XRP TransactionType



类型名称 类型描述
AccountSet Set options on an account.
AccountDelete Delete an account.
CheckCancel Cancel a check.
CheckCash Redeem a check.
CheckCreate Create a check.
DepositPreauth Preauthorizes an account to send payments to this one.
EscrowCancel Reclaim escrowed XRP.
EscrowCreate Create an escrowed XRP payment.
EscrowFinish Deliver escrowed XRP to recipient.
OfferCancel Withdraw a currency-exchange order.
OfferCreate Submit an order to exchange currency.
Payment Send funds from one account to another.
PaymentChannelClaim Claim money from a payment channel.
PaymentChannelCreate Open a new payment channel.
PaymentChannelFund Add more XRP to a payment channel.
SetRegularKey Add, remove, or modify an account’s regular key pair.
SignerListSet Add, remove, or modify an account’s multi-signing list.
TrustSet Add or modify a trust line.

