国外求职请注意:设置好Voicemail Greeting

国外求职请注意:设置好Voicemail Greeting_第1张图片

可能在许多在国外尝试求职的人都会忽略一点,那就是开通留言信箱以及设置留言信箱的greetings。如果HR打给你,而你刚好在上课,在开会,无法接对方电话,而留言信箱又没有设置好,那么,你很可能就丧失了一次面试的机会 —— 因为,连最基本的留言信箱都没设置好,真的给人感觉很不专业,难以让人信赖。

所以,如果你在求职中,请你尽快通过你的电话服务商,开通留言信箱,并设置一个专业的voicemail greeting吧!


1. 打个招呼,介绍自己 —— 一定要说出你的名字!

Hi. This is xxx. / Hello. You have reached xxx.
如果你已经工作了,有一个职位,那么在设置工作电话的voicemail greeting时,请报上你的部门以及公司名:
比如:Hi. This is xxx, working at the Accounting Department at xxx Company.

2. 为无法接电话而致歉

可以说: ***Sorry, I cannot take your call right now / at the moment. ***
或者 Unfortunately, I can't answer the phone right now.

3. 请求对方留下信息(敲黑板!礼貌是关键,记得要用please/could/would

If you would like, please leave me a message after the tone. I will return your call as soon as I can. Thanks for your call.
或者***Could you please leave your message with your name and your phone number after the tone? I will return your call as soon as possible. Thank you.

学会以上三个部分怎么说,然后使用乾坤大挪移,每个部分挑选一句,就能组成一段完整的voicemail greeting喇:
Hi. This is David. Sorry, I cannot take your call at the moment. If you would like, please leave me a message after the tone. I will return your call as soon as possible. Thank you.


但是,你以为这样写好一段然后照着读就算完了吗? 当然不是!

Voicemail greeting是你留个HR的一种听觉印象。所以,请你在正式设置greeting之前反复练习,把句子说通顺,并且用一个自然亲切,停顿自然的语调说出来,然后录音,回放,录音,回放,录音,回放......知道你被自己的语音留言迷到为止!


  1. Hi. This is Old Wong. Leave me a message! (也太没礼貌了吧?!)

  2. Hi. You've reached Old Wong. How have you been? I've been pretty good. I have been very busy with my job these days, but I will still check my voicemail regularly. If you would like to leave me a message, please do that after the tone, and I will return your call as soon as possible. Oh, wait, you would like to have a long chat with me? Great, I'd love to do that at night. Oh, by the way, you could find me at the RoyalPark Company from 9am to 5pm, as I work there five days per week. I usually go there from 2pm to 5pm on Friday. See you soon! (......老王,请问您的重点是?)

  3. {Background music and noise}Hi. This is Old Wong. Do you wanna rock? I am at a Rock and Roll concert. Sorry, I cannot hear your call. I will return your call once the show is over, but the legend will never end. Let's meet the King of Rock! (好吧,老王,你是应聘摇滚歌手吗?!)


你可能感兴趣的:(国外求职请注意:设置好Voicemail Greeting)