Autoware planning模块学习笔记(二):路径规划(2)- 节点waypoint_replanner(上)

Autoware planning模块学习笔记(二):路径规划(2)- 节点waypoint_replanner(上)

前面一篇博客Autoware planning模块学习笔记(二):路径规划(1),介绍了“勾选waypoint_loader”这一操作时所启动的waypoint_loader节点,还剩下waypoint_replanner和waypoint_marker_publisher两个节点。这里帮大伙儿逐行分析节点waypoint_replanner的代码。




int main(int argc, char** argv)
  ros::init(argc, argv, "waypoint_replanner");
  waypoint_maker::WaypointReplannerNode wr;

  return 0;


WaypointReplannerNode::WaypointReplannerNode() : replanning_mode_(false)
  lane_pub_["with_decision"] = nh_.advertise<autoware_msgs::LaneArray>("/based/lane_waypoints_array", 10, true);
  lane_pub_["without_decision"] = nh_.advertise<autoware_msgs::LaneArray>("/lane_waypoints_array", 10, true);
  lane_sub_ = nh_.subscribe("/based/lane_waypoints_raw", 1, &WaypointReplannerNode::laneCallback, this);
  config_sub_ = nh_.subscribe("/config/waypoint_replanner", 1, &WaypointReplannerNode::configCallback, this);


Autoware planning模块学习笔记(二):路径规划(2)- 节点waypoint_replanner(上)_第1张图片
对应于topic "/config/waypoint_replanner"的回调函数configCallback,首先设置成员变量replanning_mode_和realtime_tuning_mode_,接着对replanner_进行初始化,replanner_的定义是“WaypointReplanner replanner_;”。接着(防盗标记:zhengkunxian)根据lane_array_.lanes(lane_array_定义为autoware_msgs::LaneArray lane_array_;)是否为空(lane_array_在另一个回调函数laneCallback中会被赋值)和realtime_tuning_mode_变量决定是否执行publishLaneArray函数。

void WaypointReplannerNode::configCallback(const autoware_config_msgs::ConfigWaypointReplanner::ConstPtr& conf)
  replanning_mode_ = conf->replanning_mode;
  realtime_tuning_mode_ = conf->realtime_tuning_mode;
  if (lane_array_.lanes.empty() || !realtime_tuning_mode_)


void WaypointReplanner::initParameter(const autoware_config_msgs::ConfigWaypointReplanner::ConstPtr& conf)
  velocity_max_ = kmph2mps(conf->velocity_max);
  velocity_min_ = kmph2mps(conf->velocity_min);
  accel_limit_ = conf->accel_limit;
  decel_limit_ = conf->decel_limit;
  r_th_ = conf->radius_thresh;
  r_min_ = conf->radius_min;
  lookup_crv_width_ = 5;
  resample_mode_ = conf->resample_mode;
  resample_interval_ = conf->resample_interval;
  replan_curve_mode_ = conf->replan_curve_mode;
  replan_endpoint_mode_ = conf->replan_endpoint_mode;
  overwrite_vmax_mode_ = conf->overwrite_vmax_mode;
  velocity_offset_ = conf->velocity_offset;
  end_point_offset_ = conf->end_point_offset;
  braking_distance_ = conf->braking_distance;
  r_inf_ = 10 * r_th_;
  vel_param_ = calcVelParam(velocity_max_);


void WaypointReplannerNode::publishLaneArray()
  autoware_msgs::LaneArray array(lane_array_);
  if (replanning_mode_)
  if (withoutDecisionMaker())


void WaypointReplannerNode::replan(autoware_msgs::LaneArray& lane_array)
  for (auto &el : lane_array.lanes)


void WaypointReplanner::replanLaneWaypointVel(autoware_msgs::Lane& lane)
  if (lane.waypoints.empty())
  const int dir = getDirection(lane);
  const unsigned long last = lane.waypoints.size() - 1;
  changeVelSign(lane, true);
  limitVelocityByRange(0, last, 0, velocity_max_, lane);
  if (resample_mode_)
    resampleLaneWaypoint(resample_interval_, lane, dir);
  if (replan_curve_mode_)
    std::vector<double> curve_radius;
    KeyVal curve_list;
    createRadiusList(lane, curve_radius);
    createCurveList(curve_radius, curve_list);
    if (overwrite_vmax_mode_)
    {// set velocity_max for all_point
      setVelocityByRange(0, last, 0, velocity_max_, lane);
    // set velocity by curve(防盗标记:zhengkunxian)
    for (const auto& el : curve_list)
      const double& radius = el.second.second;
      double vmin = velocity_max_ - vel_param_ * (r_th_ - radius);
      vmin = (vmin < velocity_min_) ? velocity_min_ : vmin;
      limitVelocityByRange(el.first, el.second.first, velocity_offset_, vmin, lane);
  // set velocity on start & end of lane
  if (replan_endpoint_mode_)
    const unsigned long zerospeed_start = last - end_point_offset_;
    const unsigned long lowspeed_start = zerospeed_start - braking_distance_;
    raiseVelocityByRange(0, last, 0, velocity_min_, lane);
    limitVelocityByRange(0, 0, 0, velocity_min_, lane);
    limitVelocityByRange(lowspeed_start, last, 0, velocity_min_, lane);
    setVelocityByRange(zerospeed_start, last, 0, 0.0, lane);
  if (dir < 0)
    changeVelSign(lane, false);


int WaypointReplanner::getDirection(const autoware_msgs::Lane& lane) const
  if (lane.waypoints.size() < 2)
    return 1;
  const geometry_msgs::Pose& pose = lane.waypoints[0].pose.pose;
  const geometry_msgs::Point& point = lane.waypoints[1].pose.pose.position;
  const geometry_msgs::Point rlt_point(calcRelativeCoordinate(point, pose));
  return rlt_point.x < 0 ? -1 : 1;

作用:计算全局坐标系中某点相对于机器人坐标系中的位置,即传入函数的point(全局坐标系下的坐标)相对于pose坐标系的位置。具体含义可见下面示意图,calcRelativeCoordinate函数返回的便是P点在车体坐标系O’x’y’中的坐标(x’, y’)。
Autoware planning模块学习笔记(二):路径规划(2)- 节点waypoint_replanner(上)_第2张图片

// calculation relative coordinate of point from current_pose frame
geometry_msgs::Point calcRelativeCoordinate(geometry_msgs::Point point_msg, geometry_msgs::Pose current_pose)
  tf::Transform inverse;
  tf::poseMsgToTF(current_pose, inverse);
  tf::Transform transform = inverse.inverse();

  tf::Point p;
  pointMsgToTF(point_msg, p);
  tf::Point tf_p = transform * p;
  geometry_msgs::Point tf_point_msg;
  pointTFToMsg(tf_p, tf_point_msg);

  return tf_point_msg;


Autoware planning模块学习笔记(二):路径规划(2)- 节点waypoint_replanner(上)_第3张图片

Autoware planning模块学习笔记(二):路径规划(2)- 节点waypoint_replanner(上)_第4张图片


void WaypointReplanner::changeVelSign(autoware_msgs::Lane& lane, bool positive) const
  const int sgn = positive ? 1 : -1;
  for (auto& el : lane.waypoints)
    el.twist.twist.linear.x = sgn * fabs(el.twist.twist.linear.x);


limitVelocityByRange(0, last, 0, velocity_max_, lane);

其中last:const unsigned long last = lane.waypoints.size() - 1;
velocity_max_:velocity_max_ = kmph2mps(conf->velocity_max);


void WaypointReplanner::limitVelocityByRange(unsigned long start_idx, unsigned long end_idx, unsigned int offset,
                                             double vmin, autoware_msgs::Lane& lane)
  if (lane.waypoints.empty())
  if (offset > 0)
    start_idx = (start_idx > offset) ? (start_idx - offset) : 0;
    end_idx = (end_idx > offset) ? (end_idx - offset) : 0;
  end_idx = (end_idx >= lane.waypoints.size()) ? lane.waypoints.size() - 1 : end_idx;
  for (unsigned long idx = start_idx; idx <= end_idx; idx++)
    if (lane.waypoints[idx].twist.twist.linear.x < vmin)
    lane.waypoints[idx].twist.twist.linear.x = vmin;
  limitAccelDecel(start_idx, lane);
  limitAccelDecel(end_idx, lane);

V n e x t 2 − V n o w 2 = 2 a x → V n e x t = 2 a x + V n o w 2 . V^2_{next}-V^2_{now}=2ax\to V_{next}=\sqrt{2ax+V^2_{now}}. Vnext2Vnow2=2axVnext=2ax+Vnow2 .

其中 a a a 是最大加速度, x x x 是距离(根据前后两个路径点的位置算得)。由此可以计算出在最大加速度的限制条件下,下一路径点的速度最大值/最小值,据此进行修正。

void WaypointReplanner::limitAccelDecel(const unsigned long idx, autoware_msgs::Lane& lane)
  const double acc[2] = { accel_limit_, decel_limit_ };
  const unsigned long end_idx[2] = { lane.waypoints.size() - idx, idx + 1 };
  const int sgn[2] = { 1, -1 };
  for (int j = 0; j < 2; j++)  // [j=0]: accel_limit_process, [j=1]: decel_limit_process
    double v = lane.waypoints[idx].twist.twist.linear.x;//v保持不变
    unsigned long next = idx + sgn[j];//[j=0]: next = idx + 1, [j=1]: next = idx - 1 
    for (unsigned long i = 1; i < end_idx[j]; i++, next += sgn[j])//[j=0]: end_idx[j] = lane.waypoints.size() - idx, [j=1]: end_idx[j] = idx + 1 
      const geometry_msgs::Point& p0 = lane.waypoints[next - sgn[j]].pose.pose.position;
      const geometry_msgs::Point& p1 = lane.waypoints[next].pose.pose.position;
      const double dist = std::hypot(p0.x - p1.x, p0.y - p1.y);//计算距离
      v = sqrt(2 * acc[j] * dist + v * v);
      if (v > velocity_max_ || v > lane.waypoints[next].twist.twist.linear.x)
      lane.waypoints[next].twist.twist.linear.x = v;


if (resample_mode_)
    resampleLaneWaypoint(resample_interval_, lane, dir);


void WaypointReplanner::resampleLaneWaypoint(const double resample_interval, autoware_msgs::Lane& lane, int dir)
  if (lane.waypoints.size() < 2)
  autoware_msgs::Lane original_lane(lane);
  lane.waypoints.reserve(ceil(1.5 * calcPathLength(original_lane) / resample_interval_));
  //ceil(x)函数返回的是大于x的最小整数,例如ceil(10.5) == 11,ceil(-10.5) ==-10

  for (unsigned long i = 1; i < original_lane.waypoints.size(); i++)
    CbufGPoint curve_point = getCrvPointsOnResample(lane, original_lane, i);//采三个轨迹点
    const std::vector<double> curve_param = calcCurveParam(curve_point);//根据三个轨迹点求轨迹曲线的圆心和半径
    lane.waypoints.back().twist.twist = original_lane.waypoints[i - 1].twist.twist;
    lane.waypoints.back().wpstate = original_lane.waypoints[i - 1].wpstate;
    lane.waypoints.back().change_flag = original_lane.waypoints[i - 1].change_flag;
    // if going straight
    if (curve_param.empty())
      resampleOnStraight(curve_point, lane);//如果三点确定的轨迹是直线
    // else if turnning curve
      resampleOnCurve(curve_point[1], curve_param, lane, dir);//如果三点确定的轨迹是曲线
  lane.waypoints[0].pose.pose.orientation = lane.waypoints[1].pose.pose.orientation;
  lane.waypoints.back().twist.twist = original_lane.waypoints.back().twist.twist;
  lane.waypoints.back().wpstate = original_lane.waypoints.back().wpstate;
  lane.waypoints.back().change_flag = original_lane.waypoints.back().change_flag;

对getCrvPointsOnResample采三个轨迹点 p 0 p_0 p0 p 1 p_1 p1 p 2 p_2 p2进行分析:

const CbufGPoint WaypointReplanner::getCrvPointsOnResample(
    const autoware_msgs::Lane& lane, const autoware_msgs::Lane& original_lane, unsigned long original_index) const
  unsigned long id = original_index;
  CbufGPoint curve_point(3);
  const unsigned int n = (lookup_crv_width_ - 1) / 2;//lookup_crv_width_此处被定义为5
  const autoware_msgs::Waypoint cp[3] = {
    (lane.waypoints.size() < n) ? lane.waypoints.front() : lane.waypoints[lane.waypoints.size() - n],
    (id < original_lane.waypoints.size() - n) ? original_lane.waypoints[id + n] : original_lane.waypoints.back()
  for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++)
  return curve_point;

Autoware planning模块学习笔记(二):路径规划(2)- 节点waypoint_replanner(上)_第5张图片

calcCurveParam函数根据采样的三个点 p 0 p_0 p0 p 1 p_1 p1 p 2 p_2 p2首先计算:
d = 2 { ( p 0 y − p 2 y ) × ( p 0 x − p 1 x ) − ( p 0 y − p 1 y ) × ( p 0 x − p 2 x ) } a = p 0 y 2 − p 1 y 2 + p 0 x 2 − p 1 x 2 b = p 0 y 2 − p 2 y 2 + p 0 x 2 − p 2 x 2 d=2 \{(p_{0y} - p_{2y}) \times (p_{0x} - p_{1x}) - (p_{0y} - p_{1y}) \times (p_{0x} - p_{2x})\} \\ a=p_{0y}^2-p_{1y}^2+p_{0x}^2-p_{1x}^2 \\ b=p_{0y}^2-p_{2y}^2+p_{0x}^2-p_{2x}^2 d=2{(p0yp2y)×(p0xp1x)(p0yp1y)×(p0xp2x)}a=p0y2p1y2+p0x2p1x2b=p0y2p2y2+p0x2p2x2


c x = ( p 0 y − p 2 y ) × a − ( p 0 y − p 1 y ) × b d c y = ( p 0 x − p 2 x ) × a − ( p 0 x − p 1 x ) × b − d r = 1 ρ = ( c x − p 0 x ) 2 + ( c y − p 0 y ) 2 c_x=\frac{(p_{0y} - p_{2y}) \times a - (p_{0y} - p_{1y}) \times b}{d} \\ c_y=\frac{(p_{0x} - p_{2x}) \times a - (p_{0x} - p_{1x}) \times b}{-d} \\ r=\frac{1}{\rho}=\sqrt{(c_x - p_{0x})^2 + (c_y - p_{0y})^2} cx=d(p0yp2y)×a(p0yp1y)×bcy=d(p0xp2x)×a(p0xp1x)×br=ρ1=(cxp0x)2+(cyp0y)2
上面各式的原理是什么呢?上面的公式都是合并整理过的,我们看函数名猜测是用来根据圆上三点求圆心和半径的,而且最后一个求曲率的公式也确实是计算圆心到其中某一点的距离。“根据圆上三点求圆心和半径”这一问题有多种解法,主流的有两种:(1)分别通过其中两点的中垂线交点求圆心;(2)通过三个点到圆心距离相等联立方程求解。这两种方法的具体编程大家可以看圆上三点求圆心和半径,博主在这里就对第一种方法所得的公式与Autoware中的WaypointReplanner::calcCurveParam函数所使用的公式的最终结果进行对比,验证见下图,验证代码我也附上了,注意编译的时候要指明g++ -std=c++11,由此验证了WaypointReplanner::calcCurveParam函数确实是用来根据圆上三点求圆心和半径的,至于它的公式究竟是根据原理1整理而来,还是由原理2演化而来,都已经不重要了,这两个原理的求解公式必定是能合并整理成跟WaypointReplanner::calcCurveParam函数所使用的公式一样的(因为结果是一致的)。

const std::vector<double> WaypointReplanner::calcCurveParam(CbufGPoint p) const
  for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++, p.push_back(p.front()))  // if exception occured, change points order
    const double d = 2 * ((p[0].y - p[2].y) * (p[0].x - p[1].x) - (p[0].y - p[1].y) * (p[0].x - p[2].x));
    if (fabs(d) < 1e-8)
    const std::vector<double> x2 = { p[0].x * p[0].x, p[1].x * p[1].x, p[2].x * p[2].x };
    const std::vector<double> y2 = { p[0].y * p[0].y, p[1].y * p[1].y, p[2].y * p[2].y };
    const double a = y2[0] - y2[1] + x2[0] - x2[1];
    const double b = y2[0] - y2[2] + x2[0] - x2[2];
    std::vector<double> param(3);
    const double cx = param[0] = ((p[0].y - p[2].y) * a - (p[0].y - p[1].y) * b) / d;
    const double cy = param[1] = ((p[0].x - p[2].x) * a - (p[0].x - p[1].x) * b) / -d;
    param[2] = sqrt((cx - p[0].x) * (cx - p[0].x) + (cy - p[0].y) * (cy - p[0].y));
    return param;
  return std::vector<double>();  // error



using namespace std;

class Point2f{
	double x,y,z;
	Point2f(double X=0,double Y=0,double Z=0){


struct CircleData
    Point2f center;
    double radius;

int main()  
	Point2f pt1, pt2, pt3;
	pt1.x = 150;
	pt1.y = 150;
	pt2.x = 200;
	pt2.y = 200;
	pt3.x = 250;
	pt3.y = 100;
	Point2f midpt1, midpt2;
	midpt1.x = (pt2.x + pt1.x) / 2;
	midpt1.y = (pt2.y + pt1.y) / 2;
	midpt2.x = (pt3.x + pt1.x) / 2;
	midpt2.y = (pt3.y + pt1.y) / 2;
	double k1 = -(pt2.x - pt1.x) / (pt2.y - pt1.y);
	double k2 = -(pt3.x - pt1.x) / (pt3.y - pt1.y);
	//然后求出过中点midpt1,斜率为k1的直线方程(既pt1pt2的中垂线):y - midPt1.y = k1( x - midPt1.x)
	//以及过中点midpt2,斜率为k2的直线方程(既pt1pt3的中垂线):y - midPt2.y = k2( x - midPt2.x)
	CircleData CD;
	//连立两条中垂线方程求解交点得到: = (midpt2.y - midpt1.y - k2* midpt2.x + k1*midpt1.x) / (k1 - k2); = midpt1.y + k1*(midpt2.y - midpt1.y - k2*midpt2.x + k2*midpt1.x) / (k1 - k2);
	CD.radius = sqrt(( - pt1.x)*( - pt1.x) + ( - pt1.y)*( - pt1.y));
    cout << " = " << << endl;
    cout << " = " << << endl;
    cout << "CD.radius = " << CD.radius << endl;

	Point2f p0, p1, p2;
	p0.x = 150;
	p0.y = 150;
	p1.x = 200;
	p1.y = 200;
	p2.x = 250;
	p2.y = 100;
    const double d = 2 * ((p0.y - p2.y) * (p0.x - p1.x) - (p0.y - p1.y) * (p0.x - p2.x));
    const std::vector<double> x2 = { p0.x * p0.x, p1.x * p1.x, p2.x * p2.x };
    const std::vector<double> y2 = { p0.y * p0.y, p1.y * p1.y, p2.y * p2.y };
    const double a = y2[0] - y2[1] + x2[0] - x2[1];
    const double b = y2[0] - y2[2] + x2[0] - x2[2];
    std::vector<double> param(3);
    const double cx = ((p0.y - p2.y) * a - (p0.y - p1.y) * b) / d;
    const double cy = ((p0.x - p2.x) * a - (p0.x - p1.x) * b) / -d;
    const double r = sqrt((cx - p0.x) * (cx - p0.x) + (cy - p0.y) * (cy - p0.y));
    cout << "cx = " << cx << endl;
    cout << "cy = " << cy << endl;
    cout << "r = " << r << endl;

	return 0;

Autoware planning模块学习笔记(二):路径规划(2)- 节点waypoint_replanner(上)_第6张图片resampleOnStraight函数:

void WaypointReplanner::resampleOnStraight(const CbufGPoint& curve_point, autoware_msgs::Lane& lane)
  if (curve_point.size() != 3)
  autoware_msgs::Waypoint wp(lane.waypoints.back());
  const geometry_msgs::Point& pt = wp.pose.pose.position;
  const double yaw = atan2(curve_point[2].y - curve_point[0].y, curve_point[2].x - curve_point[0].x);
  wp.pose.pose.orientation = tf::createQuaternionMsgFromYaw(yaw);
  const std::vector<double> nvec = { curve_point[1].x - pt.x, curve_point[1].y - pt.y, curve_point[1].z - pt.z };
  double dist = sqrt(nvec[0] * nvec[0] + nvec[1] * nvec[1]);//计算目标轨迹点和lane中最后一个轨迹点之间的距离
  std::vector<double> resample_vec = nvec;
  const double coeff = resample_interval_ / dist;
  for (auto& el : resample_vec)//根据重采样间隔resample_interval_矫正向量resample_vec的模
    el *= coeff;
  for (; dist > resample_interval_; dist -= resample_interval_)
    wp.pose.pose.position.x += resample_vec[0];
    wp.pose.pose.position.y += resample_vec[1];
    wp.pose.pose.position.z += resample_vec[2];


void WaypointReplanner::resampleOnCurve(const geometry_msgs::Point& target_point,
                                        const std::vector<double>& curve_param, autoware_msgs::Lane& lane, int dir)
  if (curve_param.size() != 3)
  autoware_msgs::Waypoint wp(lane.waypoints.back());
  const double& cx = curve_param[0];
  const double& cy = curve_param[1];
  const double& radius = curve_param[2];
  const double reverse_angle = (dir < 0) ? M_PI : 0.0;

  const geometry_msgs::Point& p0 = wp.pose.pose.position;
  const geometry_msgs::Point& p1 = target_point;
  double theta = fmod(atan2(p1.y - cy, p1.x - cx) - atan2(p0.y - cy, p0.x - cx), 2 * M_PI);//fmod取余,
  //保证atan2(p1.y - cy, p1.x - cx) - atan2(p0.y - cy, p0.x - cx)的值在2 * M_PI范围内
  //atan2(p1.y - cy, p1.x - cx) - atan2(p0.y - cy, p0.x - cx)代表本次重采样的起始点和目标点与轨迹曲线圆心之间的夹角
  int sgn = (theta > 0.0) ? (1) : (-1);
  if (fabs(theta) > M_PI)
    theta -= 2 * sgn * M_PI;//将theta的取值限定在-M_PI~M_PI
  sgn = (theta > 0.0) ? (1) : (-1);
  // interport
  double t = atan2(p0.y - cy, p0.x - cx);
  double dist = radius * fabs(theta);//本次重采样的起始点和目标点之间的轨迹的弧长
  const double resample_dz = resample_interval_ * (p1.z - p0.z) / dist;//z坐标增长率,
  for (; dist > resample_interval_; dist -= resample_interval_)
    if (lane.waypoints.size() == lane.waypoints.capacity())//这里检查了lane是否已经储存满,然而在
    t += sgn * resample_interval_ / radius;//resample_interval_ / radius->采样弧长/半径 得到 采样弧度
    const double yaw = fmod(t + sgn * M_PI / 2.0, 2 * M_PI) + reverse_angle;
    wp.pose.pose.position.x = cx + radius * cos(t);
    wp.pose.pose.position.y = cy + radius * sin(t);
    wp.pose.pose.position.z += resample_dz;
    wp.pose.pose.orientation = tf::createQuaternionMsgFromYaw(yaw);

