
service_name.type (
parameter A, parameter B, parameter C
[,parameter 1, …]

  • “service_name” is the name of the diagnostic service (e.g. DiagnosticSessionControl),
  • “type” indicates the type of the service primitive (e.g. request, indication,response, confirm, req_confirm and rsp_confirm),
  • “parameter A, …” is the A_SDU (Application layer Service Data Unit) as a list of values passed by the service primitive (addressing information),
  • “parameter A, parameter B, parameter C” are mandatory parameters that shall be included in all service calls,
  • “[,parameter 1, …]” are parameters that depend on the specific service (e.g. parameter 1 can be the diagnosticSession for the DiagnosticSessionControl service). The brackets indicate that this part of the parameter list may be empty.
