

1. 续种补种方案

follow-up inoculation plan


接种过长春长生狂犬病疫苗且尚未完成整个接种程序者(those who have received the vaccines from Changchun Changsheng Bio-tech Co but have not gone through the entire inoculation procedure)

已完成接种程序者(those who have completed the procedure)

有补种意愿(still want reinoculation)

接种单位在告知防控知识、疫苗的保护作用、接种后注意事项等内容后(being informed by vaccination institutions about prevention and control, the functions of the vaccines and post-inoculation tips)

可免费补种(get vaccines for free)

狂犬病潜伏期(the incubation period of rabies)

提供跟踪观察和咨询服务(provide tracking, observation and advisory services)


向社会公开联系方式(make contact information public)

定点医疗机构(designated medical institution)

专家组(expert panel)

临床研究(clinical studies)

疾病预防控制(disease prevention and control)

静脉注射 intravenous injection
皮下注射 hypodermic injection
疫苗注射 vaccination/vaccine injection
注射死刑 execution by lethal injection

2. 信息公开
disclose information, information disclosure

慈善组织(charities/charity groups)

信息公开(information disclosure)

施行(go into effect)

依法(in accordance with the law)

年度工作报告和财务会计报告(yearly work and financial accounting reports)

公开募捐(public fundraising)

慈善信托(charitable trust)

重大资产变动(major asset changes)

关联交易(connected transactions)

出国(境)经费(expenditure for overseas trips)

差旅费用(travel expenses)

不得有虚假记载、误导性陈述或者重大遗漏(any false records, misleading statements, or major omissions are not allowed)

新闻发布(news release)

慈善组织不及时公开信息(fail to disclose information in a timely manner)

公开的信息不真实的(disclose false information)

民政部门(civil affairs authorities)

募捐 raise donations
财务透明度 financial transparency
社会组织 social organization
援助机构 aid agency/organization
食物银行 food bank
义卖会 bazaar

3. 亚运会会徽
Asian Games emblem

杭州2022年第19届亚运会会徽(the emblem for the 19th Asian Games Hangzhou 2022)

互联网符号(internet icon)

亚奥理事会(the Olympic Council of Asia, OCA)

主办城市(host city)

江南人文意蕴(the cultural heritage unique to the southern regions of the Yangtze River)

体育竞技(sports competitions)

会徽的形象核心(the core elements of the emblem)

山水城市(a city of natural landscapes)

展示杭州亚运会理念和中国文化的重要载体(major carrier to showcase Hangzhou's visions of the Asian Games and the Chinese culture)

会徽设计富有时代气息,符合奥林匹克精神(the emblem embodies the character of our times and the Olympic Spirit)

构建亚洲和人类命运共同体(build a community of a shared future for Asia and mankind)

体育赛事 sports event
吉祥物 mascot
田径运动 track and field
电子竞技 e-sports
打破世界纪录 break/beat/shatter the world record

4. 非法代写服务
illegal ghostwriting services

减负(burden alleviation)

努力减少学生的家庭作业(try to cut back on homework for students)

家长却往往利用假期等课余时间安排孩子上课外辅导班(parents tend to arrange their children's spare time, including vacations, for extracurricular classes)

无法负荷学校和补习班两方面的作业(cannot bear the homework form by both the school and the cram school)

商机(business opportunity)

代写行业的服务链(the chain of the ghostwriting industry)

联系客服(contact customer service)

告知要求(tell the requirements)

确定价格(set the price)

邮寄作业(mail the notebook)

支付议价(pay the agreed fee)

收到成品(get the returned manuscript)

电商平台(e-commerce platform)

代写主力军(the main force of the ghostwriters)

渴望挣零花钱(desire to earn pocket money)

抄袭 plagiarism
欺诈行为 an act of fraud
写作软件 writing software
课业负担 homework loads
教育改革 education reform

5. 精芬
spiritually Finnish


一个典型的芬兰人,喜欢平静、安静,享受个人空间(a stereotypical Finn who appreciates peace, quiet and personal space)

"内向的芬兰人跟你说话的时候看着自己的鞋子(an introverted Finn looks at his shoes when talking to you),外向的芬兰人跟你说话的时候看着你的鞋子(an extroverted Finn looks at your shoes)

马蒂努力践行己之所欲亦施于人的待人之道(Matti tries his best to do unto others as he wishes to be done unto him)

无意义的闲谈(unnecessary chit chat)

时时处处都觉得不自在的人(be the kind of perpetually uncomfortable character)

不喜欢被特别对待,哪怕是表扬也不行(hate being singled out, even for praise)

跟别人搭档工作(work in pairs)

引起了许多中国读者的共鸣(strike a chord with many Chinese readers)

社交恐惧(social anxiety disorder)

精神上的芬兰人(spiritually Finnish)


群居动物(social animal)

自我空间(personal space)

个人隐私(individual privacy)

宅男 homebody
私人空间 private space
无谓的社交 unnecessary socializing 
大众生活 public life







