添加 Selinux 权限步骤




基于老罗的相关博客简单介绍下框架吧: https://blog.csdn.net/Luoshengyang

添加 Selinux 权限步骤_第1张图片

添加 Selinux 权限步骤_第2张图片
添加 Selinux 权限步骤_第3张图片


添加 Selinux 权限步骤_第4张图片


添加 Selinux 权限步骤_第5张图片


# 相关文件介绍

    device/qcom/sepolicy / common/device.te   :定义设备相关的权限

    device/qcom/sepolicy / common/file.te     :定义文件相关的权限 
    device/qcom/sepolicy / common/file_contexts : 分类相应文件使用哪些权限,然后就会调用到同名的 xxx.te 文件

    device/qcom/sepolicy / common/genfs_contexts: 定义文件系统权限?

    device/qcom/sepolicy / common/service.te : 定义 service 服务权限
    device/qcom/sepolicy / common/service_contexts : 分类相应服务使用哪些权限

    device/qcom/sepolicy / msm8937/property.te : 定义属性权限
    device/qcom/sepolicy / msm8937/property_contexts : 分类相应属性使用什么权限

    # 具体进程权限:
    device/qcom/sepolicy / common/kernel.te : 内核进程
    device/qcom/sepolicy / common/system_app.te :系统 app 权限
    device/qcom/sepolicy / common/init.te :init 进程权限
    device/qcom/sepolicy / msm8937/init_shell.te : shell 进程?
    device/qcom/sepolicy / msm8937/platform_app.te :平台 app 权限?
    device/qcom/sepolicy / common/untrusted_app.te : 非平台签名的 apk 
# 通用步骤:
一、首先验证是否是 Selinux 权限相关问题
    在 eng 版本中使用:
        setenforce 0 
    临时关闭 selinux 后,再验证。(注:有时是权限问题,但也未必有效,这时可通过 log 确认)
二、抓取开机 log, 以内核搜索出如下关键字:
    E:\Kernel_Log\20180731-203625.kernel.txt (13 hits)
        [   26.660378] type=1400 audit(4308.789:13): avc: denied { module_load } for pid=1 comm="init" path="/lib/modules/texfat.ko" dev="rootfs" ino=5423 scontext=u:r:init:s0 tcontext=u:object_r:rootfs:s0 tclass=system permissive=0
        [   26.686817] type=1400 audit(4308.789:13): avc: denied { module_load } for pid=1 comm="init" path="/lib/modules/texfat.ko" dev="rootfs" ino=5423 scontext=u:r:init:s0 tcontext=u:object_r:rootfs:s0 tclass=system permissive=0
        [   26.686831] type=1400 audit(4308.809:14): avc: denied { module_load } for pid=1 comm="init" path="/lib/modules/tntfs.ko" dev="rootfs" ino=46 scontext=u:r:init:s0 tcontext=u:object_r:rootfs:s0 tclass=system permissive=0
        [   28.231490] type=1400 audit(4308.809:14): avc: denied { module_load } for pid=1 comm="init" path="/lib/modules/tntfs.ko" dev="rootfs" ino=46 scontext=u:r:init:s0 tcontext=u:object_r:rootfs:s0 tclass=system permissive=0
        // [  342.204415] type=1400 audit(4504.179:161): avc: denied { search } for pid=5728 comm="unlockcheck" name="block" dev="tmpfs" ino=568 scontext=u:r:unlockcheck:s0 tcontext=u:object_r:block_device:s0 tclass=dir permissive=0
        //          scontext=u:r:unlockcheck:s0                 # 操作主体 unlockcheck , 可通过 ls -Z  ps -Z 查看 
        //          tcontext=u:object_r:block_device:s0         # 操作客体 block_device
        //          tclass=dir permissive=0                     # 操作客体所属类别  dir , 相关权限可通过执行相关权限目录酌情添加
        // allow unlockcheck block_device:dir { search getattr read write};    
三、重新编译安卓即可,需要更新 boot.img 和 system.img    

# 给可执行文件添加权限:
            # [email protected] 20180108 add unlock start
            /vendor/bin/unlockcheck u:object_r:unlockcheck_exec:s0
            # [email protected] 20180108 add unlock end
        # 新增的权限文件
            # 以下几个是可执行程序必要的权限声明
            type unlockcheck ,domain;
            type unlockcheck_exec , file_type, vendor_file_type, exec_type;        

            # 以下权限是通过 kernel log 一条条添加的,报哪条添加哪条
            allow unlockcheck qdma_data_file:file create_file_perms;
            allow unlockcheck qdma_data_file:dir create_dir_perms;
            allow unlockcheck { proc sysfs }:file r_file_perms;
            allow unlockcheck { proc sysfs }:dir r_dir_perms;
            allow unlockcheck factory_data_file: file {read write open create getattr};
            allow unlockcheck factory_data_file: dir {search write read add_name};
            allow unlockcheck self:capability dac_override;
            allow unlockcheck diag_device:chr_file {read write open ioctl};

            // [  342.204415] type=1400 audit(4504.179:161): avc: denied { search } for pid=5728 comm="unlockcheck" name="block" dev="tmpfs" ino=568 scontext=u:r:unlockcheck:s0 tcontext=u:object_r:block_device:s0 tclass=dir permissive=0
            //          scontext=u:r:unlockcheck:s0                 # 操作主体 unlockcheck , 可通过 ls -Z  ps -Z 查看 
            //          tcontext=u:object_r:block_device:s0         # 操作客体 block_device
            //          tclass=dir permissive=0                     # 操作客体所属类别  dir , 相关权限可通过执行相关权限目录酌情添加
            allow unlockcheck block_device:dir { search getattr read write};
            allow unlockcheck proinfo_block_device:blk_file {open read write};
    重新编译安卓即可,需要更新 boot.img 和 system.img

# 给新挂载分区及文件添加权限:
    # 定义文件权限
        device/qcom/sepolicy / common/device.te
            type xrom_block_device, dev_type;
        device/qcom/sepolicy / common/file.te
            type xrom_file, file_type;
        device/qcom/sepolicy / common/file_contexts
            /dev/block/platform/soc/7824900.sdhci/by-name/xrom                 u:object_r:xrom_block_device:s0
            /xrom(/.*)?            u:object_r:xrom_file:s0
    # 使用者添加使用权限:
        device/qcom/sepolicy / common/fsck.te
            allow fsck xrom_block_device:blk_file           { read open write ioctl };
        device/qcom/sepolicy / common/init.te
            # xrom
            allow init xrom_file:dir { mounton };
            allow init xrom_block_device:blk_file { write };
# 给位于 dev 目录下的文件添加权限:
    # 定义权限 
        device/qcom/sepolicy / common/device.te
            type dvt_isdbt, dev_type;
        device/qcom/sepolicy / common/file_contexts
            /dev/isdbt				u:object_r:dvt_isdbt:s0

    # 添加使用者权限 
        device/qcom/sepolicy / common/system_app.te
            allow system_app dvt_isdbt:chr_file {read write ioctl open};

# 新建的 proc 目录下文件添加权限:
    # 分配权限 
        device/qcom/sepolicy / common/file.te
            type proc_gestures_file, fs_type;
            type proc_gestures_item_file, fs_type;
        device/qcom/sepolicy / common/genfs_contexts  # 这个路径为 /proc/android_touch/
            genfscon proc /android_touch/SMWP u:object_r:proc_gestures_file:s0
            genfscon proc /android_touch/GESTURE u:object_r:proc_gestures_item_file:s0

    # 使用权限
        device/qcom/sepolicy / common/system_app.te
            allow system_app proc_gestures_file:file rw_file_perms;
            allow system_app proc_gestures_item_file:file rw_file_perms;

        device/qcom/sepolicy / common/system_server.te
            allow system_server proc_gestures_file:file rw_file_perms;
            allow system_server proc_gestures_item_file:file rw_file_perms;

# 新增文件系统,添加权限: texfat/tntfs 
    device/qcom/sepolicy / common/file_contexts
        # Tuxera exFAT/NTFS
        # Must be placed at the very end of the file, after all of the AOSP entries!
        /system/bin/exfatck	--	u:object_r:fsck_exec:s0
        /system/bin/ntfsck	--	u:object_r:fsck_exec:s0
        /system/bin/exfatlabel  u:object_r:blkid_exec:s0
        /system/bin/exfatvsn    u:object_r:blkid_exec:s0

    device/qcom/sepolicy / common/genfs_contexts
        # Tuxera exFAT/NTFS labeled with the 'vfat' label since it will be used in the same context.
        genfscon texfat / u:object_r:vfat:s0
        genfscon tntfs / u:object_r:vfat:s0

    device/qcom/sepolicy / common/init.te
        allow init system_file:system module_load;

# 修改文件系统路径 添加权限: texfat/tntfs 
        allow init rootfs:system module_load;    
