配置空间:定义机器人的所有可能配置,一般在二维空间中,定义为[x,y, theat],即二维坐标加方向。
抽样算法:使用一个基于碰撞检测的模块,该模块探测自由空间,测试是否一个配置在其中会发生碰撞,不同于组合法和最优控制法(这两种方法均需要分析整个环境),抽样法不需要检测所有自由空间,便可以发现一条路径,搜索过的路径保存在一个图结构中,然后使用图搜索算法例如 D ⋆ 或 者 A ⋆ D^\star 或者A^\star D⋆或者A⋆来搜索。
无人车应用中, ω \omega ω是个受限值,因为无人车不可能围绕Z周无限转动(扫地机器人可以)。
假设最大转向角(左右均)为 3 5 o 35^o 35o,可以用3种新的基本运动来扩展搜索树,搜索迷宫效果
和标准 A ⋆ A^\star A⋆相比,混合 A ⋆ A^\star A⋆牺牲了少许完整性和优化性,但是确保了可驾驶性。
而在实际应用中,混合 A ⋆ A^\star A⋆效率极高,而且几乎每次都可以找到不错的路径。
The paper Junior: The Stanford Entry in the Urban Challenge is a good read overall, but Section 6.3 - Free Form Navigation is especially good and goes into detail about how the Stanford team thought about heuristics for their Hybrid A* algorithm (which they tended to use in parking lots).
def expand(state, goal):
next_states = []
for delta in range(-35, 40, 5):
# Create a trajectory with delta as the steering angle using
# the bicycle model:
# ---Begin bicycle model---
delta_rad = deg_to_rad(delta)
omega = SPEED/LENGTH * tan(delta_rad)
next_x = state.x + SPEED * cos(theta)
next_y = state.y + SPEED * sin(theta)
next_theta = normalize(state.theta + omega)
# ---End bicycle model-----
next_g = state.g + 1
next_f = next_g + heuristic(next_x, next_y, goal)
# Create a new State object with all of the "next" values.
state = State(next_x, next_y, next_theta, next_g, next_f)
return next_states
def search(grid, start, goal):
# The opened array keeps track of the stack of States objects we are
# searching through.
opened = []
# 3D array of zeros with dimensions:
# (NUM_THETA_CELLS, grid x size, grid y size).
closed = [[[0 for x in range(grid[0])] for y in range(len(grid))]
for cell in range(NUM_THETA_CELLS)]
# 3D array with same dimensions. Will be filled with State() objects
# to keep track of the path through the grid.
came_from = [[[0 for x in range(grid[0])] for y in range(len(grid))]
for cell in range(NUM_THETA_CELLS)]
# Create new state object to start the search with.
x = start.x
y = start.y
theta = start.theta
g = 0
f = heuristic(start.x, start.y, goal)
state = State(x, y, theta, 0, f)
# The range from 0 to 2pi has been discretized into NUM_THETA_CELLS cells.
# Here, theta_to_stack_number returns the cell that theta belongs to.
# Smaller thetas (close to 0 when normalized into the range from 0 to
# 2pi) have lower stack numbers, and larger thetas (close to 2pi when
# normalized) have larger stack numbers.
stack_num = theta_to_stack_number(state.theta)
closed[stack_num][index(state.x)][index(state.y)] = 1
# Store our starting state. For other states, we will store the previous
# state in the path, but the starting state has no previous.
came_from[stack_num][index(state.x)][index(state.y)] = state
# While there are still states to explore:
while opened:
# Sort the states by f-value and start search using the state with the
# lowest f-value. This is crucial to the A* algorithm; the f-value
# improves search efficiency by indicating where to look first.
opened.sort(key=lambda state:state.f)
current = opened.pop(0)
# Check if the x and y coordinates are in the same grid cell
# as the goal. (Note: The idx function returns the grid index for
# a given coordinate.)
if (idx(current.x) == goal[0]) and (idx(current.y) == goal.y):
# If so, the trajectory has reached the goal.
return path
# Otherwise, expand the current state to get a list of possible
# next states.
next_states = expand(current, goal)
for next_s in next_states:
# If we have expanded outside the grid, skip this next_s.
if next_s is not in the grid:
# Otherwise, check that we haven't already visited this cell and
# that there is not an obstacle in the grid there.
stack_num = theta_to_stack_number(next_s.theta)
if closed[stack_num][idx(next_s.x)][idx(next_s.y)] == 0
and grid[idx(next_s.x)][idx(next_s.y)] == 0:
# The state can be added to the opened stack.
# The stack_number, idx(next_s.x), idx(next_s.y) tuple
# has now been visited, so it can be closed.
closed[stack_num][idx(next_s.x)][idx(next_s.y)] = 1
# The next_s came from the current state, and is recorded.
came_from[stack_num][idx(next_s.x)][idx(next_s.y)] = current
HBF::maze_path HBF::search(vector< vector<int> > &grid, vector<double> &start,
vector<int> &goal) {
// Working Implementation of breadth first search. Does NOT use a heuristic
// and as a result this is pretty inefficient. Try modifying this algorithm
// into hybrid A* by adding heuristics appropriately.
* TODO: Add heuristics and convert this function into hybrid A*
vector<vector<vector<int>>> closed(
NUM_THETA_CELLS, vector<vector<int>>(grid[0].size(), vector<int>(grid.size())));
vector<vector<vector<maze_s>>> came_from(
NUM_THETA_CELLS, vector<vector<maze_s>>(grid[0].size(), vector<maze_s>(grid.size())));
double theta = start[2];
int stack = theta_to_stack_number(theta);
int g = 0;
maze_s state;
state.g = g;
state.x = start[0];
state.y = start[1];
state.theta = theta;
state.f = g + heuristic(state.x, state.y, goal);
closed[stack][idx(state.x)][idx(state.y)] = 1;
came_from[stack][idx(state.x)][idx(state.y)] = state;
int total_closed = 1;
vector<maze_s> opened = {state};
bool finished = false;
while(!opened.empty()) {
sort(opened.begin(), opened.end(), compare_maze_s);
maze_s current = opened[0]; //grab first elment
opened.erase(opened.begin()); //pop first element
int x = current.x;
int y = current.y;
if(idx(x) == goal[0] && idx(y) == goal[1]) {
std::cout << "found path to goal in " << total_closed << " expansions"
<< std::endl;
maze_path path;
path.came_from = came_from;
path.closed = closed;
path.final = current;
return path;
vector<maze_s> next_state = expand(current, goal);//扩展多个可运动的方向
for(int i = 0; i < next_state.size(); ++i) {
int g2 = next_state[i].g;
double x2 = next_state[i].x;
double y2 = next_state[i].y;
double theta2 = next_state[i].theta;
if((x2 < 0 || x2 >= grid.size()) || (y2 < 0 || y2 >= grid[0].size())) {
// invalid cell
int stack2 = theta_to_stack_number(theta2);
if(closed[stack2][idx(x2)][idx(y2)] == 0 && grid[idx(x2)][idx(y2)] == 0) {
closed[stack2][idx(x2)][idx(y2)] = 1;
came_from[stack2][idx(x2)][idx(y2)] = current;
std::cout << "no valid path." << std::endl;
HBF::maze_path path;
path.came_from = came_from;
path.closed = closed;
path.final = state;
return path;
将三维场景分解为两个独立的二维模型, s/t, d/t
s ( t ) = α 0 + α 1 t + α 2 t 2 + α 3 t 3 + α 4 t 4 + α 5 5 s(t) = \alpha_0 + \alpha_1t + \alpha_2t^2 + \alpha_3t^3 + \alpha_4t^4 + \alpha_5^5 s(t)=α0+α1t+α2t2+α3t3+α4t4+α55
s ˙ ( t ) = α 1 + 2 α 2 t + 3 α 3 t 2 + 4 α 4 t 3 + 5 α 5 4 \dot s(t) = \alpha_1 + 2\alpha_2t + 3\alpha_3t^2 + 4\alpha_4t^3 + 5\alpha_5^4 s˙(t)=α1+2α2t+3α3t2+4α4t3+5α54
s ¨ ( t ) = 2 α 2 + 6 α 3 t + 12 α 4 t 2 + 20 α 5 3 \ddot s(t) = 2\alpha_2 + 6\alpha_3t + 12\alpha_4t^2 + 20\alpha_5^3 s¨(t)=2α2+6α3t+12α4t2+20α53
对初始边界条件, t i = 0 t_i=0 ti=0:
s i = s ( 0 ) = α 0 s_i = s(0) = \alpha_0 si=s(0)=α0
s i ˙ = s i ˙ ( 0 ) = α 1 \dot{s_i} = \dot{s_i}(0) = \alpha_1 si˙=si˙(0)=α1
s i ¨ = s i ¨ ( 0 ) = 2 α 2 \ddot{s_i} = \ddot{s_i}(0) = 2\alpha_2 si¨=si¨(0)=2α2
s ( t ) = s i + s i ˙ t + s i ¨ 2 t 2 + α 3 t 3 + α 4 t 4 + α 5 t 5 s ( t ) s(t) = s_i + \dot{s_i}t + \frac{\ddot{s_i}}{2}t^2 + \alpha_3t^3 + \alpha_4t^4 + \alpha_5t^5s(t) s(t)=si+si˙t+2si¨t2+α3t3+α4t4+α5t5s(t)
s ˙ ( t ) = s i ˙ + s i ¨ t + 3 α 3 t 2 + 4 α 4 t 3 + 5 α 5 t 4 \dot{s}(t) = \dot{s_i} + \ddot{s_i}t + 3 \alpha_3t^2 + 4\alpha_4t^3 + 5\alpha_5t^4 s˙(t)=si˙+si¨t+3α3t2+4α4t3+5α5t4
s ¨ ( t ) = s i ¨ + 6 α 3 t + 12 α 4 t 2 + 20 α 5 t 3 \ddot{s}(t) = \ddot{s_i} + 6 \alpha_3t + 12\alpha_4t^2 + 20\alpha_5t^3 s¨(t)=si¨+6α3t+12α4t2+20α5t3
s ( t ) = α 3 t 3 + α 4 t 4 + α 5 5 + C 1 s(t) = \alpha_3t^3 + \alpha_4t^4 + \alpha_5^5 + C_1 s(t)=α3t3+α4t4+α55+C1
s ˙ ( t ) = 3 α 3 t 2 + 4 α 4 t 3 + 5 α 5 4 + C 2 \dot s(t) = 3\alpha_3t^2 + 4\alpha_4t^3 + 5\alpha_5^4 + C_2 s˙(t)=3α3t2+4α4t3+5α54+C2
s ¨ ( t ) = 6 α 3 t + 12 α 4 t 2 + 20 α 5 3 + C 3 \ddot s(t) = 6\alpha_3t + 12\alpha_4t^2 + 20\alpha_5^3 + C_3 s¨(t)=6α3t+12α4t2+20α53+C3
s ( t f ) = α 3 t 3 + α 4 t 4 + α 5 5 + C 1 s(t_f) = \alpha_3t^3 + \alpha_4t^4 + \alpha_5^5 + C_1 s(tf)=α3t3+α4t4+α55+C1
s ˙ ( t f ) = 3 α 3 t 2 + 4 α 4 t 3 + 5 α 5 4 + C 2 \dot s(t_f) = 3\alpha_3t^2 + 4\alpha_4t^3 + 5\alpha_5^4 + C_2 s˙(tf)=3α3t2+4α4t3+5α54+C2
s ¨ ( t f ) = 6 α 3 t + 12 α 4 t 2 + 20 α 5 3 + C 3 \ddot s(t_f) = 6\alpha_3t + 12\alpha_4t^2 + 20\alpha_5^3 + C_3 s¨(tf)=6α3t+12α4t2+20α53+C3
vector<double> JMT(vector<double> &start, vector<double> &end, double T) {
* Calculate the Jerk Minimizing Trajectory that connects the initial state
* to the final state in time T.
* @param start - the vehicles start location given as a length three array
* corresponding to initial values of [s, s_dot, s_double_dot]
* @param end - the desired end state for vehicle. Like "start" this is a
* length three array.
* @param T - The duration, in seconds, over which this maneuver should occur.
* @output an array of length 6, each value corresponding to a coefficent in
* the polynomial:
* s(t) = a_0 + a_1 * t + a_2 * t**2 + a_3 * t**3 + a_4 * t**4 + a_5 * t**5
* > JMT([0, 10, 0], [10, 10, 0], 1)
* [0.0, 10.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0]
MatrixXd A = MatrixXd(3,3);
auto T2 = T*T;
auto T3 = T2*T;
auto T4 = T2*T2;
auto T5 = T3*T2;
A << T3,T4,T5,
6*T, 12*T2,20*T3;
MatrixXd B = MatrixXd(3,1);
B << end[0] - (start[0] + start[1]*T + 0.5*start[2]*T2),
end[1] - (start[1] + start[2]*T),
end[2] - start[2];
Ai = A.inverse();
MatrixXd C = Ai*B;
vector<double> result = {start[0],start[1],0.5*start[2]};
for (int i = 0; i < C.size(); i++) {
return result;
C d = k j J t ( d ( t ) ) + k t T + k d d 1 2 C_d = k_jJ_t(d(t)) + k_tT + k_d d1^2 Cd=kjJt(d(t))+ktT+kdd12
k j J t ( d ( t ) ) k_jJ_t(d(t)) kjJt(d(t)): 惩罚Jerk较大的备选轨迹;
k t T k_tT ktT: 制动应当迅速,时间段;
k d d 1 2 k_d d1^2 kdd12: 目标状态不应偏离道路中心线太远;
其中 k j , k t , k d k_j, k_t,k_d kj,kt,kd是这三个惩罚项的比例系数,也叫权重值,它们的大小决定是代价函数更偏向哪一方便优化。
在高速公路等应用场景中,目标配置中并不需要考虑目标位置(即 s 1 s_1 s1 ),所以初始目标配置仍然是 ( s 0 , s 0 ˙ , s 0 ¨ ) (s_0,\dot{s_0},\ddot{s_0}) (s0,s0˙,s0¨),目标配置变成 s 1 ˙ , s 1 ¨ \dot{s_1},\ddot{s_1} s1˙,s1¨,损失函数为:
C s = k j J t ( s ( t ) ) + k t T + k s ˙ ( s 1 ˙ − s c ˙ ) 2 C_s = k_jJ_t(s(t)) + k_tT + k_{\dot{s}}(\dot{s_1} - \dot{s_c})^2 Cs=kjJt(s(t))+ktT+ks˙(s1˙−sc˙)2
其中 s c s_c sc 是我们想要保持的纵向速度,第三个惩罚项的引入实际上是为了让目标配置中的纵向速度尽可能接近设定速度,该情景下的目标配置集为:
[ s 1 ˙ , s 1 ¨ , T ] i j = [ [ s c ˙ + Δ s i ˙ ] , 0 , T j ] [\dot{s_1}, \ddot{s_1}, T]_{ij} = [[\dot{s_c} + \Delta\dot{s_i}], 0, T_j] [s1˙,s1¨,T]ij=[[sc˙+Δsi˙],0,Tj]
即优化过程中的可变参数为 Δ s i ˙ \Delta\dot{s_i} Δsi˙ 和 T j T_j Tj ,同样,也可以通过设置 Δ T \Delta T ΔT 和 Δ s ˙ \Delta \dot s Δs˙ 来设置轨迹采样的密度,从而获得一个有限的纵向轨迹集合:
C t o t a l = k l a t C d + k l o n C s C_{total} = k_{lat}C_d + k_{lon}C_s Ctotal=klatCd+klonCs
这样,就可以通过最小化 C t o t a l C_{total} Ctotal得到优化轨迹集合,不仅可以得到“最优”估计参数,还可以得到“次优”,“次次优”轨迹等。
Optimal Trajectory Generation For Dynamic Street Scenarios In A Frenet Frame
Intention-Net: Integrating Planning and Deep Learning for Goal-Directed Autonomous Navigation by S. W. Gao, et. al.
Abstract: How can a delivery robot navigate reliably to a destination in a new office building, with minimal prior information? To tackle this challenge, this paper introduces a two-level hierarchical approach, which integrates model-free deep learning and model-based path planning. At the low level, a neural-network motion controller, called the intention-net, is trained end-to-end to provide robust local navigation. The intention-net maps images from a single monocular camera and “intentions” directly to robot controls. At the high level, a path planner uses a crude map, e.g., a 2-D floor plan, to compute a path from the robot’s current location to the goal. The planned path provides intentions to the intention-net. Preliminary experiments suggest that the learned motion controller is robust against perceptual uncertainty and by integrating with a path planner, it generalizes effectively to new environments and goals.
City Navigation
Learning to Navigate in Cities Without a Map by P. Mirowski, et. al.
Abstract: Navigating through unstructured environments is a basic capability of intelligent creatures, and thus is of fundamental interest in the study and development of artificial intelligence. Long-range navigation is a complex cognitive task that relies on developing an internal representation of space, grounded by recognizable landmarks and robust visual processing, that can simultaneously support continuous self-localization (“I am here”) and a representation of the goal (“I am going there”). Building upon recent research that applies deep reinforcement learning to maze navigation problems, we present an end-to-end deep reinforcement learning approach that can be applied on a city scale. […] We present an interactive navigation environment that uses Google StreetView for its photographic content and worldwide coverage, and demonstrate that our learning method allows agents to learn to navigate multiple cities and to traverse to target destinations that may be kilometers away. […]
A Look at Motion Planning for Autonomous Vehicles at an Intersection by S. Krishnan, et. al.
Abstract: Autonomous Vehicles are currently being tested in a variety of scenarios. As we move towards Autonomous Vehicles, how should intersections look? To answer that question, we break down an intersection management into the different conundrums and scenarios involved in the trajectory planning and current approaches to solve them. Then, a brief analysis of current works in autonomous intersection is conducted. With a critical eye, we try to delve into the discrepancies of existing solutions while presenting some critical and important factors that have been addressed. Furthermore, open issues that have to be addressed are also emphasized. We also try to answer the question of how to benchmark intersection management algorithms by providing some factors that impact autonomous navigation at intersection.
Planning in Traffic with Deep Reinforcement Learning
DeepTraffic: Crowdsourced Hyperparameter Tuning of Deep Reinforcement Learning Systems for Multi-Agent Dense Traffic Navigation by L. Fridman, J. Terwilliger and B. Jenik
Abstract: We present a traffic simulation named DeepTraffic where the planning systems for a subset of the vehicles are handled by a neural network as part of a model-free, off-policy reinforcement learning process. The primary goal of DeepTraffic is to make the hands-on study of deep reinforcement learning accessible to thousands of students, educators, and researchers in order to inspire and fuel the exploration and evaluation of deep Q-learning network variants and hyperparameter configurations through large-scale, open competition. This paper investigates the crowd-sourced hyperparameter tuning of the policy network that resulted from the first iteration of the DeepTraffic competition where thousands of participants actively searched through the hyperparameter space.