C028: "Unable to Connect to the Siebel Gateway Name Server

C028: "Unable to Connect to the Siebel Gateway Name Server" Logged By Configuration Wizard [ID 1391312.1]

  修改时间 08-FEB-2012     类型 PROBLEM     状态 MODERATED  

In this Document

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Applies to:

Siebel CRM - Version: 8.1.1 SIA [21111] and later   [Release: V8 and later ]
Information in this document applies to any platform.


Siebel Server configuration wizard fails with error:

C028: Unable to Connect to the Siebel Gateway Name Server 

Other possible symptoms:

1. sw_cfg_util.log:

NSS - ErrCode 4597521 SysErr 0
GenericLog GenericError 1 000000044af120e0:0 2009-11-04 13:03:57 Validation failed : C028: Unable to connect to the Siebel Gateway Name Server
GenericLog GenericError 1 000000044af120e0:0 2009-11-04 13:03:57 ValidateFailed for Gateway Name Server TCP/IP Port, error : C028: Unable to connect to the Siebel Gateway Name Server

2. In addition, a core file, with information similar to this example can be found in the $SIEBEL_ROOT/gtwysrvr/bin directory after failure to configure the Siebel server:

core 'core' of 12359: siebsvc -s gtwyns -a /f /vol1/siebel/gururaj/sia_811/gtw
7f71a584 int CCFLoadLib::Unload() (7e770bf8, 7e849988, 7e770bf8, 0, 7e849988
, 7e770bf8) + 64
7e81e468 ???????? (7e849910, 7e8dbb40, 7f2f3700, 0, 7e849988, 0)
7e82ce64 ???????? (1, 7e849910, 7e8dbd00, 0, 15c, 0)
7f24187c _exithandle (7f2f46c0, 7e8dbb40, 7f2f3700, 0, 0, 0) + 3c
7f230190 exit (0, 235ec, 235e4, 44, 0, 235d4) + 4
00011b30 _start (0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0) + 110TAG

3. Also in NameSrvr.log you could have:

DBCLog DBCLogError 1 000000024af120e0:0 2009-11-04 13:03:55 [DataDirect][ODBC 20101 driver][20101]ORA-00942: table or view does not exist

SBL-SEC-10018: [DataDirect][ODBC 20101 driver][20101]ORA-00942: table or view does not exist

SBL-SEC-10001: An internal error has occurred within the authentication subsystem for the Siebel application. Please contact your system administrator for assistance.


With Siebel CRM version 8.1.1, the new Siebel Gateway Name Server database authentication has been introduced.
This feature is enforced for the Siebel Server Configuration Wizard and for other Siebel Enterprise Server configuration tasks performed after the initial configuration of the Siebel Gateway Name Server and Siebel Enterprise. Database authentication is assumed by default. The key impact of this feature on the installation and configuration process is that the Siebel Database must exist or must be installed before you can configure the Siebel Server.

If you encounter the message above, in spite of the Siebel database already installed,  it could be for one of the following reasons:



Likelihood_of Occurrence




This problem is likely to be encountered in any environment running a 64-bit Oracle 11gr2 database and Siebel Server on Unix.

Starting from Oracle database 11gR2, however, as 32-bit Oracle client libraries are no longer shipped with the 64-bit Oracle database server or 64-bit Oracle database client media, the lib32 directory is no longer created in $ORACLE_HOME, and as such it is no longer sufficient simply to update the library path.

Verify that the Oracle 32-Bit client software is installed on your Siebel Server. See: Doc ID 1290695.1.


If OS user id was used when configuring Gateway server

As part of the Siebel Gateway Configuration, on the Gateway username and password authentication screen, an OS user Id and password has been provided. 

 Reconfigure the Siebel Gateway using a valid Siebel database user and password as credentials, instead of OS user. Note that the Siebel database user needs to have the same privileges as the SADMIN user. The SADMIN user can also be leveraged for this step. For details on Requirements for Siebel Gateway Name Server Authentication see:
Siebel Installation Guide for UNIX -> Installing Siebel Enterprise Server and Related Components -> Requirements for Siebel Enterprise Server Installation and Configuration -> General Requirements for Siebel Enterprise Server Installation and Configuration


Siebel Installation Guide for Microsoft Windows -> Installing Siebel Enterprise Server and Related Components -> Requirements for Siebel Enterprise Server Installation and Configuration ->
General Requirements for Siebel Enterprise Server Installation and Configuration


If you are on Siebel 8.1.1 or higher with Oracle DB and are using Oracle 10g client (also with Oracle 10g DB)

Oracle 10g client is not supported with Siebel 8.1.1.x or 8.2. See SR&SP.

Verify that you are using Oracle 11g client and Data Direct ODBC driver 5.3 as connectivity software. See SR&SP.


Port problem

Gateway port is blocked.

1) Unblock the Gateway port [for example 2320]
2) Reboot the machine if required
3) Restart the Siebel server configuration


Apart from C028 error you might have a core file as per above.

Database Authentication failed.

Follow these steps to resolve the issue:

 1. In the '$SIEBEL_ROOT/gtwysrvr/siebenv.sh' environment sourcing script, check the following environment variables and  set them appropriately before starting the Gateway server.

 1a. For all servers: ORACLE_HOME must be declared before any library paths are declared.


ORACLE_HOME=/export/home/ora10g/10203 ; export ORACLE_HOME 

1b. NOTE: For the following library paths, Oracle 32-bit libraries must be referenced before 64-bit libraries. An example is provided for each library path per Unix system, as follows:





 For Linux and Solaris:  LD_LIBRARY_PATH


 2. Open the 'gateway.cfg' file, which is located in the '$SIEBEL_ROOT/gtwysrvr/bin' directory.
Check the 'ServerDataSrc' section and confirm the parameters are correct, particularly:


3. Test Siebel database connectivity using the Oracle odbcsql utility for the 'sadmin' user.  This is typically located in the '$IEBEL_ROOT/siebsrvr/bin' directory.  

 For example:   

 odbcsql /s sia811_DSN /u sadmin /p sadmin


/s = the source ODBC DSN (the Siebel ConnectString parameter) for the database connection.
/u = the user ID.
/p = the password.

 If connection is possible, continue with step 4.

 4. Restart the Gateway server, and then try configuring the Siebel Server.



 If you are configuring multiple enterprises for single gateway

 Different administrator accounts are getting used while configuring each enterprise.

 Since single gateway is getting used across multiple enterprises, there should be common administrator (SADMIN) account across the databases for each enterprise.

 For more information see: Configuring Multiple Siebel Enteprise On A Single Gateway Nameserver (Doc ID 1330403.1).
