react @符号_React表情符号选择器

react @符号

When emojis first hit the web scene I rolled my eyes -- they seemed like a lame communication method for giggling kids.  After years more experience working remotely, managing open source communities, and communicating with people that may not get my sense of humor, I've realized that emojis go a long way in representing the tone of comment.  Emojis have a way of bringing levity to any online comment or debate, most notably seen to me on GitHub pull requests and issue comments.

当表情符号第一次出现在网络上时,我翻了个白眼-对于傻笑的孩子来说,它们似乎是一种la脚的交流方式。 经过多年在远程工作,管理开放源代码社区以及与可能不引起我幽默感的人进行交流的经验之后,我意识到表情符号在表达评论的语调方面大有帮助。 表情符号可以使在线评论或辩论更加生动有趣,在我的GitHub拉取请求和评论中最常见。

There's an amazing React library out there called Emoji Mart; Emoji Mart is a highly customizable emoji popup widget that allows you to very easily add an emoji UI to any React project!

有一个很棒的React库,叫做Emoji Mart ; Emoji Mart是一个高度可定制的emoji弹出窗口小部件,可让您轻松地将emoji界面添加到任何React项目!

react @符号_React表情符号选择器_第1张图片

Let's have a look at a few of the customization options of Emoji Mart:

让我们看一下Emoji Mart的一些自定义选项:

import 'emoji-mart/css/emoji-mart.css'
import { Picker } from 'emoji-mart'

Online communities thrive on the ability to communicate effectively, and when you consider language barriers and sense of humor, emojis are no laughing matter.  Emoji Mart is easy to implement and was reliable during all of my testing!

在线社区依靠有效的沟通能力而兴旺发达,而当您考虑语言障碍和幽默感时,表情符号绝非易事。 Emoji Mart易于实施,并且在我进行的所有测试中都很可靠!


react @符号

你可能感兴趣的:(react @符号_React表情符号选择器)