Visual Studio vs Delphi (3)

不知何时,微软悄悄更新了它的"Delphi开发者迁移指南" Visual Studio Information for Borland Delphi Developers,对比以前的文字,里面的改动比较有意思。

1. 对旧程序的支持问题
“To support applications built using COM based technology or .NET Framework applications, Microsoft is continuing to invest in these technologies for the foreseeable future. Both COM and the .NET Framework are supported parts of the overall Windows platform and will be supported for the foreseeable future, ensuring...”
"To support applications that target Win32 APIs or .NET Framework applications, Microsoft is continuing to invest in these technologies for the foreseeable future. Win32, COM and the .NET Framework are supported parts..."

I used Borland Delphi to build data driven Windows applications rapidly. What does Microsoft offer in this space? ”
 "Visual Studio – like the newer versions of Borland Delphi – comes with a choice of languages, one of which is Visual Basic. Microsoft has invested, and will continue to invest, in its Visual Basic language for the best rapid application development experience on top of the Microsoft .NET Framework. Visual Basic is the right language, and Visual Studio the right tool, for building Windows and web based applications rapidly."
" I used Borland Delphi as my rapid application development tool for building Windows applications. What does Microsoft offer in this space?"

Visual Studio – like the newer versions of Borland Delphi – comes with a choice of languages to help developers build different styles of application. With the .NET Framework, we have established a common set of reusable design components to help build these different styles of application rapidly. Controls for assembling Windows forms, ASP.NET based web sites, mobile device development and web services are available across the managed languages. We continue to innovate in the core development areas of database design, web and Windows development, so that the most common tasks are completed quickly. Visual Studio 2005 Standard edition is the best place to start, with more advanced offerings available in the Professional and Team Editions.


可笑的问题7"I used the Java language support within Borland Delphi, is there anything Microsoft offers here?"终于被删除了,呵呵。
