
  • inversed matrix可逆矩阵

  • Symmetric Matrices 对称矩阵

  • singular matrix 奇异矩阵

  • degenerate, means inverse matrix

  • augmented matrix 增广矩阵

  • identity matrix 单位矩阵

  • transformation matrix 变换矩阵

  • permutation matrics置换矩阵(row exchange)

  • transpose matrics转置矩阵

  • pivot矩阵中主元

  • magnitude the movement quantifies of a vector(dirctions also)

  • orthogonal vectors正交向量

  • dot product点积是一个数

    • 正交时为0
  • cross product向量积是一个向量

  • http://www.math.odu.edu/~bogacki/cgi-bin/lat.cgi?c=sys

    • Solving a system of linear equations
  • RREF Reduced Row-Echelon Form

    • Triangle form

    • Formula
  • Incidence Matrix关联矩阵

  • sparse matrix 稀疏矩阵

  • cofactor 代数余子式

  • n factorial n阶乘

  • commutative交换律

  • associative组合律

  • diagonal对角线

  • flipping翻转的

  • polynomial多项式

  • quadratic function二次曲线方程

  • cubic function三次曲线方程


  • supervised learning
    • labels data well
  • unsupervised learning
    • cluster scores well
  • reinforced learning
    • behavior scores well
  • logistic regression逻辑回归( classification)
  • sigmoid function, logistic function(乙状函数)
  • asymptotes渐近线
  • non-convex凸面的
  • sophisticated复杂的,老练的
  • prone倾向,遭受
  • mimic模仿
  • diminish下降,削弱
  • resurgence复兴
  • auditory cortex听觉大脑皮层
  • dendrite树突(神经元末梢)
  • axon terminal轴突
  • Ranvier 突触复合体
  • Schwann cell
  • Myelin sheath髓磷脂护层
