C++代码 模板写法


for (bool callRestore : { false, true }) 



enum ReturnStatus
    STS_ERR_FAILED                = -999,
    STS_ERR_NOT_INITIALIZED       = -998,
    STS_ERR_NOT_ENOUGH_DATA       = -996,
    STS_ERR_NULL_PTR              = -995,
    STS_ERR_INIT                  = -899,
    STS_ERR_END_OF_STREAM         = -895,
    STS_ERR_ALLOC                 = -883,
    STS_ERR_UNSUPPORTED           = -879,
    STS_ERR_INVALID_PARAMS        = -876,
    STS_ERR_FILE_OPEN             = -875,
    STS_ERR_FORMAT                = -874,
    STS_OK                        =  0

typedef int Status;

struct CodeStringTable
    int         iCode;
    const char *pString;

static const CodeStringTable StringOfBaseStatus[] = {
    { STS_OK,                   "Success" },
    { STS_ERR_FAILED,           "General failure" },
    { STS_ERR_NOT_INITIALIZED,  "Object is not initialized" },
    { STS_ERR_NOT_ENOUGH_DATA,  "Not enough input data" },
    { STS_ERR_NULL_PTR,         "Unexpected NULL pointer" },
    { STS_ERR_INIT,             "Failed to initialize object" },
    { STS_ERR_END_OF_STREAM,    "End of stream" },
    { STS_ERR_ALLOC,            "Failed to allocate memory" },
    { STS_ERR_UNSUPPORTED,      "Unsupported parameters/mode" },
    { STS_ERR_INVALID_PARAMS,   "Invalid parameters" },
    { STS_ERR_FILE_OPEN,        "Failed to open file" },
    { STS_ERR_FORMAT,           "Invalid format" },

