    return this.beanDefinition;




    * Validate and return the created BeanDefinition object.


  public AbstractBeanDefinition getBeanDefinition() {


    return this.beanDefinition;






public class FactoryMethodTest {



  public void test() {

    Meal fruit = Meal.valueOf("banana");

    Meal vegetable = Meal.valueOf("carrot");

    assertTrue("Banana should be a fruit but is "+fruit.getType(), fruit.getType().equals("fruit"));

    assertTrue("Carrot should be a vegetable but is "+vegetable.getType(), vegetable.getType().equals("vegetable"));





class Meal {


  private String type;


  public Meal(String type) {

    this.type = type;



  public String getType() {

    return this.type;



  // Example of factory method - different object is created depending on current context

  public static Meal valueOf(String ingredient) {

    if (ingredient.equals("banana")) {

      return new Meal("fruit");


    return new Meal("vegetable");







public class Welcomer {

  private String message;


  public Welcomer(String message) {

    this.message = message;



  public static Welcomer createWelcomer(MessageLocator messagesLocator) {

    Calendar cal = Calendar.getInstance();

    String msgKey = "welcome.pm";

    if (cal.get(Calendar.AM_PM) == Calendar.AM) {

      msgKey = "welcome.am";


    return new Welcomer(messagesLocator.getMessageByKey(msgKey));



当Spring将构造welcomerBean时,它不会通过传统的构造函数,而是通过定义的静态工厂方法createWelcomer来实现。还要注意,这个方法接受一些参数(MessageLocator bean的实例包含所有可用的消息) 标签,通常保留给传统的构造函数。




public class FactoryTest {


  // Test method which is the client


  public void test() {

    Kitchen factory = new KitchenFactory();

    KitchenMeal meal = factory.getMeal("P.1");

    KitchenMeal dessert = factory.getDessert("I.1");

    assertTrue("Meal's name should be 'protein meal' and was '"+meal.getName()+"'", meal.getName().equals("protein meal"));

    assertTrue("Dessert's name should be 'ice-cream' and was '"+dessert.getName()+"'", dessert.getName().equals("ice-cream"));





// abstract factory

abstract class Kitchen {

  public abstract KitchenMeal getMeal(String preferency);

  public abstract KitchenMeal getDessert(String preferency);



// concrete factory

class KitchenFactory extends Kitchen {


  public KitchenMeal getMeal(String preferency) {

    if (preferency.equals("F.1")) {

      return new FastFoodMeal();

    } else if (preferency.equals("P.1")) {

      return new ProteinMeal();


    return new VegetarianMeal();




  public KitchenMeal getDessert(String preferency) {

    if (preferency.equals("I.1")) {

      return new IceCreamMeal();


    return null;




// abstract product

abstract class KitchenMeal {

  public abstract String getName();



// concrete products

class ProteinMeal extends KitchenMeal {


  public String getName() {

    return "protein meal";




class VegetarianMeal extends KitchenMeal {


  public String getName() {

    return "vegetarian meal";




class FastFoodMeal extends KitchenMeal {


  public String getName() {

    return "fast-food meal";




class IceCreamMeal extends KitchenMeal {


  public String getName() {

    return "ice-cream";






public class TestProduct {


  private BeanFactory factory;


  public void test() {

    System.out.println("Concrete factory is: "+factory.getClass());

    assertTrue("Factory can't be null", factory != null);

    ShoppingCart cart = (ShoppingCart) factory.getBean("shoppingCart");

    assertTrue("Shopping cart object can't be null", cart != null);

    System.out.println("Found shopping cart bean:"+cart.getClass());






面向对象编程(OOP)可能是编程中最流行的概念。然而,Spring引入了另一种编码规范,面向切面编程(AOP)。为了简化定义,AOP是面向系统特定点的一种编程,如:异常抛出,特定类别方法的执行等.AOP允许在执行这些特定点之前或之后执行补充动作。如何实现这种操作?它可以通过监听器(listeners)进行。但在这种情况下,我们应该在只要可能存在调用的地方都需要定义监听器来进行监听(比如在一个方法的开始的地方)。这就是为什么Spring不采用这个idea。相反,Spring实现了一种能够通过额外的方法调用完成任务的设计模式 - 代理设计模式。

代理就像对象的镜像一样。也正因为如此,代理对象不仅可以覆盖真实对象,还可以扩展其功能。因此,对于只能在屏幕上打印一些文本的对象,我们可以添加另一个对象来过滤显示单词。可以通过代理来定义第二个对象的调用。代理是封装真实对象的对象。例如,如果您尝试调用Waiter bean,那么您将调用该Bean的代理,其行为方式完全相同。

代理设计模式的一个很好的例子是org.springframework.aop.framework.ProxyFactoryBean。该工厂根据Spring bean构建AOP代理。该类实现了定义getObject()方法的FactoryBean接口。此方法用于将需求Bean的实例返回给bean factory。在这种情况下,它不是返回的实例,而是AOP代理。在执行代理对象的方法之前,可以通过调用补充方法来进一步“修饰”代理对象(其实所谓的静态代理不过是在装饰模式上加了个要不要你来干动作行为而已,而不是装饰模式什么也不做就加了件衣服,其他还得由你来全权完成)。


public class TestProxyAop {



  public void test() {

    ProxyFactory factory = new ProxyFactory(new House());


    factory.addAdvice(new BeforeConstructAdvice());



    Construction construction = (Construction) factory.getProxy();


    assertTrue("Construction is illegal. "

      + "Supervisor didn't give a permission to build "

      + "the house", construction.isPermitted());





interface Construction {

  public void construct();

  public void givePermission();

  public boolean isPermitted();



class House implements Construction{


  private boolean permitted = false;



  public boolean isPermitted() {

    return this.permitted;




  public void construct() {

    System.out.println("I'm constructing a house");




  public void givePermission() {

    System.out.println("Permission is given to construct a simple house");

    this.permitted = true;




class BeforeConstructAdvice implements MethodBeforeAdvice {



  public void before(Method method, Object[] arguments, Object target) throws Throwable {

    if (method.getName().equals("construct")) {

      ((Construction) target).givePermission();










public class CompositeTest {



  public void test() {

    TextTagComposite composite = new PTag();

    composite.addTag(new SpanTag());

    composite.addTag(new EmTag());


    // sample client code


    for (TextTag leaf : composite.getTags()) {





    assertTrue("Composite should contain 2 tags but it contains "+composite.getTags().size(), composite.getTags().size() == 2);






interface TextTag {

  public void startWrite();

  public void endWrite();



interface TextTagComposite extends TextTag {

  public List getTags();

  public void addTag(TextTag tag);



class PTag implements TextTagComposite {

  private List tags = new ArrayList();



  public void startWrite() {






  public void endWrite() {






  public List getTags() {

    return tags;




  public void addTag(TextTag tag) {





class SpanTag implements TextTag {



  public void startWrite() {





  public void endWrite() {






class EmTag implements TextTag {



  public void startWrite() {





  public void endWrite() {





在这种情况下,可以看到一个复合对象。我们可以区分复合与非复合对象,因为第一个可以容纳一个或多个非复合对象(PTag类中的private List tags字段)。非复合对象称为叶子。TextTag接口被称为组件,因为它为两个对象类型提供了共同的行为规范(有点像Linux文件管理系统的有共同点的文件放在一个文件夹下进行管理,其实就是节点管理)。

在Spring世界中,我们检索复合对象的概念是org.springframework.beans.BeanMetadataElement接口,用于配置bean对象。它是所有继承对象的基本界面。现在,在一方面,我们有一个叶子,由org.springframework.beans.factory.parsing.BeanComponentDefinition表示,另一边是复合org.springframework.beans.factory.parsing.CompositeComponentDefinition。CompositeComponentDefinition类似于组件,因为它包含addNestedComponent(ComponentDefinition component)方法,它允许将叶添加到私有final列表中nestedComponents。您可以看到,由于此列表,BeanComponentDefinition和CompositeComponentDefinition的组件是org.springframework.beans.factory.parsing.ComponentDefinition。





public String getHandlerMethodName(HttpServletRequest request) throws NoSuchRequestHandlingMethodException {

  String methodName = null;


  // Check parameter names where the very existence of each parameter

  // means that a method of the same name should be invoked, if any.

  if (this.methodParamNames != null) {

    for (String candidate : this.methodParamNames) {

      if (WebUtils.hasSubmitParameter(request, candidate)) {

        methodName = candidate;

        if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) {

          logger.debug("Determined handler method '" + methodName +

            "' based on existence of explicit request parameter of same name");







  // Check parameter whose value identifies the method to invoke, if any.

  if (methodName == null && this.paramName != null) {

    methodName = request.getParameter(this.paramName);

    if (methodName != null) {

      if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) {

        logger.debug("Determined handler method '" + methodName +

          "' based on value of request parameter '" + this.paramName + "'");





  if (methodName != null && this.logicalMappings != null) {

    // Resolve logical name into real method name, if appropriate.

    String originalName = methodName;

    methodName = this.logicalMappings.getProperty(methodName, methodName);

    if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) {

      logger.debug("Resolved method name '" + originalName + "' to handler method '" + methodName + "'");




  if (methodName != null && !StringUtils.hasText(methodName)) {

    if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) {

      logger.debug("Method name '" + methodName + "' is empty: treating it as no method name found");


    methodName = null;



  if (methodName == null) {

    if (this.defaultMethodName != null) {

      // No specific method resolved: use default method.

      methodName = this.defaultMethodName;

      if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) {

        logger.debug("Falling back to default handler method '" + this.defaultMethodName + "'");



    else {

      // If resolution failed completely, throw an exception.

      throw new NoSuchRequestHandlingMethodException(request);




  return methodName;





public class TemplateMethod {


  public static void main(String[] args) {

    HouseAbstract house = new SeaHouse();






abstract class HouseAbstract {

  protected abstract void constructFoundations();

  protected abstract void constructWall();


  // template method

  public final void construct() {






class EcologicalHouse extends HouseAbstract {



  protected void constructFoundations() {

    System.out.println("Making foundations with wood");




  protected void constructWall() {

    System.out.println("Making wall with wood");





class SeaHouse extends HouseAbstract {



  protected void constructFoundations() {

    System.out.println("Constructing very strong foundations");




  protected void constructWall() {

    System.out.println("Constructing very strong wall");





Constructing very strong foundations
Constructing very strong wall

Spring在org.springframework.context.support.AbstractApplicationContext类中使用模板方法。他们不是一个模板方法(在我们的例子中是construct ),而是多个。例如,getsFreshBeanFactory返回内部bean工厂的新版本,调用两个抽象方法:refreshBeanFactory(刷新工厂bean)和getBeanFactory(以获取更新的工厂bean)。这个方法和其他一些方法一样,用在public void refresh()中,抛出构造应用程序上下文的BeansException,IllegalStateException方法(这里会在后面Spring中与应用程序上下文分析中再次提到)。



  * Do nothing: We hold a single internal BeanFactory and rely on callers

  * to register beans through our public methods (or the BeanFactory's).

  * @see #registerBeanDefinition



protected final void refreshBeanFactory() throws IllegalStateException {

  if (this.refreshed) {

    throw new IllegalStateException(

      "GenericApplicationContext does not support multiple refresh attempts: just call 'refresh' once");



  this.refreshed = true;




protected void cancelRefresh(BeansException ex) {






  * Not much to do: We hold a single internal BeanFactory that will never

  * get released.



protected final void closeBeanFactory() {





  * Return the single internal BeanFactory held by this context

  * (as ConfigurableListableBeanFactory).



public final ConfigurableListableBeanFactory getBeanFactory() {

  return this.beanFactory;




  * Return the underlying bean factory of this context,

  * available for registering bean definitions.


NOTE: You need to call {@link #refresh()} to initialize the

  * bean factory and its contained beans with application context semantics

  * (autodetecting BeanFactoryPostProcessors, etc).

  * @return the internal bean factory (as DefaultListableBeanFactory)


public final DefaultListableBeanFactory getDefaultListableBeanFactory() {

  return this.beanFactory;





public class PrototypeTest {
  public void test() {
    Robot firstRobot = new Robot("Droid#1");
    Robot secondRobot = (Robot) firstRobot.clone();
    assertTrue("Cloned robot's instance can't be the same as the"
      +" source robot instance",
      firstRobot != secondRobot);
    assertTrue("Cloned robot's name should be '"+firstRobot.getName()+"'"
      +" but was '"+secondRobot.getName()+"'",
class Robot implements Cloneable {
  private String name;
  public Robot(String name) {
    this.name = name;
  public String getName() {
    return this.name;
  protected Object clone() throws CloneNotSupportedException {
    return super.clone();




public class SpringPrototypeTest {
  private BeanFactory beanFactory;
  public void test() {
    ShoppingCart cart1 = (ShoppingCart) beanFactory.getBean("shoppingCart");
    assertTrue("Id of cart1 should be 9 but was "+cart1.getId(),
      cart1.getId() == 9);
    ShoppingCart cart2 = (ShoppingCart) beanFactory.getBean("shoppingCart");
    assertTrue("Id of cart2 should be 9 but was "+cart2.getId(),
      cart2.getId() == 9);
    assertTrue("Id of second cart ("+cart2.getId()+") shouldn't be the same as the first one: "+cart1.getId(),
      cart1.getId() != cart2.getId());
    assertTrue("Now (after cart2.setId(cart1.getId())), the id of second cart ("+cart2.getId()+") should be the same as the first one: "
      +cart1.getId(), cart1.getId() == cart2.getId());
    assertTrue("Both instance shouldn't be the same", cart1 != cart2);




Spring还使用线程池来管理其调度部分。一些示例位于org.springframework.scheduling.concurrent中。我们检索数据库(Spring JDBC)项目中的对象池的想法。数据库连接池不是由Spring直接实现的,而是适用于Spring工作方式的项目,如C3P0或Jakarta Commons DBCP连接池。


这里呈现的最后一个设计模式是观察者。当一个或几个课程正在等待具体事件时可以使用它。观察者模式由一个科目和观察员名单组成。一个很好的例子就是GUI界面,其中点击按钮(按钮是主题)会引起听众(观察者)启动的一些操作(再说的直白点就是电影院一场电影这个subject,需要观众(也就是观察者咯),电影产生的一些画面产生的事件,比如恐怖 电影给男人女人带来的不同的感官的感受,传播到观察者也就是观众的眼里所带来的不一样的反应,这个中间一般会添加一个事件传播者,在后面解释Spring的例子的时候会说到),例如:打开一个新页面这个动作。可以参考下面的例子:

public class ObserverTest {
  public void test() {
    Observer pageOpener = new PageOpener();
    Observer register = new Register();
    Button btn = new Button();
    assertTrue("Button should be clicked but it wasn't",
    assertTrue("Page opener should be informed about click but it wasn't",
    assertTrue("Register should be informed about click but it wasn't",
class Button {
  private boolean clicked;
  private List listeners;
  public List getListeners() {
    if (this.listeners == null) {
      this.listeners = new ArrayList();
    return this.listeners;
  public void addListener(Observer observer) {
  public boolean wasClicked() {
    return this.clicked;
  public void clickOn() {
    this.clicked = true;
  private void informAll() {
    for (Observer observer : getListeners()) {
abstract class Observer {
  protected boolean informed;
  public void informAboutEvent() {
    this.informed = true;
  public boolean wasInformed() {
    return this.informed;
class PageOpener extends Observer {
  public void informAboutEvent() {
    System.out.println("Preparing download of new page");
class Register extends Observer {
  public void informAboutEvent() {
    System.out.println("Adding the action to register");


public abstract class AbstractApplicationContext extends DefaultResourceLoader
  implements ConfigurableApplicationContext, DisposableBean {
  /** Statically specified listeners */
  private Set> applicationListeners = new LinkedHashSet>();
  // some other fields and methods
  public void addApplicationListener(ApplicationListener listener) {
    if (this.applicationEventMulticaster != null) {
    else {//新版本这里直接咔嚓掉,上面的applicationEventMulticaster一旦为空,就会报错的
    * Return the list of statically specified ApplicationListeners.
  public Collection> getApplicationListeners() {
    return this.applicationListeners;
    * Add beans that implement ApplicationListener as listeners.
    * Doesn't affect other listeners, which can be added without being beans.
  protected void registerListeners() {
    // Register statically specified listeners first.
    for (ApplicationListener listener : getApplicationListeners()) {
    // Do not initialize FactoryBeans here: We need to leave all regular beans
    // uninitialized to let post-processors apply to them!
    String[] listenerBeanNames = getBeanNamesForType(ApplicationListener.class, true, false);
    for (String lisName : listenerBeanNames) {


public class SimpleApplicationEventMulticaster extends AbstractApplicationEventMulticaster {
    private Executor taskExecutor;
    private ErrorHandler errorHandler;

    public SimpleApplicationEventMulticaster() {

    public SimpleApplicationEventMulticaster(BeanFactory beanFactory) {

    public void setTaskExecutor(Executor taskExecutor) {
        this.taskExecutor = taskExecutor;

    protected Executor getTaskExecutor() {
        return this.taskExecutor;

    public void setErrorHandler(ErrorHandler errorHandler) {
        this.errorHandler = errorHandler;

    protected ErrorHandler getErrorHandler() {
        return this.errorHandler;

    public void multicastEvent(ApplicationEvent event) {
        this.multicastEvent(event, this.resolveDefaultEventType(event));
    public void multicastEvent(final ApplicationEvent event, ResolvableType eventType) {
        ResolvableType type = eventType != null?eventType:this.resolveDefaultEventType(event);
        Iterator var4 = this.getApplicationListeners(event, type).iterator();

        while(var4.hasNext()) {
            final ApplicationListener listener = (ApplicationListener)var4.next();
            Executor executor = this.getTaskExecutor();
            if(executor != null) {
                executor.execute(new Runnable() {
                    public void run() {
                        SimpleApplicationEventMulticaster.this.invokeListener(listener, event);
            } else {
                this.invokeListener(listener, event);





public class AdapterTest {
  public static void main(String[] args) {
    HoleMaker maker = new HoleMakerImpl();
interface HoleMaker {
  public void makeHole(int diameter);
interface DrillBit {
  public void makeSmallHole();
  public void makeBigHole();
// Two adaptee objects
class BigDrillBit implements DrillBit {
  public void makeSmallHole() {
    // do nothing
  public void makeBigHole() {
    System.out.println("Big hole is made byt WallBigHoleMaker");
class SmallDrillBit implements DrillBit {
  public void makeSmallHole() {
    System.out.println("Small hole is made byt WallSmallHoleMaker");
  public void makeBigHole() {
    // do nothing
// Adapter class
class Drill implements HoleMaker {
  private DrillBit drillBit;
  public Drill(int diameter) {
    drillBit = getMakerByDiameter(diameter);
  public void makeHole(int diameter) {
    if (isSmallDiameter(diameter)) {
    } else {
  private DrillBit getMakerByDiameter(int diameter) {
    if (isSmallDiameter(diameter)) {
            return new SmallDrillBit();
    return new BigDrillBit();
  private boolean isSmallDiameter(int diameter) {
    return diameter < 10;
// Client class
class HoleMakerImpl implements HoleMaker {
  public void makeHole(int diameter) {
    HoleMaker maker = new Drill(diameter);


Small hole is made byt SmallDrillBit
Small hole is made byt SmallDrillBit
Big hole is made byt BigDrillBit
Big hole is made byt BigDrillBit

可以看到,hole 是由所匹配的DrillBit对象制成的。如果孔的直径小于10,则使用SmallDrillBit。如果它更大,我们使用BigDrillBit。



我们可以从关于Spring和JBoss的处理接口这里找到一个很好的例子,它包含在org.springframework.instrument.classloading.jboss包中。我们检索JBossLoadTimeWeaver类负责JBoss容器的编织管理。然而,类加载器对于JBoss 6(使用JBossMCAdapter实例)和JBoss 7/8(使用JBossModulesAdapter实例)是不同的。根据JBoss版本,我们在JBossLoadTimeWeaver构造函数中初始化相应的适配器(与我们示例中的Drill的构造函数完全相同):

public JBossLoadTimeWeaver(ClassLoader classLoader) {
  private final JBossClassLoaderAdapter adapter;
  Assert.notNull(classLoader, "ClassLoader must not be null");
  if (classLoader.getClass().getName().startsWith("org.jboss.modules")) {
    // JBoss AS 7 or WildFly 8
    this.adapter = new JBossModulesAdapter(classLoader);
  else {
    // JBoss AS 6
    this.adapter = new JBossMCAdapter(classLoader);


public void addTransformer(ClassFileTransformer transformer) {
public ClassLoader getInstrumentableClassLoader() {
  return this.adapter.getInstrumentableClassLoader();





public class DecoratorSample {
  public void test() {
    Coffee sugarMilkCoffee=new MilkDecorator(new SugarDecorator(new BlackCoffee()));
    assertEquals(sugarMilkCoffee.getPrice(), 6d, 0d);
// decorated
abstract class Coffee{
  protected int candied=0;
  protected double price=2d;
  public abstract int makeMoreCandied();
  public double getPrice(){
    return this.price;
  public void setPrice(double price){
class BlackCoffee extends Coffee{
  public int makeMoreCandied(){
    return 0;
  public double getPrice(){
    return this.price;
// abstract decorator
abstract class CoffeeDecorator extends Coffee{
  protected Coffee coffee;
  public CoffeeDecorator(Coffee coffee){
  public double getPrice(){
    return this.coffee.getPrice();
  public int makeMoreCandied(){
    return this.coffee.makeMoreCandied();
// concrete decorators
class MilkDecorator extends CoffeeDecorator{
  public MilkDecorator(Coffee coffee){
  public double getPrice(){
    return super.getPrice()+1d;
  public int makeMoreCandied(){
    return super.makeMoreCandied()+1;
class SugarDecorator extends CoffeeDecorator{
  public SugarDecorator(Coffee coffee){
  public double getPrice(){
    return super.getPrice()+3d;
  public int makeMoreCandied(){
    return super.makeMoreCandied()+1;

上面这个简单的装饰器的小例子是基于对父方法的调用,从而改变最后的属性(我们这里是指价格和加糖多少)。在Spring中,我们在处理与Spring管理缓存同步事务的相关类中可以 发现装饰器设计模式的例子。这个类是org.springframework.cache.transaction.TransactionAwareCacheDecorator


private final Cache targetCache;
 * Create a new TransactionAwareCache for the given target Cache.
 * @param targetCache the target Cache to decorate
public TransactionAwareCacheDecorator(Cache targetCache) {
  Assert.notNull(targetCache, "Target Cache must not be null");
  this.targetCache = targetCache;

其次,通过这个对象,我们可以得到一个新的行为:为给定的目标缓存创建一个新的TransactionAwareCache。这个我们可以在TransactionAwareCacheDecorator的注释中可以阅读到,其主要目的是提供缓存和Spring事务之间的同步级别。这是通过org.springframework.transaction.support.TransactionSynchronizationManager中的两种缓存方法实现的:put 和 evict(其实最终不还是通过targetCache来实现的么):

public void put(final Object key, final Object value) {
  if (TransactionSynchronizationManager.isSynchronizationActive()) {
      new TransactionSynchronizationAdapter() {
        public void afterCommit() {
          targetCache.put(key, value);
  else {
    this.targetCache.put(key, value);
public void evict(final Object key) {
  if (TransactionSynchronizationManager.isSynchronizationActive()) {
            new TransactionSynchronizationAdapter() {
              public void afterCommit() {
  else {

这种模式看起来类似于适配器,对吧?但是,它们还是有区别的。我们可以看到,适配器将对象适配到运行时环境,即。如果我们在JBoss 6中运行,我们使用与JBoss 7不同的类加载器。Decorator每次使用相同的主对象(Cache)工作,并且仅向其添加新行为(与本例中的Spring事务同步),另外,可以通过我在解读这个设计模式之前的说法来区分二者。


 * Event published as early as conceivably possible as soon as a {@link SpringApplication}
 * has been started - before the {@link Environment} or {@link ApplicationContext} is
 * available, but after the {@link ApplicationListener}s have been registered. The source
 * of the event is the {@link SpringApplication} itself, but beware of using its internal
 * state too much at this early stage since it might be modified later in the lifecycle.
 * @author Dave Syer
public class ApplicationStartedEvent extends SpringApplicationEvent {

 * Create a new {@link ApplicationStartedEvent} instance.
 * @param application the current application
 * @param args the arguments the application is running with
public ApplicationStartedEvent(SpringApplication application, String[] args) {
super(application, args);


从注释可以看出 ApplicationListener要先行到位的,然后就是started的时候Event published走起,接着就是Environment配置好,ApplicationContext进行初始化完毕,那我们去看ApplicationListener的源码:

 * Listener for the {@link SpringApplication} {@code run} method.
 * {@link SpringApplicationRunListener}s are loaded via the {@link SpringFactoriesLoader}
 * and should declare a public constructor that accepts a {@link SpringApplication}
 * instance and a {@code String[]} of arguments. A new
 * {@link SpringApplicationRunListener} instance will be created for each run.
 * @author Phillip Webb
 * @author Dave Syer
public interface SpringApplicationRunListener {

 * Called immediately when the run method has first started. Can be used for very
 * early initialization.
void started();

 * Called once the environment has been prepared, but before the
 * {@link ApplicationContext} has been created.
 * @param environment the environment
void environmentPrepared(ConfigurableEnvironment environment);

 * Called once the {@link ApplicationContext} has been created and prepared, but
 * before sources have been loaded.
 * @param context the application context
void contextPrepared(ConfigurableApplicationContext context);

 * Called once the application context has been loaded but before it has been
 * refreshed.
 * @param context the application context
void contextLoaded(ConfigurableApplicationContext context);

 * Called immediately before the run method finishes.
 * @param context the application context or null if a failure occurred before the
 * context was created
 * @param exception any run exception or null if run completed successfully.
void finished(ConfigurableApplicationContext context, Throwable exception);



 * {@link SpringApplicationRunListener} to publish {@link SpringApplicationEvent}s.

 * Uses an internal {@link ApplicationEventMulticaster} for the events that are fired
 * before the context is actually refreshed.
 * @author Phillip Webb
 * @author Stephane Nicoll
public class EventPublishingRunListener implements SpringApplicationRunListener, Ordered {

private final SpringApplication application;

private final String[] args;

private final ApplicationEventMulticaster initialMulticaster;

public EventPublishingRunListener(SpringApplication application, String[] args) {
this.application = application;
this.args = args;
this.initialMulticaster = new SimpleApplicationEventMulticaster();
for (ApplicationListener listener : application.getListeners()) {

public int getOrder() {
return 0;

public void started() {
.multicastEvent(new ApplicationStartedEvent(this.application, this.args));

public void environmentPrepared(ConfigurableEnvironment environment) {
this.initialMulticaster.multicastEvent(new ApplicationEnvironmentPreparedEvent(
this.application, this.args, environment));

public void contextPrepared(ConfigurableApplicationContext context) {


public void contextLoaded(ConfigurableApplicationContext context) {
for (ApplicationListener listener : this.application.getListeners()) {
if (listener instanceof ApplicationContextAware) {
((ApplicationContextAware) listener).setApplicationContext(context);
new ApplicationPreparedEvent(this.application, this.args, context));

public void finished(ConfigurableApplicationContext context, Throwable exception) {
// Listeners have been registered to the application context so we should
// use it at this point
context.publishEvent(getFinishedEvent(context, exception));

private SpringApplicationEvent getFinishedEvent(
ConfigurableApplicationContext context, Throwable exception) {
if (exception != null) {
return new ApplicationFailedEvent(this.application, this.args, context,
return new ApplicationReadyEvent(this.application, this.args, context);


从上可以看出,EventPublishingRunListener里对接口功能的实现,主要是通过SpringApplication ApplicationEventMulticaster 来实现的,自己不干活,挂个虚名,从上帝模式的角度来看,这不就是应用了装饰模式来实现的么。



单例,我们最常用的设计模式。正如我们在很多Spring Framework中关于单例和原型bean的文章(网上太多了)中已经看到过的,单例是几个bean作用域中的中的一个。此作用域在每个应用程序上下文中仅创建一个给定bean的实例。与signleton设计模式有所区别的是,Spring将实例的数量限制的作用域在整个应用程序的上下文。而Singleton设计模式在Java应用程序中是将这些实例的数量限制在给定类加载器管理的整个空间中。这意味着我们可以为两个Spring的上下文(同一份配置文件起两个容器,也就是不同端口的容器实例)使用相同的类加载器,并检索两个单例作用域的bean。


public class SingletonTest {
  public void test() {
    President president1 = (President) SingletonsHolder.PRESIDENT.getHoldedObject();
    President president2 = (President) SingletonsHolder.PRESIDENT.getHoldedObject();
    assertTrue("Both references of President should point to the same object", president1 == president2);
    System.out.println("president1 = "+president1+" and president2 = "+president2);
    // sample output
    // president1 = com.waitingforcode.test.President@17414c8 and president2 = com.waitingforcode.test.President@17414c8
enum SingletonsHolder {
  PRESIDENT(new President());
  private Object holdedObject;
  private SingletonsHolder(Object o) {
          this.holdedObject = o;
  public Object getHoldedObject() {
          return this.holdedObject;
class President {


 * Expose the singleton instance or create a new prototype instance.
 * @see #createInstance()
 * @see #getEarlySingletonInterfaces()
public final T getObject() throws Exception {
  if (isSingleton()) {
    return (this.initialized ? this.singletonInstance : getEarlySingletonInstance());
  else {
    return createInstance();


<bean id="shoppingCart" class="com.waitingforcode.data.ShoppingCart" />


public class SingletonSpringTest {
  public void test() {
    // retreive two different contexts
    ApplicationContext firstContext = new FileSystemXmlApplicationContext("applicationContext-test.xml");
    ApplicationContext secondContext = new FileSystemXmlApplicationContext("applicationContext-test.xml");
    // prove that both contexts are loaded by the same class loader
    assertTrue("Class loaders for both contexts should be the same",
      firstContext.getClassLoader() == secondContext.getClassLoader());
    // compare the objects from different contexts
    ShoppingCart firstShoppingCart = (ShoppingCart) firstContext.getBean("shoppingCart");
    ShoppingCart secondShoppingCart = (ShoppingCart) secondContext.getBean("shoppingCart");
    assertFalse("ShoppingCart instances got from different application context shouldn't be the same",
      firstShoppingCart == secondShoppingCart);
    // compare the objects from the same context
    ShoppingCart firstShoppingCartBis = (ShoppingCart) firstContext.getBean("shoppingCart");
    assertTrue("ShoppingCart instances got from the same application context should be the same",
      firstShoppingCart == firstShoppingCartBis);


也正因为有了单例,Spring可以控制在每个应用程序上下文中只有一个这样指定的bean的实例可用。因为适配器,Spring可以决定使用由谁来处理JBoss servlet容器中的加载时编织,也可以实现ConfigurableListableBeanFactory的相应实例。第三种设计模式,装饰器,用于向Cache对象添加同步功能,还有Springboot的容器初始化。




public class CommandTest {
  // This test method is a client
  public void test() {
    Administrator admin = new Administrator();
    Server server = new Server();
    // start Apache
    admin.setCommand(new StartApache(server));
    // start Tomcat
    admin.setCommand(new StartTomcat(server));
    // check executed commands
    int executed = server.getExecutedCommands().size();
    assertTrue("Two commands should be executed but only "+
      executed+ " were", executed == 2);
// commands
abstract class ServerCommand {
  protected Server server;
  public ServerCommand(Server server) {
    this.server = server;
  public abstract void execute();
class StartTomcat extends ServerCommand {
  public StartTomcat(Server server) {
  public void execute() {
    server.launchCommand("sudo service tomcat7 start");
class StartApache extends ServerCommand {
  public StartApache(Server server) {
  public void execute() {
    server.launchCommand("sudo service apache2 start");
// invoker
class Administrator {
  private ServerCommand command;
  public void setCommand(ServerCommand command) {
    this.command = command;
  public void typeEnter() {
// receiver
class Server {
  // as in common terminals, we store executed commands in history
  private List executedCommands = new ArrayList();
  public void launchCommand(String command) {
    System.out.println("Executing: "+command+" on server");
  public List getExecutedCommands() {
    return this.executedCommands;


Executing: sudo service apache2 start on server
Executing: sudo service tomcat7 start on server


当我们将先前Demo里呈现的命令逻辑转换并对比到Spring bean工厂后处理器时,我们可以区分以下actors后置处理器bean(是指实现BeanFactoryPostProcessor接口)是命令,org.springframework.context.support.PostProcessorRegistrationDelegate是调用者(它执行postProcessBeanFactory方法注册所有的后置处理器bean,此处看下面第二段代码)和接收器org.springframework.beans.factory.config.ConfigurableListableBeanFactory可以在元素(bean)构造初始化之前修改它们(例如:在初始化bean之前可以更改属性)。



 * BeanPostProcessor that logs an info message when a bean is created during
 * BeanPostProcessor instantiation, i.e. when a bean is not eligible for
 * getting processed by all BeanPostProcessors.
private static class BeanPostProcessorChecker implements BeanPostProcessor {

private static final Log logger = LogFactory.getLog(BeanPostProcessorChecker.class);

private final ConfigurableListableBeanFactory beanFactory;

private final int beanPostProcessorTargetCount;

public BeanPostProcessorChecker(ConfigurableListableBeanFactory beanFactory, int beanPostProcessorTargetCount) {
this.beanFactory = beanFactory;
this.beanPostProcessorTargetCount = beanPostProcessorTargetCount;

public Object postProcessBeforeInitialization(Object bean, String beanName) {
return bean;

public Object postProcessAfterInitialization(Object bean, String beanName) {
if (bean != null && !(bean instanceof BeanPostProcessor) && !isInfrastructureBean(beanName) &&
this.beanFactory.getBeanPostProcessorCount() < this.beanPostProcessorTargetCount) {
if (logger.isInfoEnabled()) {
logger.info("Bean '" + beanName + "' of type [" + bean.getClass() +
"] is not eligible for getting processed by all BeanPostProcessors " +
"(for example: not eligible for auto-proxying)");
return bean;

private boolean isInfrastructureBean(String beanName) {
if (beanName != null && this.beanFactory.containsBeanDefinition(beanName)) {
BeanDefinition bd = this.beanFactory.getBeanDefinition(beanName);
return RootBeanDefinition.ROLE_INFRASTRUCTURE == bd.getRole();
return false;


public static void registerBeanPostProcessors(
ConfigurableListableBeanFactory beanFactory, AbstractApplicationContext applicationContext) {

String[] postProcessorNames = beanFactory.getBeanNamesForType(BeanPostProcessor.class, true, false);

// Register BeanPostProcessorChecker that logs an info message when
// a bean is created during BeanPostProcessor instantiation, i.e. when
// a bean is not eligible for getting processed by all BeanPostProcessors.
int beanProcessorTargetCount = beanFactory.getBeanPostProcessorCount() + 1 + postProcessorNames.length;
beanFactory.addBeanPostProcessor(new BeanPostProcessorChecker(beanFactory, beanProcessorTargetCount));

// Separate between BeanPostProcessors that implement PriorityOrdered,
// Ordered, and the rest.
List priorityOrderedPostProcessors = new ArrayList<>();
List internalPostProcessors = new ArrayList<>();
List orderedPostProcessorNames = new ArrayList<>();
List nonOrderedPostProcessorNames = new ArrayList<>();
for (String ppName : postProcessorNames) {
if (beanFactory.isTypeMatch(ppName, PriorityOrdered.class)) {
BeanPostProcessor pp = beanFactory.getBean(ppName, BeanPostProcessor.class);
if (pp instanceof MergedBeanDefinitionPostProcessor) {
else if (beanFactory.isTypeMatch(ppName, Ordered.class)) {
else {

// First, register the BeanPostProcessors that implement PriorityOrdered.
sortPostProcessors(beanFactory, priorityOrderedPostProcessors);
registerBeanPostProcessors(beanFactory, priorityOrderedPostProcessors);

// Next, register the BeanPostProcessors that implement Ordered.
List orderedPostProcessors = new ArrayList<>();
for (String ppName : orderedPostProcessorNames) {
BeanPostProcessor pp = beanFactory.getBean(ppName, BeanPostProcessor.class);
if (pp instanceof MergedBeanDefinitionPostProcessor) {
sortPostProcessors(beanFactory, orderedPostProcessors);
registerBeanPostProcessors(beanFactory, orderedPostProcessors);

// Now, register all regular BeanPostProcessors.
List nonOrderedPostProcessors = new ArrayList<>();
for (String ppName : nonOrderedPostProcessorNames) {
BeanPostProcessor pp = beanFactory.getBean(ppName, BeanPostProcessor.class);
if (pp instanceof MergedBeanDefinitionPostProcessor) {
registerBeanPostProcessors(beanFactory, nonOrderedPostProcessors);

// Finally, re-register all internal BeanPostProcessors.
sortPostProcessors(beanFactory, internalPostProcessors);
registerBeanPostProcessors(beanFactory, internalPostProcessors);

// Re-register post-processor for detecting inner beans as ApplicationListeners,
// moving it to the end of the processor chain (for picking up proxies etc).
beanFactory.addBeanPostProcessor(new ApplicationListenerDetector(applicationContext));




public class VisitorTest {
  public void test() {
    CarComponent car = new Car();
    Mechanic mechanic = new QualifiedMechanic();
    assertTrue("After qualified mechanics visit, the car should be broken",
    Mechanic nonqualifiedMechanic = new NonQualifiedMechanic();
    assertFalse("Car shouldn't be broken becase non qualified mechanic " +
      " can't see breakdowns", car.isBroken());
// visitor
interface Mechanic {
  public void visit(CarComponent element);
  public String getName();
class QualifiedMechanic implements Mechanic {
  public void visit(CarComponent element) {
  public String getName() {
    return "qualified";
class NonQualifiedMechanic implements Mechanic {
  public void visit(CarComponent element) {
  public String getName() {
    return "unqualified";
// visitable
abstract class CarComponent {
  protected boolean broken;
  public abstract void accept(Mechanic mechanic);
  public void setBroken(boolean broken) {
    this.broken = broken;
  public boolean isBroken() {
    return this.broken;
class Car extends CarComponent {
  private boolean broken = false;
  private CarComponent[] components;
  public Car() {
    components = new CarComponent[] {
      new Wheels(), new Engine(), new Brake()
  public void accept(Mechanic mechanic) {
    this.broken = false;
    if (mechanic.getName().equals("qualified")) {
      int i = 0;
      while (i < components.length && this.broken == false) {
        CarComponent component = components[i];
        this.broken = component.isBroken();
    // if mechanic isn't qualified, we suppose that
    // he isn't able to see breakdowns and so
    // he considers the car as no broken
    // (even if the car is broken)
  public boolean isBroken() {
          return this.broken;
class Wheels extends CarComponent {
  public void accept(Mechanic mechanic) {
class Engine extends CarComponent {
  public void accept(Mechanic mechanic) {
class Brake extends CarComponent {
  public void accept(Mechanic mechanic) {


 * Traverse the given BeanDefinition object and the MutablePropertyValues
 * and ConstructorArgumentValues contained in them.
 * @param beanDefinition the BeanDefinition object to traverse
 * @see #resolveStringValue(String)
public void visitBeanDefinition(BeanDefinition beanDefinition) {
  ConstructorArgumentValues cas = beanDefinition.
protected void visitParentName(BeanDefinition beanDefinition) {
  String parentName = beanDefinition.getParentName();
  if (parentName != null) {
    String resolvedName = resolveStringValue(parentName);
    if (!parentName.equals(resolvedName)) {








